One of the mental challenges I have with creating content on an every day basis is “the voice.” I talked about that here. We all have it. My voice regularly tells me that I come off as a know it all. I am writing about personal development issues. So naturally, I must think I know everything. I don’t. As a matter of fact, I really struggle, every day with many things that I am not good at. It’s not that I beat myself up over it. I just don’t get it right. A lot. So in the interest of transparency, I thought I would share some of the things I suck at. My Temper: When my stress levels go up, the length of my fuse goes way down. Then all of a sudden I find myself blowing up at someone (who is perfectly nice) over something stupid. Though my temper is way better than it used to be…I still struggle here. The Numbers Game: This is painful to admit. I have been in business now for many years and reading a P & L is still painful to me. I can do it. But it takes all of my mental energy. So I don’t analyze and work on these details nearly as much as I should. Listening: I know (intellectually) that the number one skill in sales is to listen. I know it. But sometimes I cannot simply shut up! Maybe it’s because I am excited to tell the person something new. Maybe it’s because I have the attention span of a gnat. Maybe it’s because I am a narcissistic jerk. Either way…I need to work on it. Switching gears: Though I believe in single tasking, sometimes business and life requires us to change from one thing to another. Sometimes I struggle with this…and it leads me back to number one (my temper). I need to take a breath…and move on. Meditate: I know I need to meditate. I am learning more and more of the benefits. And I am even doing it…sometimes. But just like exercise (or anything else you want to be good at) I need to do it every day. I am not. This list is woefully incomplete. But I guess…so am I. I struggle with a lot. This is not an exercise in beating myself up. It’s just an exercise in transparency. The fact is, I suck at this stuff. But I am getting getter…slow but sure. Make sure you never miss an update. Sign up for our VIP newsletter and we can try and get better together.