Lessons from DMJ: The Importance of Taking Care of Customers

Our latest episode of Lessons from DMJ features an insightful interview with Mark Graham, the co-founder and chief brand officer at commonsku. Mark’s entrepreneurial journey is a testament to the power of customer care and team collaboration in building a successful business. From the humble beginnings of a startup to a stable business in the promotional products industry, commonsku’s growth story is nothing short of inspirational. In this article, we delve into Mark’s reflections on his journey, his emphasis on customer and colleague care, his advice on creating memorable events, and his thoughts on team growth and inspiration.

Mark’s entrepreneurial wisdom is a beacon for anyone navigating the tumultuous waters of business. His insights on the importance of not trying to control everything and finding a balance between focusing on details and letting go of unnecessary stress are particularly enlightening. As we explore Mark’s journey and wisdom, we hope to inspire you to take a customer-centric approach in your business, create memorable experiences, and build a team that’s rooted in respect and trust.

Reflection on the Growth of commonsku

Mark’s reflections on the growth of commonsku are a testament to the power of perseverance and adaptability. He recalls the journey from a startup to a stable business in the promotional products industry with a sense of pride and gratitude. The journey, as he puts it, was not without its challenges. One of the key lessons he learned was the importance of not trying to control everything as an entrepreneur.

Mark emphasizes that finding a balance between focusing on details and letting go of unnecessary stress is crucial for entrepreneurial success. It’s about understanding that perfection is not always attainable and that sometimes, good enough is indeed good enough. This balance, he believes, is what has allowed common skew to grow and thrive in a competitive industry.

The Importance of Taking Care of Customers and Colleagues

Mark’s philosophy on building a successful business is centered around taking care of customers and colleagues. He believes that the success of a business is directly tied to the happiness of its customers and employees. This means going above and beyond to ensure that customers are satisfied and that employees feel valued and respected.

He emphasizes the importance of creating a great business by taking care of customers and colleagues. This involves not only providing excellent products and services but also creating a work environment where employees feel valued and appreciated. According to Mark, a happy team leads to happy customers, and happy customers lead to a successful business.

Advice on Creating Great Events

Mark is not only a successful entrepreneur but also a seasoned event planner. He shares his advice on creating great events, emphasizing the importance of being a great host, focusing on guest experiences, and connecting attendees. According to him, a successful event is one where guests feel welcomed, engaged, and connected.

Being a great host, he says, involves anticipating guests’ needs and going above and beyond to meet them. Focusing on guest experiences means creating memorable moments that guests will remember long after the event is over. And connecting attendees involves facilitating meaningful interactions between guests, which can lead to lasting relationships and collaborations.

Growth of the Team at commonsku

Mark discusses the growth of his team at commonsku and the challenges that come with transitioning from a small team to a larger organization. He emphasizes the importance of respecting and trusting team members and giving them guidance without micromanaging. According to him, a successful team is one where members feel trusted and empowered to do their best work.

He believes that as a leader, it’s important to provide guidance and support without stifling creativity and initiative. This involves trusting team members to make decisions and take ownership of their work. It’s this trust and respect, he says, that has allowed the team at commonsku to grow and thrive.

Inspiring People

Mark draws inspiration from several people in his life. His business partner and wife, his parents, Denise Taschereau from Fairware, and Rena Nelson from Brandid are just a few of the people who inspire him. He credits these individuals for their resilience, creativity, and dedication, and for inspiring him to be a better leader and entrepreneur.

He encourages others to find their own sources of inspiration, whether it’s from family, friends, or industry leaders. According to him, inspiration can come from anywhere, and it’s important to stay open and receptive to it.


Mark’s journey and insights offer valuable lessons for entrepreneurs and business leaders. His emphasis on customer care, team collaboration, and balance is particularly enlightening. He encourages people to connect with him and commonsku on social media platforms and LinkedIn to continue the conversation and learn more about his journey and insights.

As we conclude, we hope that Mark’s wisdom inspires you to take a customer-centric approach in your business, create memorable experiences, and build a team that’s rooted in respect and trust. Remember, success in business is not just about making profits, but also about making a positive impact on customers and employees.

Thanks for learning from the latest “Lessons from DMJ” with Mark Graham.  You can find all of the content we create on our blog page here.  If you want to create a marketing campaign that truly hits the TARGET, check out our FREE TARGET Marketing Playbook here.

Lessons from DMJ: The Need For Organizational Planning in Marketing

Marketing, a crucial component of any successful business, is often met with dissatisfaction from both the C-suite and the marketing teams themselves. This dissatisfaction, a long-standing issue, is often a result of the lack of organizational planning in marketing. Unlike other disciplines, such as engineering and logistics, marketing has not fully embraced the benefits of mature organizational strategies. In this “lessons from DMJ,” we discuss these challenges and introduce the FAPI marketing framework as a potential solution.

The FAPI marketing framework is a sequential process that addresses the entire marketing process. It emphasizes collaboration and participation from all departments. The strategy stage, known as the “frame,” sets the parameters and boundaries for marketing activities. However, implementing this framework is not without its challenges. It requires a cultural change within the organization, commitment from the leadership team, and a clear understanding of the marketing pillars and objectives. This article will delve into these aspects and more, providing a comprehensive understanding of the FAPI marketing framework.

Dissatisfaction with Marketing

Marketing dissatisfaction is a pervasive issue that affects both the C-suite and the marketing teams. The C-suite, or the executive level of a company, often expresses dissatisfaction with the performance and results of marketing efforts. This dissatisfaction stems from a variety of factors, including the inability to measure marketing effectiveness, the lack of alignment between marketing and business goals, and the perceived high cost of marketing activities.

On the other hand, marketing teams also face their own set of challenges. High churn rates, or the rate at which employees leave the company, are common in marketing departments. This can be attributed to the high-pressure environment, the lack of clear goals and objectives, and the constant need to prove the value of marketing to the rest of the organization.

Marketing Lagging Behind Other Disciplines

Marketing, as a discipline, often lags behind others in terms of organizational management. Unlike fields such as engineering and logistics, marketing has not fully embraced the benefits of mature organizational strategies. This lack of organizational planning in marketing can lead to inefficiencies, misalignment of goals, and ultimately, dissatisfaction from both the C-suite and the marketing teams.

There is a pressing need for more attention to be paid to organizational planning in marketing. By adopting a more structured approach, marketing teams can align their activities with the overall business goals, measure their effectiveness more accurately, and ultimately, increase satisfaction levels within the organization.

Introduction to the FAPI Marketing Framework

The FAPI marketing framework is a sequential process that addresses the entire marketing process. It is designed to bring structure and organization to marketing activities, thereby addressing many of the challenges faced by marketing teams. The framework emphasizes collaboration and participation from all departments, ensuring that marketing activities are aligned with the overall business goals.

The strategy stage of the FAPI marketing framework, known as the “frame,” sets the parameters and boundaries for marketing activities. This stage is crucial as it provides a clear direction for the marketing team and ensures that all activities are aligned with the overall business objectives.

Challenges in Implementing the FAPI Framework

Implementing the FAPI framework is not without its challenges. It requires a cultural change within the organization, with everyone, from the leadership team to the frontline employees, needing to embrace the framework and its principles. This cultural change is often the most difficult part of implementing the FAPPY framework, as it requires a shift in mindset and a commitment to a more structured approach to marketing.

Leadership commitment is crucial for the successful implementation of the FAPI framework. Without the support and buy-in from the leadership team, it can be difficult to drive the necessary cultural change and ensure that the framework is embraced throughout the organization. Furthermore, creating a culture of organizational planning in marketing can be a challenge, as it requires a shift from a more ad-hoc approach to a more structured and planned approach.

Starting with the FAPI Framework

To start implementing theFAPI framework, it is important to assemble a team of functional leads and managers. These individuals will play a crucial role in driving the implementation of the framework and ensuring that it is embraced throughout the organization. They will also be responsible for defining the marketing pillars and strategic objectives, which will serve as the foundation for all marketing activities.

Before diving into execution, it is important to establish clarity and set solid foundations. This involves clearly defining the marketing pillars and objectives, setting the parameters and boundaries for marketing activities, and ensuring that everyone in the organization understands and embraces the FAPPY framework.

The Architecture Stage of the FAPI Framework

The architecture stage of the FAPI framework involves tactical planning, forecasting, resource allocation, and team structure. This stage is crucial as it turns the strategy into a blueprint for execution. It involves planning the specific marketing activities, setting Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and deciding on the budget allocation.

The shape of the marketing team is also determined during the architecture stage. This involves deciding on the team structure, roles, and responsibilities, based on the objectives and the industry. By clearly defining the team structure, roles, and responsibilities, the marketing team can operate more efficiently and effectively, thereby increasing satisfaction levels within the organization.

Investing Time and Resources in the FAPI Framework

Implementing the FAPI framework requires a significant investment of time and resources. However, this investment is necessary to establish clarity and processes, which are crucial for successful execution. By investing time and resources in the beginning, organizations can ensure that they have a solid foundation for their marketing activities.

Establishing systems and processes is also crucial for effective marketing. These systems and processes provide a framework for the marketing team to operate within, ensuring that all activities are aligned with the overall business objectives and that the effectiveness of marketing activities can be accurately measured.


The FAPI marketing framework provides a comprehensive solution to address the challenges and dissatisfaction in marketing. By emphasizing collaboration, setting clear objectives, and establishing solid foundations, the FAPI framework can help organizations improve their marketing effectiveness and increase satisfaction levels within the organization. It is a powerful tool that can transform the way organizations approach marketing, leading to improved results and increased satisfaction levels.

Thanks for learning from the latest “Lessons from DMJ” with Emiliano Giavononni.  You can find all of the content we create on our blog page here.  And if you want to create a marketing campaign that truly Hits The TARGET, check our FREE TARGET Marketing Playbook here.

Thirsty Thursday – It’s A Yeasty Liquor!

Welcome to another episode of Thirsty Thursday, where we explore the fascinating world of beverages, one sip at a time. This week, we’re diving into a mystery drink served in a 3 oz mini mate shot glass from Modern Glass. This intriguing little glassware piece is not only perfect for our tasting adventure, but it also sparks our imagination for other potential uses. Imagine using it as a unique giveaway at events or as a fun element in team-building activities. But for today, it’s all about the mystery drink it holds.

Our mission is to unravel the secrets of this drink. Is it a yeasty liquor? Does it taste like watered-down vodka or beer? Or is it something entirely different? Join us as we embark on this tasting journey, share our initial impressions, make wild guesses about the flavor, and finally reveal the true identity of this mystery drink. So, grab your shot glasses, sit back, and enjoy the ride!

Tasting the Mystery Drink

As we take our first sips of the mystery drink, our taste buds are immediately intrigued. The flavor profile is complex, with a yeasty undertone that reminds us of a well-crafted liquor. It’s not overpowering, but it’s definitely there, adding a unique twist to the drink. It’s almost like a watered-down vodka or beer, but there’s something more to it, something that we can’t quite put our finger on just yet.

Our initial impressions are mixed. The yeasty flavor is unexpected, but not unpleasant. It’s a taste that’s hard to describe, but it’s definitely intriguing. We’re curious to find out more about this drink, and we’re eager to continue our tasting journey.

Guessing the Flavor

As we continue to taste the mystery drink, we start to speculate on its flavor. Could it be a pineapple-infused vodka? Or perhaps a fruity beer? Our guesses are all over the place, but there’s one thing we all agree on: this drink is unlike anything we’ve tasted before.

Finally, the moment of truth arrives. The mystery drink is revealed to be sake. We’re surprised, but in retrospect, it makes sense. The yeasty flavor, the subtle complexity, the hint of fruitiness – it all adds up to a well-crafted sake.

Opinions on Sake

Now that we know we’re drinking sake, our opinions are divided. One of us is a fan, enjoying the subtle flavors and the smooth finish. The other, however, is not as impressed. It’s not that the sake is bad, it’s just not to their taste. And that’s the beauty of tasting – everyone has their own preferences and opinions.

Despite our differing opinions, we all agree that this sake-tasting experience has been a fun and enlightening journey. We’ve learned a lot about this traditional Japanese drink, and we’re eager to explore more in the future.

Characteristics of Sake

So, what exactly is sake? It’s a Japanese rice wine made by fermenting rice that has been polished to remove the bran. The result is a drink with a subtle flavor and a unique character. It’s not as strong as vodka, but it’s not as light as beer either. It’s somewhere in between, with a complexity that’s hard to describe.

One of the things we love about sake is its versatility. It can be enjoyed on its own, or it can be mixed with other drinks to create interesting cocktails. For example, try mixing sake with orange juice for a refreshing and unique drink. The possibilities are endless!


As we wrap up our Thirsty Thursday episode, we can’t help but reflect on the fun we’ve had with the mini-mate shot glass from Modern Glass. It’s been the perfect vessel for our mystery drink, adding a touch of elegance and fun to our tasting experience.

Overall, we’ve enjoyed this yeasty liquor adventure. We’ve tasted, we’ve guessed, we’ve learned, and we’ve had a lot of fun along the way. We can’t wait to see what the next Thirsty Thursday brings. Until then, cheers!  Oh…and if you want to see all of the cool branded drinkware featured in Thirsty Thursday, check out our shop here.

As always, we want to provide you with value.  So if you want to create marketing campaigns (and appreciation gifts) that hit the TARGET, check out our TARGET marketing playbook here.

Thirsty Thursday – Why Is It Spicy?

Welcome to another exciting episode of Thirsty Thursday, the segment where our brave hosts take a plunge into the unknown and try a mystery drink. This week’s episode features an intriguing combination of a unique drinkware item and a fiery mystery drink that leaves our hosts with a burning question: Why is it spicy?

Our hosts, the dynamic trio of Jade, Briar, and Kirby, kick off the segment with the Koozie triple vacuum tumbler, a versatile piece of drinkware that can be used as a koozie or a tumbler. This affordable tumbler, priced under $15, promises to keep your drinks at the perfect temperature, whether hot or cold. But the real test comes when our hosts fill it with this week’s mystery drink, a spicy concoction that leaves them reaching for a glass of water.

Koozie Triple Vacuum Tumbler

The Koozie triple vacuum tumbler is the star of the first part of the episode. This versatile piece of drinkware can serve as both a koozie and a tumbler, making it a great choice for any beverage enthusiast. Its double-wall vacuum seal ensures that your drinks stay at the perfect temperature, whether you’re sipping on a hot coffee or a cold beer.

One of the most appealing aspects of the Koozie triple vacuum tumbler is its affordability. Priced under $15, it’s a steal for a piece of drinkware that offers so much versatility and functionality. Whether you’re a coffee lover, a beer aficionado, or just someone who appreciates a well-made tumbler, the Koozie triple vacuum tumbler is a great addition to your drinkware collection.

Trying the Mystery Drink

The second part of the episode takes a spicy turn as our hosts try the mystery drink. The drink, which turns out to be Dragons Breath, leaves our hosts with a burning sensation and a puzzled expression. The drink’s fiery flavor, which tastes like a combination of cinnamon and possibly jalapeno or pepper, is not a hit with our hosts.

Despite their adventurous spirits, our hosts cannot hide their dislike for the spicy drink. They give it a thumbs down, expressing their preference for drinks that don’t leave them reaching for a glass of water. But despite their dislike for the drink, they still manage to find a silver lining in the episode: the Koozie triple vacuum tumbler.

Recommendation for the Tumbler

Despite the fiery experience with the mystery drink, our hosts still have high praise for the Koozie triple vacuum tumbler. They recommend it as a cool piece of drinkware, praising its double-wall vacuum seal that keeps drinks at the perfect temperature. Whether you’re sipping on a hot coffee or a cold beer, the Koozie triple vacuum tumbler ensures that your drink stays at the perfect temperature.

And the best part? The Koozie triple vacuum tumbler is priced under $15, making it an affordable choice for anyone looking for a versatile and functional piece of drinkware. So, despite the spicy experience with the mystery drink, our hosts still manage to end the episode on a positive note, recommending the Koozie triple vacuum tumbler to their viewers.

So, if you’re a beverage enthusiast looking for a versatile and affordable piece of drinkware, or if you’re just curious about the spicy mystery drink, tune in to Thirsty Thursday for more exciting episodes. And remember, no matter how spicy the drink, the Koozie triple vacuum tumbler will keep it at the perfect temperature.


As always, we want to provide you with value.  So if you want to create marketing campaigns (and appreciation gifts) that hit the TARGET, check out our TARGET marketing playbook here.

Thirsty Thursday – Spoiler Alert…It’s Beer and Jade Hates It!

Welcome to another episode of Thirsty Thursday, our unique award-winning show where we explore the world of beverages and branded drinkware. In each episode, we introduce a mystery drink served in a specially selected branded drinkware item. This week’s episode is no exception, and we promise it’s filled with surprises, laughter, and of course, thirst-quenching moments.

Your hosts for this journey are none other than Jade, Briar, and Kirby.  Together, they bring a mix of humor, knowledge, and contrasting tastes to the table. This week, they will be trying a mystery drink that promises to stir up some interesting reactions, especially from Jade. So, buckle up and get ready for a rollercoaster of flavors and emotions!

Featured Drinkware: Silly Pint Tumbler

Our featured drinkware for this episode is a 22 oz silicone tumbler with a straw from the innovative brand, Silly Pint. This tumbler is not just any ordinary drinkware. It’s a perfect blend of practicality and fun, designed to add a touch of whimsy to your drinking experience. The Silly Pint tumbler is unbreakable, making it a fantastic choice for outdoor events or children’s parties where accidents are bound to happen.

But the benefits don’t stop there. This tumbler is also dishwasher and microwave-safe, making it incredibly easy to clean and use. Whether you’re hosting a backyard barbecue or a kid’s birthday party, the Silly Pint tumbler is your go-to drinkware. It’s not just a tumbler; it’s a conversation starter!

Mystery Drink Reveal: Beer

And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for – the reveal of the mystery drink. Drumroll, please… It’s beer! Yes, you heard it right. The mystery drink is none other than the golden, bubbly beverage that has been a favorite for centuries. But there’s a twist – our host Jade isn’t a fan of beer.

Despite her dislike for beer, Jade bravely takes a sip and the hosts attempt to identify the flavor. Is it a lager, a stout, or perhaps a flavored ale with citrus or peach notes? The guessing game adds an extra layer of fun to the tasting experience, making this episode a must-watch for all beer enthusiasts and Thirsty Thursday fans.

Reviews and Ratings

As expected, the reviews for the beer are mixed. Two thumbs up and one thumbs down – a clear reflection of the diverse tastes of our hosts. But when it comes to the Silly Pint tumbler, it’s a unanimous thumbs up. The hosts are all praises for its durability, convenience, and fun design, making it a clear winner in this episode.

Whether you’re a beer lover or not, one thing is clear – the Silly Pint tumbler is a must-have item for your drinkware collection. It’s practical, fun, and perfect for any occasion. So, why not give it a try and add a touch of whimsy to your drinking experience?

Future Episodes and Conclusion

As we wrap up this episode, we have some exciting news to share. Silly Pint is releasing new styles of drinkware, and we can’t wait to feature them in our future episodes. From tumblers to wine glasses, there’s a lot to look forward to. So, stay tuned for more fun-filled Thirsty Thursday episodes!

Before we say goodbye, we’d like to remind you that Thirsty Thursday is brought to you by Hasseman Marketing. For more information about our featured drinkware and other products, check out the shop link below the video. Thank you for joining us on this beverage journey, and we look forward to quenching your thirst in our next episode. Until then, stay hydrated and keep exploring the world of drinks and drinkware!

As always, we want to provide you with value.  So if you want to create marketing campaigns (and appreciation gifts) that hit the TARGET, check out our TARGET marketing playbook here.

DMJ 1 on 1: 5 GREAT Books If You Want To Grow

Personal development is a lifelong journey that requires continuous learning and growth. In this DMJ 1 on 1, we will explore five books that offer invaluable insights and practical strategies to help you on your path to self-improvement. These books, which Kirby recommends, cover a range of topics from effective habits to mental resilience, and from goal setting to overcoming self-doubt. Each book has had a profound impact on Kirby’s life and can potentially transform yours too.

5 Great Books If You Want To Grow

Whether you are a seasoned self-help book reader or a beginner looking for a good place to start, these books offer a wealth of knowledge and practical advice. They are not just theoretical but provide actionable steps that you can incorporate into your daily life. So, let’s delve into these five great books if you want to grow.

Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

“Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey is a classic in the personal development genre. Kirby credits this book for having a significant impact on his life. It emphasizes the importance of internal dialogue and introspection in shaping our actions and reactions. The book makes you realize that the pursuit of growth is not just about achieving success but also about finding happiness.

Kirby shares his personal experience with the exercises provided in the book. These exercises, when practiced diligently, can lead to a profound shift in perspective and behavior. The book encourages readers to take responsibility for their lives and to proactively work towards their goals.

The 5-Second Rule

“The 5-Second Rule” by Mel Robbins is another powerful book that encourages readers to take immediate action to overcome self-doubt. The book underscores the power of setting goals and writing them down. It explains how our brain has a tendency to talk us out of taking action, especially when it involves stepping out of our comfort zone.

The 5-Second Rule is a simple yet effective strategy to overcome this inertia. By counting backward and taking immediate action, we can bypass our brain’s natural resistance and make progress toward our goals.

The Power of One More

“The Power of One More” by Ed Mylett is a motivational book that encourages readers to push their limits. The book introduces the concept of doing ‘one more’ in various areas of life, whether it’s one more rep in the gym, one more hour of study, or one more act of kindness. This approach can lead to a compounding effect, resulting in significant progress over time.

The book also emphasizes the importance of keeping promises to oneself as a way to build self-confidence.


“Soundtracks” by Jon Acuff is a book that focuses on changing negative thought patterns and creating positive soundtracks in the mind. Kirby discusses the prevalence of negative soundtracks in our minds, which often hold us back from achieving our full potential.

The book provides practical strategies to redirect and rework these negative soundtracks into positive affirmations.

The Dip

“The Dip” by Seth Godin is a book that discusses the concept of perseverance and pushing through challenges to achieve success. The book introduces the concept of ‘the dip’ – a period of hardship that one must endure in any new project or endeavor.

Godin argues that most people quit when faced with ‘the dip’, but those who persevere through it are the ones who achieve true success. The book emphasizes the importance of intentional decision-making when considering quitting.


In conclusion, personal development and continuous growth are crucial for a fulfilling life. The five books discussed in this article provide practical strategies and insights to help you on your journey. Whether it’s developing effective habits, overcoming self-doubt, pushing your limits, changing your thought patterns, or persevering through challenges, these books offer invaluable guidance. So, pick up one of these books and start your journey toward personal growth today.

So there you have it!  These are the 5 books that every person should read if they want to grow personally and professionally!  As always, we want to provide you with value.  So if you want to create marketing campaigns (and appreciation gifts) that hit the TARGET, check out our TARGET marketing playbook here.