The Word of the Week is “Mentor!” In this video, Kirby discusses how it’s important it is to be a mentor or get a mentor. If you are a part of the Promotional industry then you should have the desire to grow the industry. Make it better and become part of PromoKitchen. PromoKitchen represents a cross-section of the industry: suppliers, distributors and service providers, men and women, salespeople and business owners, young and the young at heart. “We believe that best practice sharing is a good thing for an industry that is going through rapid change. We also believe in the power of community and how this industry can improve by establishing stronger connections between us all.” PromoKitchen has two mandates: Education and Mentorship.
Mentorship: We want to make the industry better for newer entrants and the idea is to match young superstars with some seasoned members in PromoKitchen. We don’t have all of the answers (not even close), but we feel that by expressing our thoughts here we can help move the industry forward. PromoKitchen is about the debate, differing opinions and pushing the limits by discussing new and cool trends. You don’t have to be mentor material to be interested in PromoKitchen. If you want to learn more about the industry and how to grow, join as well. people at PromoKitchen are always ready to share their knowledge and won’t hold back on giving advice. Learn from the pros on how to become a pro. Someday hopefully you will be able to become a mentor and pay it forward. Check out this amazing program PromoKitchen! Get connected! Want to keep up all the time? Make sure to join our VIP List! Our VIP’s get an email with the latest content…and other special offers as well. Join here.