Welcome to a super awesome blog post series for Hasseman Marketing called:
Each week we will talk to a branding all star about what make the Promotional Product advertising media so special!
This week we talk with Ben Taylor from Bam Bams. Ben is not only a marketing rock star (in the industry and out) but he is also working on a new project called Co-Lab. He has the experience and the perspective…so let’s hear it directly from him!
1. What is your all-time favorite Promotional Product and why? This one is easy for me, it’s our BamBams. Even though they’re a product we don’t concentrate as much on anymore, they’re what started it all. They give me an immense amount of pride in my father, our business and our namesake.
2. Can you name a Promo Product that you have that STILL reminds you fondly of an event, person, organization? If so, can you tell us that story? I have a journal that I received at the very first Search Marketing Expo I spoke at over 10 years ago. It sits in the desk drawer at my home office and it’s filled with outdated SEO tactics and client notes from that conference. The journal is special to me, because it has my name and speaker bio in it. I look back at it from time to time and am in awe of how much that bio has changed over the years and excited by how much better and more creative the journals that we have access to now. Shout out to Chameleon Like journals and Commonsku for the awesome ones we get every year now! 3. What is the current product you use all the time? BamBams Athletic Socks. Our TSA-400 to be exact. I wear them almost everyday at the gym. They have replaced all of my Under Armour and Nike socks.
4. What is an idea/product that you think organizations UNDER use?Private labeling. There are so many distributors out there selling BamBams Socks, but instead of pitching a private labeled sock so that their customer gets greater value out of their product they just pitch socks, without the private label upsell. The best part about private label is that your client begins to build their own brand using your merchandise. You’ve developed something so custom for them that finding it elsewhere and matching it exactly becomes very difficult. It’s a win win for both the distributor’s client and the distributor. 5. What do you think is the best thing about Promotional Products as an advertising media?It puts an emphasis on human interaction. More often than not, you’re giving a promotional product away to your client, friend, family, or etc, you’re physically handing it to them. It’s something tangible that they can hold, use, or wear that serves a very specific purpose, the purpose of furthering your brand’s message while simultaneously completing another objective. Promotional products also give you a unique advantage to be very creative and innovative with your brand. Take socks for example, if I sent a pair Hasseman Brewing socks to Kirby Hasseman, he would wear these socks with pride because it represents his brand, he’ll be thankful to me for providing him with the simple pleasure of a new pair of socks and the pride of wearing his brand in a format that is not always used. It’s just fun. Promotional Products build and maintain relationships because they’re personal. How can you not love that?
And…that’s the another edition of Brand-ecdotes! Thanks to Ben Taylor for taking the time to jump in on this project! Awesome stuff here!
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