Each week Kirby will dig into a word that will help in personal development, sales, and growth. The weekly word is designed to be short and sweet, and provide a quick lesson that will help you grow each week.
The Hasseman Marketing weekly word this week is SCOREBOARD. In this video Kirby asks us this questions….If or when you walk up to a park and see a group of kids playing basketball, can you tell if they are keeping score or not? The fact is, you probably can. You can tell this because people act differently when a score is being kept. The effort is higher. The action is more intense. At Hasseman Marketing, we like to have a SCOREBOARD. We like the power of challenge. We keep track of the things that are most important to us and to our team. We got this concept from The Four Disciplines of Execution: Achieving Your Wildly Important Goal. This is a great book you can check out for yourself here. This week Kirby encourages us to measure the things that matter to you and to keep a compelling SCOREBOARD that everybody can see. Want to keep up all the time? Make sure to join our VIP List! Our VIP’s get an email with the latest content…and other special offers as well. Join here.