Each week Kirby will dig into a word that will help in personal development, sales, and growth. The weekly word is designed to be short and sweet, and provide a quick lesson that will help you grow each week. Guess who’s back, back again??? Kirby’s back!!! Tell a friend!!! Welcome Back!!!! Kirby Hasseman of Hasseman Marketing is bringing back the weekly segment of the Weekly Word!! This segment focuses on personal development that will build a lesson around a word each week. This week’s weekly word is GOALS. In this video, Kirby teaches us the importance of having goals in your life and gives a few pointers on how to live the life that you mean to live. Kirby believes that if you want to build a life that you want you have to do it with intention. The way you do that is to create your life around GOALS. Kirby emphasizes that studies actually show that only 3% of the population have their goals and have them written down. This is totally blows Kirby’s mind, because most studies show you that you are more likely to achieve your goals if you have your goals and actually write them down and post them as a daily reminder. So make it your goal to strive to be a part of that 3%. Make it a habit to do your life intentionally. Always keep in mind that if you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there. Kirby encourages you to think about your GOALS, write down your GOALS, and build a life that you mean to build. Want to keep up all the time? Make sure to join our VIP List! Our VIP’s get an email with the latest content…and other special offers as well. Join here.