Branded Merchandise 


Increase Sales


Improve Employee Retention


Improve Social Engagement

If You Want Your Message On It, We Have It

At Hasseman Marketing we Deliver Marketing Joy. One of the most popular ways we do this is through effective, strategic, and fun promotional campaigns! It’s all about affecting human behavior. As a matter of fact, we think we are in a “Give First” economy (learn more about that here)… and Branded Merch is perfect for that!



Employee Retention

Customer Satisfaction

never buy a yeti

We Are Here To Help.

So whether you want to increase sales, improve social media engagement, create a safer work place or improve employee retention by fixing the appreciation gap…we can help! We are the premier branding and marketing company in Ohio.

Let us Deliver Marketing Joy for you!  You can begin shopping our online catalog here…or you can email us and we can set up a consultation with one of our “Masters of Marketing Joy!”


Increase sales


Improve Social Media Engagement


Improve Employee Retention

Articles From Our Blog Related to Branded Merchandise

Thirsty Thursday – It’s A Yeasty Liquor!

Thirsty Thursday – It’s A Yeasty Liquor!

Welcome to another episode of Thirsty Thursday, where we explore the fascinating world of beverages, one sip at a time. This week, we're diving into a mystery drink served in a 3 oz mini mate shot glass from Modern Glass. This intriguing little glassware piece is not...

Thirsty Thursday – Why Is It Spicy?

Thirsty Thursday – Why Is It Spicy?

Welcome to another exciting episode of Thirsty Thursday, the segment where our brave hosts take a plunge into the unknown and try a mystery drink. This week's episode features an intriguing combination of a unique drinkware item and a fiery mystery drink that leaves...