Welcome to a super awesome new blog post series for Hasseman Marketing called:
Each week we will talk to a branding all star about what makes the Promotional Product advertising media so special!
This week we talk with Kelly Bowe. Kelly is an Account Executive for Hasseman Marketing.
1. What is your all time favorite Promotional Product and why?
Apparel. I love good quality apparel that I can wear for years. Especially jackets. 2. Can you name a Promo Product that you have that STILL reminds you fondly of an event, person, organization? If so, can you tell us that story?When I worked at JII Promotions in Coshocton, I received a really nice set of knives. When JII was closing, they allowed the employees to take a few samples from the warehouse to keep as mementos. I chose the knife set because it was a really nice item. Every time I use the knives, I think of the wonderful memories and friendsI made at JII. 3. What is the current product you use all the time?The “Twister” Cell Phone Metal Ring Holder and Stand I received a sample of it at our last trade show and I absolutely LOVE IT! It allows me to prop my phone up while I am working at my desk and it makes my phone easy to hold onto while talking. 4. What is an idea/product that you think organizations UNDER use?That is an easy one for me. I feel that organization should have a “Years of
Service” Program for their employees. When a worker is employed 5/10/15/20/25 or more years, they are allowed to choose a gift from their specialized catalog. They receive the gift either at their home or hand delivered by their manager. They also receive a nice appreciation letter from the company thanking them for their years of dedication and service. Every loyal and dedicated employee appreciates when their company acknowledges their efforts and years of service. I feel this is such an amazing program that every company should take advantage of. 5. What do you think is the best thing about Promotional Products as an advertising media?I think that loves to receive gifts. I feel that when a company gives someone a special gift, the recipient will always remember the person and company that gave them that gift. When the gift is an item that they use on a daily basis, the company is thought of often. I try to choose my “gifts” to my clients wisely as I want them to use my gifts often and love receiving them.
And…that’s another awesome edition of Brand-ecdotes! Thanks to Kelly Bowe for taking the time to jump in on this brand new project!
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