You are busy. We understand. That is why we have this handy blog posts that give you a chance to catch up with all of our content from the Hasseman Marketing team in one place! Jump in…and Embrace the Hustle! HONOR AND REMEMBER AMERICA’S FALLEN Take the time to honor the fallen this weekend! Find out how today!
Which Tumbler is right for you? Where we discuss the different Tumblers we suggest you buy…pros and cons! Thanks to Jeff Wickerham for putting this one together.
7 Spectacular Gift Ideas for Your Corporate Giving ! Corporate gift giving can be tricky and sometimes it’s very difficult to find the perfect gift to remind a person that they matter.
4 Lessons on how to Lose a Team Don’t miss this chance to improve! Check out how to not make these mistakes.
Word of the Week “Bootstrap” In this video, Kirby discusses how you shouldn’t just rely on the newest and fanciest methods.
Delivering Marketing Joy Episode 99 with Charity Gibson This week in Episode 99 of Delivering Marketing Joy!, Kirby Hasseman interviews Charity Gibson from Green Banana Social and Next Products. Charity is known as a disrupter, meaning she is always looking for a new way to do things.
That was Episode 99…and now we move on to Episode 100! Please get ready for your announcement about our guest for this big show! Don’t want to miss it? Please feel free to subscribe to the Youtube channel now!
Finally for the week, don’t forget the Weekly Podcast unScripted with Bill Petrie and Kirby Hasseman. Each week these two chat about all things Promo and other things going on in life. It’s fun and it’s right here. Listen now.
That wraps up this week’s look back at content created by the Hasseman Marketing team. Thank you so much for taking the time to check in. Don’t worry…we will keep it coming!
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