Let me guess. You want to create a cool promotional campaign, but you don’t want to break the bank…right? You want the most “bang for your buck!” We get it. We all do. On the other hand, you don’t want to give away cheap crap. You want good products, for a good price. It’s called value…and we have it. Here are 6 great promo items for under a buck! Magnetic Memo Clip: If you want an item that is sure to have value and “stick around” then this is a great place to start. These Magnetic Memo Clips can hold up the kids pictures or the latest schedule…and promote you the whole time! Thick Foam File: This is a great item to reach directly into a target market (think ladies, seniors or runners!). This file is not only a nice size, but also includes a full color imprint. This will allow you to really tell your story. Check that out here. 4 x 3 Sticky Note Pad: Let’s talk “cost per impression” on this great item. These are used (and appreciated) by nearly everyone. You can include a full color imprint, and you get 25 sheets to remind your clients why they need to call you…again! Click here for more details. Press n Stick Calendars: Anyone that tells you that people don’t use calendars anymore are full of malarky! These handy, functional tools end up in offices, cars, lockers and more. And with a full year to advertise, you get a ton of value. Learn more here. Lip Balm: What item is totally legal but has 40% of the population addicted to it? That’s right…Lip Balm! This is a perfect promotional item with a ton of value. You can do a full color wrap and create a promotion that your customers will be begging for! RSVP RT Pen: It’s always great to hand out a writing instrument…when it works. And it’s even better when the pen actually writes well! This is a great pen with a retail name and value. This is a writing instrument that your customers will actually want to use! So these are 6 great low cost items to promote your organization. Coincidentally, these are all featured in our latest flyer! So please let us know if you need more information!
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