The Word of the Week is “Debate!” In this video, Kirby discusses how important it is to be attentive while taking part in a debate.We are all aware of the political campaigning that is going on around us this at time; the word “Debate” is often viewed in a negative light. But much of the time what actually happens during these so-called debates is just plain arguing.
So, forget politics for a second and focus on the purpose of debating. It is not meant to be used as a means to make someone appear in a bad light. Instead, it should be employed in such a way as to understand the different positions in a discussion. When a person enters into a debate, it is his or her obligation to communicate their opinions in a clear and deliberate manner. The wrong approach tries to deflect the issues by drawing attention to undesirable flaws in the opinions as an individual. Having a sensible discussion has to include the possibly of attacking the ideas, but it should never involve attacking the person. When you decide to take part in a debate, take the time to listen to the other side. This doesn’t mean you need to adopt what they believe, but that you are extending the same consideration that you expect from them.Take the time to listen to the other side; take issues with the idea, and not with the person. Without this approach, any debate could quickly escalate into an argument.Actively listen to the other side. Want to keep up all the time? Make sure to join our VIP List! Our VIP’s get an email with the latest content…and other special offers as well. Join here.