Welcome to our awesome blog post series for Hasseman Marketing called:
Each time, we talk to a branding all star about what makes the Promotional Product advertising media so special!
This episode we talk with Brandon Pecharich! Brandon who is a Senior Sales Director at Promo Corner lends his expertise to Brand-ecdotes!
1. What is your all-time favorite Promotional Product and why?
Backpacks. I have a very strange addiction to backpacks and I don’t care who knows about it, HA! A million and one reasons to use a backpack. I have had some really crappy backpacks in my day, but guess what…I STILL HAVE THEM. The addiction is real y’all. Currently, my ‘Errday backpack is the limited edition Chemo Duck custom Penryn Pack(R) from Origaudio. Number 81 here…what you got?
2. Can you name a Promo Product that you have that STILL reminds you fondly of an event, person, organization? If so, can you tell us that story?
Promotional Products are like smells, right? You see the product and read the imprint that usually has a date or reminder of where you got it and all of a sudden…you are back in that memory. I have a bar key…big bottle opener…that I got at the 2006 RMRPPA Fall Show in Keystone, CO. It was donated by Logomark and I know that because like a good supplier they added their info to the Event logo. This bar key has made it through 5 moves, 2 of which were to different States. The reason I have kept this bar key is every time I use/see it I am reminded of the first time I traveled alone for a tradeshow and how amazing this industry is on all levels. Almost everyone that I met and spent time with at that show I am still in contact with…what’s up Anna Marie Madai and Brian Ketterlin?!?! From all the help with set up, transportation, to the Golf pairings and evening outings, everyone was welcoming and FUN! I learned some “tricks of the trade” that I still use today…but those are for another blog post! 🙂
3. What is the current product you use all the time?
In terms of the most total time used during the day, I am using a 32oz Viking tumbler that I received at an HPPA bowling tourney. My team won first place, BTW. However, Errday I use a Gold Star Vision Brights pen, Prime Line comfort touch journal, and Bay State Bamboo Coasters...and Many Many More!
4. What is an idea/product that you think organizations UNDER use?
The idea of kitting. When companies put a budget together and figure out the cost per person, most of the time they try to spend the whole lot on one product per person. While this can lead to an awesome Bluetooth speaker, Portable battery for electronics, or BA backpack…that is only one product. Low impression rate, limited kool-aid drank. If organizations would take the time to put a kit together with 4-5 lower cost errday products, the daily impression rate increases and kool-aid is guzzled. Put it to y’all this way, for your birthday do you want to tell your friends you got, A. one big prezzi or B. this and that and these and those…etc?
5. What do you think is the best thing about Promotional Products as an advertising media?
Brand recognition through subliminal messaging on products used Errday. A billboard is in your face. TV commercials are annoying, funny sometimes, but mostly a nuisance. Promotional Product advertising is like your best friend. Always there for you through the fun times, hard times, and that one time in jail.
And…that’s another awesome edition of Brand-ecdotes! Thanks to Brandon Pecharich for taking the time to jump in!
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