We have been doing it a long time. But there are always lessons to learn. Each year, at Hasseman Marketing, we invite some of our best supplier partners to join us to create our Annual Trade Show. The goal is to provide a fun environment for our customers and prospects to check out the latest and greatest branded merchandise and marketing services our company has to offer. And of course, we want to have fun doing it! You can even see a behind the scenes “Day in the Life” video I shot during the day here. And with any event like this, there are chances to learn. What makes the event work? What can we do better? The Right Partners are Key: In business, the word partnership is thrown around a lot. Most of the time, we want partnerships when it is in our favor. But for an event like this happen (and to create a long term business success) you need real partnerships. The suppliers (and multi-line reps) we have at our event travel from all over the country to invest their time in our business. It’s awesome. And of course, they do a great job showcasing their lines to our customers as well. Hard To Make It Look Easy: If you watched the video above, you might have thought, “Well that didn’t look too bad.” Though the event is a lot of work, the team works hard to make it happen. One person that spends a ton of time behind the scenes is my lovely bride. Amy spends countless hours getting things ready. It’s not just the decorations you see. It’s the pasta salad she is making at 10pm. It’s the details that would simply not get done without here. It’s a thankless job…so it’s worth a small “thank you” here. It’s Important to Keep Trying For Better: Though it felt like the show went well this year, it’s important to keep trying to improve. We will be meeting Monday to discuss what worked…and what did not. (So if you were there and have suggestions, let us know). The best things in life continually evolve…and we want to do the same. We love the opportunity to get together with our suppliers and customers each year. It’s a lot of work. But it’s a lot of fun too. Make sure you never miss an update (or an announcement about an event like this). Sign up for our VIP newsletter below. We send out one email per week to catch you up on the content activity at Hasseman Marketing!