The Word of the Week is “Sample!” In this video, Kirby discusses how providing a sample will put you on the top of your game. With all the technology available today, companies are able to create great visual features to engage clients in a presentation. Although the visual aspect is important, it’s been found that hands-on touching of an item helps to sell it; besides, everyone likes to see what they are buying. Allowing someone to engage all of their senses to examine your product helps in the decision process.
So don’t be nervous about reverting back to the old fashioned sales pitch, because that is what works. Hasseman Marketing provides samples of all their products when marketing. In fact, Hesseman has a whole room filled with samples that we enjoy pulling out for our clients so they can see what they are buying. Don’t be afraid to have faith in your own efforts and resources, (which we covered in last week’s Weekly Word). If you have the sample on hand, why wouldn’t you bring it? Often the final decision of whether a customer is willing to buy a product depends on their opportunity to touch and examine the product. Unfortunately, in many cases computer software can be used to manipulate items in appearance and quality. Allowing a customer to see the product offered often allays all fears. So go out and start selling more…and don’t forget to add a sample! Want to keep up all the time? Make sure to join our VIP List! Our VIP’s get an email with the latest content…and other special offers as well. Join here.