The Word of the Week is “Whirlwind!” In this video, Kirby discusses how it’s important it is to be aware of your Whirlwind. According to Webster’s dictionary, “Whirlwind” is a term used in similes and metaphors to describe a very energetic or tumultuous person or process. This might remind us of a lot of people when they first begin a project. Enthusiasm builds as the individual becomes immersed in the work.
We have all been there, excited about what the project will entail, and then not factoring in everything else has to go into it. For example, the people who will be helping you with your project might have their own schedule and additional projects along with yours. They might not be able to snap to attention as soon as your need them. Without factoring in these setbacks, it is easy to become dissatisfied with the speed at which your project to moving forward. There will always be distractions and setbacks to important ventures. Take them in stride. In this video, Kirby suggests reading Four Disciplines of Execution in order to get some further insight to your Whirlwind! We encourage you to check out this amazing book that will help you work in your Whirlwind. Remember, don’t limit yourself either. Keep your goal big, but don’t forget to keep it simple! Don’t be intimated – acknowledge your whirlwind! Want to keep up all the time? Make sure to join our VIP List! Our VIP’s get an email with the latest content…and other special offers as well. Join here.