Delivering Marketing Joy Ep. 448 w Eric Holtzclaw: Treat Marketing Like a Magazine Not a Catalog

Delivering Marketing Joy Ep. 448 w Eric Holtzclaw: Treat Marketing Like a Magazine Not a Catalog

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Welcome to “Delivering Marketing Joy” with Eric Holtzclaw, the Award-Winning podcast/video series where we bring you insights and strategies to help you succeed in the world of marketing. In this episode, Eric discusses the importance of treating marketing like a magazine rather than a catalog. He shares valuable insights on demand generation versus lead generation, the power of storytelling in content creation, finding a balance between tactics and strategy, lessons from conversations with entrepreneurs, and the challenges and misconceptions of entrepreneurship. Let’s dive in and explore these key points in more detail.

Section 1: Difference between Demand Generation and Lead Generation

Eric Holtzclaw begins by highlighting the difference between demand generation and lead generation in B2B marketing. While both are important, B2B firms primarily focus on demand generation. This involves building content and attracting customers through various channels. On the other hand, lead generation is more focused on performance management and involves tactics like display ads to capture potential leads.

It’s crucial for companies to find a balance between demand generation and lead generation. While demand generation helps build brand awareness and attract customers, lead generation focuses on converting those leads into actual sales. By combining both strategies effectively, businesses can achieve long-term success in their marketing efforts.

Section 2: Treating Marketing Like a Magazine

In this section, Holtzclaw suggests treating marketing like a magazine. Instead of simply promoting products or services, companies should focus on creating content that tells stories and provides valuable information to their audience. By adopting this approach, businesses can engage and educate their customers, building a loyal following in the process.

When creating content, it’s important to keep the audience in mind. Think about what stories would interest them and how to best educate them. While incorporating keywords and SEO is essential for visibility, it should not come at the expense of providing meaningful information. By striking the right balance, companies can create content that not only ranks well in search engines but also resonates with their target audience.  We work hard at Hasseman Marketing to create our content “like a magazine.”  You can see examples of this on our blog here.

Section 3: Balancing Tactics and Strategy

Holtzclaw emphasizes the importance of finding a balance between tactics and strategy in marketing efforts. Many companies tend to lean too heavily on either one, but both are necessary for long-term success.

Developing effective strategies requires understanding the needs and goals of the business. Once the strategies are in place, tactics should support and align with those strategies. Consistency is key in executing strategies, and it’s important to give them enough time to see results. By focusing on both tactics and strategy, businesses can create a solid foundation for their marketing efforts.

Section 4: Lessons from Conversations with Entrepreneurs

In this section, Holtzclaw shares valuable lessons learned from his conversations with entrepreneurs. Being an entrepreneur requires taking risks and being willing to try new things. Consistency, showing up for customers, and following through are also crucial elements of entrepreneurship.

Success takes time, and it’s important to have patience. Businesses need to give their strategies and ideas enough time to see if they will work. Overnight success is a myth, and it’s essential to understand that results take time to materialize. By embracing these lessons, entrepreneurs can navigate the challenges and uncertainties of their journey with a healthier perspective.

Section 5: Challenges and Misconceptions of Entrepreneurship

Holtzclaw delves into the challenges and misconceptions surrounding entrepreneurship in this section. He highlights the fact that entrepreneurship is not for everyone, and it’s important to recognize that some individuals are better suited for traditional employment.

Success in entrepreneurship requires consistency and a long-term perspective. It’s essential to understand that results may not come overnight and that building a successful business takes time. By setting realistic expectations and staying committed to their goals, entrepreneurs can overcome challenges and achieve their desired outcomes.


In conclusion, Eric Holtzclaw emphasizes the need for a healthy perspective on the entrepreneurial journey and the importance of consistency and patience in marketing efforts. By treating marketing like a magazine, focusing on storytelling and valuable content, finding a balance between tactics and strategy, and embracing the lessons from conversations with entrepreneurs, businesses can navigate the challenges of the marketing landscape and achieve long-term success.

Hasseman Marketing is your one-stop marketing shop.  We work hard to “Deliver #MarketingJoy to you.  Oh…and we want to make sure you hit the TARGET in your marketing.  If you want to learn now, check out our TARGET marketing playbook here for FREE!

Written by: Kirby Hasseman

Kirby Hasseman is the CEO of Hasseman Marketing & Communications. Kirby hosts a weekly Web show called Delivering Marketing Joy where he interviews business leaders from around the country. Kirby has published four books. His most recent is “Fan of Happy.” His book, called "Delivering Marketing Joy" is about doing “promo right” and is perfect for people in the industry and customers. He also wrote “Think Big For Small Business” and “Give Your Way to Success. All are available on Amazon.