Lessons from DMJ: The Need For Organizational Planning in Marketing

Marketing, a crucial component of any successful business, is often met with dissatisfaction from both the C-suite and the marketing teams themselves. This dissatisfaction, a long-standing issue, is often a result of the lack of organizational planning in marketing. Unlike other disciplines, such as engineering and logistics, marketing has not fully embraced the benefits of mature organizational strategies. In this “lessons from DMJ,” we discuss these challenges and introduce the FAPI marketing framework as a potential solution.

The FAPI marketing framework is a sequential process that addresses the entire marketing process. It emphasizes collaboration and participation from all departments. The strategy stage, known as the “frame,” sets the parameters and boundaries for marketing activities. However, implementing this framework is not without its challenges. It requires a cultural change within the organization, commitment from the leadership team, and a clear understanding of the marketing pillars and objectives. This article will delve into these aspects and more, providing a comprehensive understanding of the FAPI marketing framework.

Dissatisfaction with Marketing

Marketing dissatisfaction is a pervasive issue that affects both the C-suite and the marketing teams. The C-suite, or the executive level of a company, often expresses dissatisfaction with the performance and results of marketing efforts. This dissatisfaction stems from a variety of factors, including the inability to measure marketing effectiveness, the lack of alignment between marketing and business goals, and the perceived high cost of marketing activities.

On the other hand, marketing teams also face their own set of challenges. High churn rates, or the rate at which employees leave the company, are common in marketing departments. This can be attributed to the high-pressure environment, the lack of clear goals and objectives, and the constant need to prove the value of marketing to the rest of the organization.

Marketing Lagging Behind Other Disciplines

Marketing, as a discipline, often lags behind others in terms of organizational management. Unlike fields such as engineering and logistics, marketing has not fully embraced the benefits of mature organizational strategies. This lack of organizational planning in marketing can lead to inefficiencies, misalignment of goals, and ultimately, dissatisfaction from both the C-suite and the marketing teams.

There is a pressing need for more attention to be paid to organizational planning in marketing. By adopting a more structured approach, marketing teams can align their activities with the overall business goals, measure their effectiveness more accurately, and ultimately, increase satisfaction levels within the organization.

Introduction to the FAPI Marketing Framework

The FAPI marketing framework is a sequential process that addresses the entire marketing process. It is designed to bring structure and organization to marketing activities, thereby addressing many of the challenges faced by marketing teams. The framework emphasizes collaboration and participation from all departments, ensuring that marketing activities are aligned with the overall business goals.

The strategy stage of the FAPI marketing framework, known as the “frame,” sets the parameters and boundaries for marketing activities. This stage is crucial as it provides a clear direction for the marketing team and ensures that all activities are aligned with the overall business objectives.

Challenges in Implementing the FAPI Framework

Implementing the FAPI framework is not without its challenges. It requires a cultural change within the organization, with everyone, from the leadership team to the frontline employees, needing to embrace the framework and its principles. This cultural change is often the most difficult part of implementing the FAPPY framework, as it requires a shift in mindset and a commitment to a more structured approach to marketing.

Leadership commitment is crucial for the successful implementation of the FAPI framework. Without the support and buy-in from the leadership team, it can be difficult to drive the necessary cultural change and ensure that the framework is embraced throughout the organization. Furthermore, creating a culture of organizational planning in marketing can be a challenge, as it requires a shift from a more ad-hoc approach to a more structured and planned approach.

Starting with the FAPI Framework

To start implementing theFAPI framework, it is important to assemble a team of functional leads and managers. These individuals will play a crucial role in driving the implementation of the framework and ensuring that it is embraced throughout the organization. They will also be responsible for defining the marketing pillars and strategic objectives, which will serve as the foundation for all marketing activities.

Before diving into execution, it is important to establish clarity and set solid foundations. This involves clearly defining the marketing pillars and objectives, setting the parameters and boundaries for marketing activities, and ensuring that everyone in the organization understands and embraces the FAPPY framework.

The Architecture Stage of the FAPI Framework

The architecture stage of the FAPI framework involves tactical planning, forecasting, resource allocation, and team structure. This stage is crucial as it turns the strategy into a blueprint for execution. It involves planning the specific marketing activities, setting Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and deciding on the budget allocation.

The shape of the marketing team is also determined during the architecture stage. This involves deciding on the team structure, roles, and responsibilities, based on the objectives and the industry. By clearly defining the team structure, roles, and responsibilities, the marketing team can operate more efficiently and effectively, thereby increasing satisfaction levels within the organization.

Investing Time and Resources in the FAPI Framework

Implementing the FAPI framework requires a significant investment of time and resources. However, this investment is necessary to establish clarity and processes, which are crucial for successful execution. By investing time and resources in the beginning, organizations can ensure that they have a solid foundation for their marketing activities.

Establishing systems and processes is also crucial for effective marketing. These systems and processes provide a framework for the marketing team to operate within, ensuring that all activities are aligned with the overall business objectives and that the effectiveness of marketing activities can be accurately measured.


The FAPI marketing framework provides a comprehensive solution to address the challenges and dissatisfaction in marketing. By emphasizing collaboration, setting clear objectives, and establishing solid foundations, the FAPI framework can help organizations improve their marketing effectiveness and increase satisfaction levels within the organization. It is a powerful tool that can transform the way organizations approach marketing, leading to improved results and increased satisfaction levels.

Thanks for learning from the latest “Lessons from DMJ” with Emiliano Giavononni.  You can find all of the content we create on our blog page here.  And if you want to create a marketing campaign that truly Hits The TARGET, check our FREE TARGET Marketing Playbook here.

Written by: Kirby Hasseman

Kirby Hasseman is the CEO of Hasseman Marketing & Communications. Kirby hosts a weekly Web show called Delivering Marketing Joy where he interviews business leaders from around the country. Kirby has published four books. His most recent is “Fan of Happy.” His book, called "Delivering Marketing Joy" is about doing “promo right” and is perfect for people in the industry and customers. He also wrote “Think Big For Small Business” and “Give Your Way to Success. All are available on Amazon.