As I work to put thoughts into this blog, some days I have an idea I want to cover. But other days, I just have lots of random thoughts running through my head. Today is one of those days. So here are a bunch of “quick hit” random thoughts from quarantine.
Stop The Predictions
Each morning, I spend a bit of time on my treadmill in the basement. During that time I watch and listen to ESPN or other sports shows to pass the time. Now that there are not sports to report, I am fascinated by how much time is spent predicting when sports will restart. I am most often amused by the predictions about Football. I love the sport and would love to have it back. But it’s a fall sport, and while leaders in those leagues should be thinking about it, predictions are just silly.
None of these prognosticators were able to predict the situation we are in TWO months ago. So why would they have ANY insight into what is going to have FIVE months from now?
Listening and Reading Less
When this shutdown started I thought I would be able to read more and learn more. That has not been the case at all for me. I listen to a lot of books and with drive time and long run time gone, so has a LOT of my book time. I miss drive time.
I Will Take A Small Town
When this pandemic really started to become a reality, I was struck by how excited I was to get home to Coshocton, Ohio. Sure, it’s home. It’s where I am comfortable. But at a time when “Social Distancing” was one of the real ways to help slow the spread of the disease, I wanted to get to a place where people were not all over me. I live in a rural area for a reason. We have more room to breath. While cities have lots that small towns don’t have, I have never been more excited to live outside of those confines.
Pass The Judgement
With the build up of anxiety, fear and time, I have seen way too much snap judgement of others. To be candid, I have done it myself. We always seem to be able to justify our behavior and vilify others. I am always amused by the comments that say “I went to the grocery store and there were way too many people out and about.” Well, how would you know? Oh that’s right, you were out and about too. If you are an essential worker, great. You get a pass. But for the rest of us, take a breath before we decide everyone else is just being a selfish jerk.
Now More Than Ever…Be Kind
Which leads nicely to “be kind.” This is a bell we have been ringing for a long time. But when you can, and most of the time you can, take a minute to do something for someone else. When you feel helpless, be helpful. You won’t feel so helpless anymore.
Like I said, random thoughts. Thanks for reading. If you want to dig into more content, please head to our blog page here. We have new content nearly every day.
And in the interest of kindness, we have also created a Free 5 Day Marketing Course you can check out here.