How The UPS Strike Could Affect Your Branded Merch Order

The upcoming (potential) UPS strike is a cause of concern for many businesses, including those in our industry…and our customers. The strike is expected to affect UPS operations across the country, which could lead to delays and disruptions in the supply chain.  So we wanted to take just a moment to talk about how this UPS strike could affect YOUR branded merch order…and what we can do about it.

Plan Ahead

One of the main concerns for customers of Branded Merch is the timely delivery of their orders. With UPS being one of the top shipping carriers in this industry, any disruption in their operations could lead to delays and missed deadlines. This could have a ripple effect on businesses, as delayed deliveries could lead to missed deadlines, increased costs, and events without your merch.

The lesson here is simple, as we move into the fall, let’s work to plan earlier on events to mitigate this risk.

Seeking Additional Options

Another potential impact of the UPS strike is an increase in shipping costs. With UPS being one of the major shipping carriers, businesses may have to seek out alternative carriers to get their products to customers on time. This could lead to higher shipping costs, which could eat into profit margins and make it harder for businesses to compete in the marketplace.  This is true for all businesses, but our goal is to work to seek options to help you keep the shipping costs down.

Businesses that utilize Branded Merch in their marketing strategy (and who doesn’t?) should be prepared for the potential impact of the UPS strike by exploring alternative shipping options. This may include working with other carriers or exploring local delivery services. Businesses should also communicate with their customers about any potential delays or disruptions in their supply chain, and work to find solutions that meet their needs.

Overall, the UPS strike is a cause for concern for all businesses. However, with proper preparation and communication, businesses can mitigate the impact of the strike and continue to meet the needs of their customers.

Our goal at Hasseman Marketing is to be a great marketing partner for your small to midsize organization.  That is why we work to create information like this to help you!

If you want more help to improve your marketing…we can help there too.  You should check out our TARGET Marketing Playbook here for free.  We break down what makes up a great marketing plan and how you can implement it.  Get your copy here for free.

Written by: Kirby Hasseman

Kirby Hasseman is the CEO of Hasseman Marketing & Communications. Kirby hosts a weekly Web show called Delivering Marketing Joy where he interviews business leaders from around the country. Kirby has published four books. His most recent is “Fan of Happy.” His book, called "Delivering Marketing Joy" is about doing “promo right” and is perfect for people in the industry and customers. He also wrote “Think Big For Small Business” and “Give Your Way to Success. All are available on Amazon.