Some days just suck. Despite all of the ideas about creating positivity in your life (yes it works) and starting your day off on the right foot (still important), some days just don’t work out the way you hope. As the saying goes, “Sometimes you are the windshield. Sometimes you are the bug.” I think that might be one of the great misperceptions. Just because you have a positive attitude, it doesn’t mean bad things don’t happen. It doesn’t mean you don’t have bad days. And it doesn’t mean you are saying you are perfect. It means you are a work in progress. It also has to do with how you react when one of those days happen…because they will. Do you look for someone to blame? Or do you look for something to learn? Do you look to play the victim? Or do you refocus on the things that excite you? Do you curl up in a ball and hide? Or do you get up and show the next day? Bad things will happen. Bad days will occur. But what do you do next? That, my friends, is up to you. Make sure you today doesn’t suck by signing up for our VIP newsletter. You can do that here. Get your dose of inspiration and motivation each and every day.