4 Things We Are Thankful For

Happy Thanksgiving!  The holidays are officially upon us.  And as the Black Friday Sales start (on Thursday, no less) it is extremely easy to get sucked into the stress of the holiday season.  We can get too focused on the gifts and less on the meaning.  We get focused on the tasks on the to-do list and less on the point of the exercise. I know I am guilty of it. So on this day of Thanksgiving, I wanted to take just a moment to outline a few of the things I am thankful for here at Hasseman Marketing.

The Team

I really am excited and thankful for the team I get to work with every day.  From different backgrounds and different parts of the country, the inside employees and the outside sales team are what make us go. They are who “Deliver Marketing Joy.”  Thanks to the Hasseman Marketing Team!

Our Customers

Nothing happens until there is a sale.  That is true of any business, and certainly ours.  We so appreciate the faith and trust our customers place in us every day.  Thanks to each and every one of you!

Our Communities

Our Corporate headquarters is in Coshocton, Ohio and we love that area.  We #ChooseCoshocton.  We are proud of it.  We want to have an impact.  But with the nature of our business, we have team members in other communities too.  Yes, we have people in Ohio.  But we also represent communities in Virginia, North Carolina, and California as well.  We are thankful for the opportunity to make a difference in each.

Our Suppliers and Partners

As with most any business, we are not in it alone.  We have a host of fantastic suppliers and partners that help us do what we do.  These suppliers are manufacturers, printers, designers and software developers…and more.  We are thankful for the opportunity to work with each. So thank you!  If you are reading this, you are likely in one of these camps.

All of us at Hasseman Marketing would like to take this chance to give Thanksgiving…for you!


3 Mistakes Everyone Makes With Print Design

Graphic design is about the eye and the mind. It’s about finding a new and creative way to solve an old problem. A trained designer will understand how to answer these questions and solve these problems in the best way possible.

But sometimes, a quick job or budget constraints mean that you may have to create the artwork yourself. In this case, there are also plenty of measurable skills that almost anyone can use to improve how the final product of their design will come out.

Print is a physical medium, so there are many practical problems that need to be considered when making your artwork. Today, we’re going to cover three things to consider due to the process of cutting, or trimming, the paper. In general, any print job is run on a sheet of paper larger than the final size.  For example, if you are making a flyer that is 8 1/2″ x 11″, or the size of a sheet of copier paper, it will most likely be printed on a sheet of paper that is 9 1/2″ x 12″, give or take, and then trimmed down the final size afterward. This physical process gives some speed bumps to consider when creating artwork.


print mistakes margin

An easy way to ruin your final job is to put your content, like text or important images, close to the edge of the sheet. When setting up a page, it’s easy to look at your white space and think you can fill all of it with your artwork.  This isn’t the case. There needs to be a margin on the sides, top, and bottom to avoid anything important being cut off. If your headlines or text get too close to the edges, they run the risk of being trimmed off by accident. In this case, the printer is not to blame for it, and you are left with a job that is basically unusable.  A safe distance to put anything important on your page is at least 1/4 inch from the edge of the sheet. This will give the printer enough room to work with the wiggle in the sheets as they trim them down, without worrying too much about cutting anything off.


print mistakes bleed

In print work, and color or background that is supposed to run to the edge of the page without white showing is called a “bleed”. In order to correctly get this effect, the image needs to “bleed” over the edge. This means that when the art is printed on the larger sheet, the background will be a little bigger than the trimmed size.  This may sound like opposite advice from the margin section, but the difference is that the background shouldn’t have anything important, like pertinent information or images, it should be a simple color or an image that isn’t of absolute necessity.


print mistakes alignment

Another aspect to easily overlook is the alignment of the artwork. Are all the elements centered on the page, or are they a little farther left or right? This can wreak havoc on your design. Without properly centered artwork, the printer will cut it as sent, which will make your page look lopsided. Sometimes, printers will try to correct it for you and center the page, but this can lead to problems with bleed, or even frustration from the printer from dealing with troublesome artwork.

Simply following little guidelines like this will instantly make whatever you create begin to look more professional. But remember, whenever possible, you should hire a professional to make the most out of your project and show your company in the best light. When the need arises, remember we at Hasseman Marketing offer full-service design, start to finish. Give us an idea, and we will take it to new heights.

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Add Proven ZIP To Your Direct Mail

add zip to direct mail

 Gary Vaynerchuk said “Marketers ruin everything!”  Keep in mind that Vaynerchuk is a marketing guy.  But he points out that as soon as marketers find something that works, they (we) tend to use it to death until it becomes a nuisance.

Consider email.  We used to get excited each and every time we got an email.  We read every single one!  Now we can’t wait to hit the “delete” button so we can get rid of the nuisances.

The same can be true for many forms of Direct Mail.  Direct mail is historically a great marketing tool for small businesses.  It still can be.  The problem is, this is a case where some marketers have ruined it for the rest of us.  We know this as consumers.  Where do you open your mail?  Many of us answer that question, “Over the trash can.”  We are standing there (mentally) hitting the delete button on marketers.  Tell the truth, you are probably almost stunned these days when you get a real, sincere piece of mail!

So what can you and your company do?  You can stand out…that’s what.

One way you can stand out is to get noticed before you hit the “circular file.”  To do this, some marketers will create direct mail that looks like a real card.  Some will even go to the lengths of having someone hand write out the envelope.  This is a good news/bad news proposition.  The good news is, handwritten envelopes DO tend to get opened.  And if you have a small group you need to send a message to, this is a great way to make sure they see it.  The bad news with this tactic is if your customer opens mail thinking they are getting a personal piece of mail, and it’s just an ad, it can backfire.  You seem disingenuous, and the customer will likely (sometimes subconsciously) resent you and your company for it.

Another obvious way to get your message seen before it hits the trash pile is to scrap the envelope.  You can send a colorful postcard or a flyer without putting it in an envelope.  I actually like this tactic for some campaigns.  But this idea too, has shortcomings.  First, you are usually limited to what you can include on the space you have to imprint (especially with a postcard) AND you are never quite sure what condition your marketing pieces is going to arrive in!  Again, sometimes this is fine.  But sometimes these limitations are just too annoying.

One of the best ways to ensure a successful direct mail campaign is to incorporate promotional products WITH your direct mail.   The results of this math equation should really get your attention. Direct Mail + Promo = Marketing Gold! But why does this combination work so well?  Let’s get to it.

Getting It Open

First and foremost, using a promotional product can help you create what I call “bumpy mail!”  Bumpy mail (or dimensional mailers) are packages that are odd shaped or bumpy.  This unique shape calls to the customer or prospect “open me!”  Curiosity will help you “kill the cat” because your potential client will want to know what is in the package.

But don’t just take my word for it!  Let’s take a look at a study done in 1993.  This study, done by Baylor University, sent packages to 3000 school administrators.    They were divided into three groups.  The first group received an envelope with a sales letter, sales collateral and postage-paid business reply card   The second group received an envelope with similar contents plus a promotional product.  The third group received all of the contents listed above, delivered in a box with a die cut slot, instead of an envelope. The results (as you might expect) were impressive.

Those who received a promotional product in a dimensional package responded at a rate that was 57% higher than those who received the same promotional product in an envelope!• Response rates for the dimensional package recipients were 75% higher than for the group who received only a sales letter! In case you were skimming, you might want to read that last line again.  Response rates for the dimensional package recipients were 75% higher!  Wow!

Now I can hear those “Yeah-But” folks now.  “Yeah but the cost of shipping is going to be higher for that piece.”  Of course it will be!  But how much is a 75% increase in response rates worth to you?  Remember a key word here.  This is not a 75% increase in OPEN rates.  This is RESPONSE rates!  If you can’t increase your sales (and overcome in the increase in shipping) with that kind of response rate, you need to seriously reconsider your sales offer!

The Lasting Impact

Here’s the thing…if I ended the post with the above information it would be enough.  But the best part about adding a promotional product to your direct mail is I get to say “But that’s not all folks!” I have always wanted to say that! The fact is, when you add Promo to your Direct Mail, you get all of the other benefits of promotional products AFTER your customer opens the offer!

  1. Remember the Rule of Reciprocity: Customers feel good about you and your company when they receive something from you.  By adding something of value to the direct mail offer, you create a sense of value.  This creates a better opportunity to sell to this client long term.
  2. Totally Targeted: This promotional piece is still super targeted. You have reached directly into this prospects home or office…and are communicating to them there.
  3. Lasting Impression: You have now created a long term advertising message (if you chose the product correctly) long after the postcard, letter or flyer has been thrown away.

Find Your Watermelon

Years ago I was in a sales training seminar with a Promotional Products Industry expert, Cliff Quicksell Jr.  He told a story about a young industry professional that needed to get a message to only 6 people.  She needed to get it to them…and she needed to make sure they did NOT throw the letter away by mistake.  This young pro, as Cliff tells it, took a Sharpie and wrote the message on six watermelons…and sent them! “She had a tough time with the post office,” Cliff said.  “But she finally got them to take them. So I ask you.  You come in Monday morning and there is a watermelon on your desk.  Do you read it?”

I love that story!  The message is clear.  Find your watermelon! While you may not have to send giant fruit (though that would be awesome), you better stand out.  Promotional products can help you do that in a cost effective, results-based way!

This post is an excerpt from the book Delivering Marketing Joy. You can purchase that here on Amazon. 

Warning…Production Times Might Not Be What They Appear!

production times

We get one particular question all the time when it comes to branded merchandise.  “How long will it take for me to get my (fill in the blank)?”  It’s a great question.  It’s one that you should ask…and it’s tough to answer.  So many times, the answer is “It depends.”

I am quite sure, this is not what you (or any customer) wants to hear.  But let’s discuss why that is…and what you can do to improve it.

The first reason this is tough to answer is that each supplier is different.  Some specialize in low prices.  Some specialize in speedy delivery.  Some specialize in meticulous detail.  That’s all good.  But as I have said many times in sales calls, You can have them:

1) right
2) fast or
3) cheap.

You get to pick 2 out of 3!

So we feel it’s the distributor’s job to guide the customer to a supplier that can best meet their needs.  That’s good for everyone!

The other reason production times can be confusing is the simple understanding of what “production time” really means.  Most of the time, “production time” means how long it will take to produce the item.  This sounds simple enough.  But the actual production does not start until:

1)  The supplier has “good” art.
2)  The proof has been approved.

Often these steps take the longest.  So if it takes 2 weeks to get these steps complete, then a 10 day production time starts.  So the order will take a month.

The final caveat in the delivery of goods has to do with shipping.  Most of the time there will be shipping involved in the delivery of your promotional products.  So where are the good shipping from?  That’s a huge factor in the cost and in delivery.

So what can you do to help improve delivery?  Simple.

1)  Provide good clean “vector” art.  Most people don’t.
2)  Approve your proofs quickly.
3)  Be smart and order early!

That removes the stress from you and your team and will create branded merchandise you will be proud of!  Make sure you never miss an update.  We have new content on our blog nearly every day.

Consider the Cost of Bidding

When creating a promotional campaign, you want a creative powerful promotion that will wow customers and affect human behavior.  That is what a great Promotional Products campaign can do…affect change.  The best campaigns can create an increase in direct mail opens, engagement on social media, create a safer work place or increase sales!

But in addition to making sure you create a campaign that “hits the mark,” most organizations want to make sure they are getting a fair shake on price.  No one wants to over pay…and no one wants to be taken advantage of!   In order to solve this concern, many organizations create a bidding process to ensure the best price.  While this is understandable, in theory, it’s important to consider the cost of such a campaign.

Yes…there is a cost.

First, it’s important to note that if the first part of this equation is NOT true (you have an effective promotional campaign), then the second part (the cost) really doesn’t matter.  You are now just spending money to spend it.  No good would come from that…agreed?

So if you have a trusted promotional advisor (and if you don’t, we can help!) then their job is to help you create those effective campaigns.  The best relationships like this are like partnerships.  You share the themes, goals, and budget with them (if you don’t create them together) and they provide you ideas that help you reach those goals.  It’s a win-win, because you get great ideas (hopefully) and they get the business.

But when you take their creative concepts and bid them out on the individual products, it’s a different relationship entirely.  The relationship becomes entirely transactional.  That is fine (if that’s what you want) but you start to rob yourself of the value of the advisor.

If you take your partners ideas and bid them out, they are not likely to bring you ideas again.  And if they do, they won’t put the time and effort into them.  After all, you have told them (by your actions) that the ideas are not what you value.  So they may decide not to provide you ideas at all.

“Let me know when you decide what you want,” they might say.  “Then we will be glad to provide a bid.”

What does that mean, in dollars and cents?

Let’s say your hourly rate is $15 per hour.  In order to get a creative and effective promotional campaign, you could easily spend a day looking for ideas.  Then you might spend another day going through bids to make sure they are accurate (and comparing apples to apples).  So that’s two days of your time.  In most cases, pricing between competitive promotional distributors is going to be close.  So you might save a nickel per piece.  If you ordered 1000 of whatever promotional item you decide on, you have “saved” $50.  But you spent $240 to do it.

Of course this does not factor in your creativity.  It doesn’t call to attention that a good partner is probably attending industry shows (and seeing the latest and greatest promotional items) and you are not.

But at the end of the day, you have lost a free, trusted, creative, outside source.  It’s a choice.  And it’s yours to make.  Of course if you don’t have that trusted source, that’s a different conversation.  But if you do, you might be wise not to drive them away.

So just ask yourself…what is your time worth?  Because, my friends, there IS a cost to bidding.

Want to make your marketing better?  Sign up for our 5 Day Marketing Course here.  We teach you how to find the perfect customer (right when they need you) and how to tell your story to them.  And if you want more content just like this, head to our blog page nearly every day.