How To Market Without Facebook

A week or so ago (as I write this), something happened that rocked a huge group of people to their core…Facebook and Instagram went down for around 6 hours.  While you can comment about the addictive qualities of social media and our phones (and that’s a blog for another day), I looked at it through the eyes of a marketer.  The fact is, many businesses use social media exclusively to market their businesses.  Some businesses talked about losing millions of dollars during that 6-hour stretch because everything they did (marketing, selling, and collecting money) all happen through Facebook.

So it begs the question…what happens when Facebook goes away?

What will you do if the largest social media platform stops?  How will you market your business or your organization without Facebook?  Now before anyone gets on your high horse, this is not a blog designed to bash Facebook, or using the platform to market.  From my perspective, an organization would be crazy not to use this resource.  You can find us on Facebook here.  For all its faults, I still see Facebook as the number one platform to promote just about anything online.  But some of us (maybe me included) have become overly reliant on this one platform to meet our needs.

So what will we do?  How do you market without Facebook?  Here are a couple of ideas.  And you might not want to wait until Facebook disappears to start using them.  And if you would rather just watch a video about this…you can click here.


Move To Another Social Platform

The most obvious and immediate strategy, if this happens, is to move to another social media platform.  As a matter of fact, that’s exactly what happened that day.  Twitter usage took off, as did Linkedin, TikTok, etc.  And in talking with other marketing experts about this very situation, that was their first suggestion.  As my friend Bill Petrie said, “When Facebook goes away it will likely be because another platform became more important.”  That’s a great point.  So first step…go to where your clients are hanging out.

While this is good advice (and it is), there are challenges here too.  What if Facebook goes away quickly?  What if the platform that takes on most of the users is not one you have a following on?  You have the audience built on Facebook.  The challenge, of course, is that you would need to start over to build your audience again.  So if you need to build that audience on another platform at some point, maybe you should begin before you need to.

Takeaway:  If your audience can only access you on one platform, you might want to consider building another.

Using Physical Marketing

One of the most powerful things that social media has allowed companies to do is to create a real relationship with their customers.  Traditional media was one-sided.  But social media allows for conversation.  While Facebook is a powerful distribution tool, it does allow for you to hear from your tribe.  That is really cool.  Now that you have done that work, it’s important to continue to solidify that relationship.  One powerful way to do that is by using high-quality branded merchandise.  Get your brand in the hands of your advocates and let them help you spread the word.

This is what the best marketers did during the pandemic.  When there was no way (other than social media) to reach customers, creative marketers started to send boxes of branded merchandise to their employees and their customers to their homes.  This created a connection that did not exist in the “real world” because of our isolation.  It’s powerful.  So why wait?  Start a campaign to get amazing coveted merchandise in the hands of your best customers.

Takeaway: Create a quarterly appreciation program targeted at your Top 20% of customers.

Rented Versus Owned Media

Since the early days of marketing, we have become very comfortable with “rented media.”  That is when another entity “owns” the audience and we just rent their attention for a short time.  We did this with radio, newspapers, and TV.  Those companies owned the audience and we paid for access.  As social media proliferated, this relationship became a bit more confusing.  As we built our audience on these platforms, we got lulled into thinking that we “owned” the audience.  But we don’t.  If Facebook decides to change their algorithm, they don’t have to check with us.  They own the audience.  So does every other social media platform.  That became incredibly clear when Facebook and Instagram went down.  Boom..”our audience” was gone.

That is why it’s so important to create an audience that is actually our own.  How do we do this?  The best way is to get your fans to sign up for an email or text list.  When a customer opts in to receive messages from you, they are really a part of your audience.  You have the right to send them messages when YOU want to.  While many marketers ruin this by spamming people with too many offers, many do a great job of providing value and giving great offers that the audience is excited to see.  Do that.

But we all know that (thanks to those spammers) most people don’t just go around handing out their email address to everyone.  Most of us have been burned by that!  So it’s important to create an offer of real value so the audience is excited to hand over their information.  Then, it’s equally important to value that audience.  The audience you “own” is a true value to your company.  We do this.  That is why we have created this 5 Day Marketing Course.  It’s totally free…and we hope it provides you value.  Sign up today and join our VIP list!

Takeaway:  Create an offer for your customers to “opt-in” to sign up to get emails (or texts) from you.

Have A Website That Works For You

I have repeatedly heard from new small businesses, “Why do I need a website?  I have a Facebook page!”  Well, my friends…this is why.  If that platform goes away, so does all of your ability to tell your story.  In addition, though Facebook is a powerful marketing tool, not everyone is on it.  That means that even if they WANT to see your message or learn about your service, they can’t.  You need a website.

But you don’t JUST need a website.  You need a website that works for you.  Many companies have what I call a “brochure website.”  That is a great start.  But if you want to succeed in a world without Facebook, you need a website that can help people find you.  That means a website that Google can find.  Have you done a search for your service?  Not your name…your service.  Are you coming up near the top?  If you are not in the first few search results, you are effectively invisible to your potential customers.

In addition, your website is a great place to start providing actual value to your clients.  You are the expert in your field.  Start acting like it on your website.  Write a blog that answers questions.  Create a podcast.  Start a video series that helps clients.  Create content and host it on your site.  This builds your credibility in the marketplace.  It shows that you are willing to “Give First.” 

In addition, it’s the place where you can not only sell your service but also have offers that allow customers to give you their contact information and you can build that audience you own.

Takeaway:  Create a website that really tells your story and acts as a business builder for your company.

Put It In Writing

We have all heard prognosticators tell us “Print is dead.”  But a funny thing happened when nearly everything shut down during the pandemic.  Businesses needed an affordable way to tell their story and promote their business.  So they turned to print and direct mail.  Social media is a great way to promote your organization.  But I don’t recommend abandoning all other forms of marketing.  If Facebook goes away, you will still need to tell your story…and do it affordably.  That is when you might want to turn to print.

And here’s the thing, with many of your competitors moving away from print, it might be a great time to get valuable attention in that same place.

Takeaway:  Don’t forget about print to tell your story…today and in the future.

So what can you do if Facebook and Instagram go away?  How will your organization tell your story?  These are just a few ways you can still stand out.  And if they work then…it might be time to start implementing these strategies right now.

Our goal is to help you tell your story more effectively!  Make sure you never miss an update.  Sign up for our VIP newsletter here.

Lessons From Our In-Person Customer Event

Last Thursday was our Annual Customer Trade Show.  If you are a reader of this blog, you know we have been doing this show for over 15 years…and we have been talking about it for months!  We love the opportunity to give our customers the chance to see products and suppliers from all over the industry.  It’s a fun event and (hopefully) we create a lot of value for our clients.

On the other hand, it’s a lot of work to put the event on!  So after each year, we take a look at what worked…and what didn’t!  And let’s face it…this year is different.  We were not able to do the event at all last year, and we are still in a world where events are not the same.  That’s a kind way of saying that, right?  So…I felt like it might be interesting and helpful to give you some lessons I learned from doing our in-person customer event this year.

Re-Set Expectations For Attendance

We live in a different world now than in 2019.  We know that.  But sometimes it doesn’t hit us until we try and recreate something from our past.  This year’s event was great.  But attendance was down (based on previous years).  While my initial reaction is to be a bit disappointed by that, I think it’s important to re-set our expectations.  While things are certainly getting better, it’s not 2019.  This is a new time…and we need to judge it that way.  And for what it’s worth…that’s okay.  We were incredibly happy with the customers that were able to come.  The conversations and opportunities created were amazing!

Focus On Top Client Attendance

File this one under “what we did right.”   While not every client will be able to attend any event you host, getting your top clients there is key.  In nearly any business, 80% of your sales results will come from 20% of your clients (I talk about that here), so make sure you focus your efforts on that group.  We were successful in doing that…and it helped make the event extremely productive.

Give Safety Options

We are still in a time that is filled with trepidation and doubt…so I feel like it’s important to address that.  Our solution to safety concerns was to make masks “recommended but not required.”  Then, as a team at Hasseman Marketing, we wore masks during the event.  We did not want to anger customers that did not want to wear masks, but we wanted to make sure everyone felt safe and comfortable.  As you might expect, we provided mask options (branded of course) for anyone that wanted them.  As a result, around 50% of people attending wore masks.

Create An Experience

If you want to have a great event, you need to create an experience.  That has always been true, but it’s great to remind yourself now.  Let’s face it.  When it comes to hosting events, many of us are out of practice.  Our theme was “Fall Fiesta” and that helped us to create an atmosphere that was fun.  And since we built decorations, food, and music around the theme…it made for a successful experience…in addition to the business that was done.

Stock Is A HUGE Issue But…

We have been talking about this for months too.  Inventory is a huge challenge.  In addition to that, the labor challenges have created longer lead times.  That is why we have created our “In Stock and Ready To Rock” program.  Suppliers at our show last week were talking about these challenges too.  It’s real and it’s not just in our industry.  On the other side, there are items that are in stock.

The advice is simple…order your year-end gifts as soon as possible.

Those that wait until the last minute are going to be frustrated AND they are going to pay more.  In addition, my advice is to create an option A and an option B.  That way, if you order your favorite item and they are out of stock (and that is happening a lot my friends), you can move quickly to your next option without missing a beat.

So those are a few lessons I learned from our in-person customer event.  If you are interested in hosting an event, we would love to help.  And a special thanks to everyone that was able to attend this year’s Fall Fiesta!  We had a blast hosting you!

Make sure you never miss an update by signing up for our VIP newsletter here.  Oh…and as always, we have all of our content here on our blog page…check it out!

In Stock and Ready to Rock Branded Merchandise

I spent last week at a conference with leaders from around the branded merchandise space.  And while we had exciting conversations around marketing, hiring, and sales, there was one major theme that resonated with everyone.

That one issue that has us all up at night?  Supply chain.

We are seeing unprecedented challenges with the supply chain that are affecting nearly every industry.  That is why I wrote this blog back in July urging people to consider ordering year-end gifts then!

It’s a challenge, my friends…and it’s going to get worse before it gets better.

At Hasseman Marketing, we work hard to be your partner in your marketing and branded merchandise needs.  With that in mind, I feel that we owe you two things as a partner.  First, we need to be willing to share the good news AND the bad news so that you can be informed.  And second, we need to help offer up solutions.  That is what I want to do today.  I want to let you know that the supply chain issues are real…and to give you ideas on how to deal with them and still provide your team with great branded merchandise.

That is why we have created the “In Stock and Ready To Rock” branded merchandise shop.

The idea behind the “In Stock and Ready to Rock” shop is simple.  We have partnered with some great suppliers to find out what items they currently have deep inventory in.  It’s important to note that these numbers are changing daily.  So we will be monitoring numbers and updating these each week.  This does not guarantee stock in any of these items.  Based on conversations we had last week, I don’t think anyone could do that.  But we think it does give us a fighting chance!

It’s going to be a rocky 6 months (or more) on this front, but here are a few pieces of advice when ordering during this 4th quarter.

Patience is a Virtue

Each supplier we talked with shared stories of being cursed out about inventory problems.  One actually received a death threat.  Seriously…over shirts!  During these times, this is a simple reminder that we are all doing the best we can.  We promise to work hard to help you meet your branded merchandise needs.  But please be patient with us when we run into snags.  We will work through it together.

Have More Than One Option

We highly recommend having more than one option in play when it comes to your year-end gifts.  Consider having two or three good options that you like…and let us know the order.  That way, if we run into a challenge with your “option a” then we can move to “option b” without skipping a beat.  Hopefully, we won’t need to do that.  But if we know in advance, we have the highest potential for success.

Make Quick Decisions

I know I just told you to have patience with us.  But this will be the time for making quick decisions.  If you take too long to ponder, the option you want might be gone.  This is not a sensationalistic headline.  This is just the reality we are facing over the next 6 months.

This is not designed to be doom and gloom.  That is why we are working on this “In Stock and Ready To Rock” shop.  This is a good place to start if you want to shop online.  If not, reach out to one of our amazing sales team and we can help you along the way!

3 Updates For The Fall Fiesta

It is almost time for the Hasseman Marketing Fall Fiesta…and we are fired up to bring back this event!  For those that don’t know, we host an annual (except of course last year) in-person event to showcase the best and brightest ideas in marketing…just for you!  Essentially, it’s a fun trade show that we put on just for you.  There are plenty of reasons to attend (in fact here are 6 reasons), and we want to let you know that we are still on.

3 Updates For The Fall Fiesta

Safety Protocols

As you can imagine, there have been plenty of questions about safety protocols for the event, so here is where we have landed.  We will be recommending that guests wear masks.  We will not be requiring them.  There will be masks and hand sanitizer for those that want them.  Since we are recommending masks, the HMC team will most likely be wearing them.  I have no intention of being the mask police, but we will be asking everyone to respect one another’s choice.  If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.

Reminder Of Hours

Just a reminder, this year’s show hours are 11 am to 3 pm.  We have made that adjustment based on supplier and attendee requests.  The goal is to make this an action-packed event with lots of ability to interact and learn.

Super SWAG

Every year we are blessed to have some wonderful branded merchandise to share with our events.  This year is no different.  We have been getting boxes of “marketing joy” for the past month and we are excited to share these with you.  We will be packing bags this coming week in order to get ready.  If you registered early, there will even be an extra goodie in the bag as well.

Didn’t register early?  It’s okay!  We will have plenty of good swag for you.  You are still welcome to join us!

Once again, the event is Thursday, October 14th from 11 am to 3 pm at Lake Park Pavilion in Coshocton County.  We hope to see you there!

Make sure you never miss an update by signing up for our VIP newsletter here.  Oh…and as always, we have all of our content here on our blog page…check it out!

Our Content…And Why We Create It!

At Hasseman Marketing, we are all about creating content that provides you value, inspiration, entertainment, and (hopefully) some joy!  It’s about “Giving First” and we are big believers!  But we have heard that sometimes, it’s hard to keep up.  We get that.  And while it’s totally okay if you are not able to see every piece of content we create, we don’t want it to be because of a lack of effort on our part.  So I wanted to take just a moment to highlight a few pieces of content we are consistently cranking out.

Oh, and if you want to sign up for our VIP newsletter, you can do that here too.

The Monday Minute

Each Monday we create a motivational video for PromoCorner.  The idea is to give you a quick boost of motivation to start your week off on the right foot.  And because it’s quick-hitting…we hope you can find the time!  If you have never taken the time to listen, you can find them all right here.  Feel free to binge-watch them all and get fired up!

In Stock and Ready to Rock

As we write this, inventory is a challenge in nearly every industry.  We have been talking about it a lot because we want to spare you some stress and headaches.  But we didn’t want to just complain…that’s not our deal.  So we created the “In Stock and Ready to Rock” shop.  Each week we will feature one item that has deep stock and is ready to be branded with your organization’s logo!  Click here to check out the latest!

The Kirby Hasseman Blog

Each week I work to create a personal development article that might help you move your business in the right direction.  I often file these under “messages I need to hear,” as they resonate with salespeople, entrepreneurs, and leaders that want to level up.  Here is my most recent (as I write this) about 3 Things To Do Every Day if you want to be more productive and happier.  If you enjoy that one…there’s plenty more where that came from!

Delivering Marketing Joy

This is what I call the “OG” of our online content.  With over 350 episodes, that means we have been doing Delivering Marketing Joy for nearly 7 years.  Every Wednesday we interview leaders, marketers, entrepreneurs, and authors from (quite literally) all over the world.  This is one of the pieces that updates to our blog page each week, but you can head here to binge hundreds of episodes on PromoCorner.

Thirsty Thursday

One of our newest pieces of content has quickly become one of our most popular!  Each week we try a mystery drink in a different piece of branded merchandise.  Sometimes the drinks are good…but not often!  The reactions and the cool branded merchandise make it all worth while.  This is posted on our Facebook page and is just one reason why you should follow us if you are not already.  Watch the latest episode here!

Oh…and if you are interested in any of these pieces of drinkware for your organization, you can head to our shop here!

fashion friday

Fashion Friday

Each week we have some fun featuring a simple apparel piece for our Fashion Friday!  This is another Facebook/Instagram exclusive, so head here and give us a follow.

Ohio’s Heart

Finally, I want to highlight Ohio’s Heart.  Some of you may remember that we created to highlight positive things going on in our region.  While I have been a bit distracted from this site, I still believe it has a great opportunity to spread the good word!  So we have been posting more to it recently (like this drone footage of a local expansion)…and I want to continue that trend.  So if your organization has some good news, please feel free to share with us!  Please add us to the list of press releases you are sending out to lift up the good news!

Whoo!  That’s a lot of content…but we do it for you!  If you want to have most of this content delivered directly to your inbox, join our VIP list here.  Each week we send ONE email to the members of our list so you have it in one place!


How Much Does A Branded Coffee Mug Cost?

If you want to help to grow your brand, inspire your tribe, or create a celebration with your organization, you will want to include branded drinkware.  It makes sense!  A great coffee mug or tumbler can be used nearly every day.  It’s a very intimate branded piece (I mean, you put it in your mouth!)…and you don’t have to worry about sizes.  A great piece of branded drinkware fits everyone!

But how much does a branded coffee mug cost?

It’s a good question…but a tough one.  As we mentioned in this blog post about how much a custom t-shirt costs, it’s a little like asking “how much does a car cost?”  It’s a tough question to answer because it depends on a lot of factors.  So today we will tackle many of those factors so you can be more knowledgeable when picking the branded coffee mug you put your brand on!

What Kind of Material?

The kind of branded coffee mug you want can play a huge role in the cost.  It’s an important question for you to understand because it will ultimately play a big role in whether or not your recipients actually want to use the mug.  As I say all of the time, “Most everyone has a favorite mug.  But they will often set that aside if you give them one they like better.”


When people think of a traditional coffee mug, the first thing that comes to mind is often the white ceramic coffee mug.  And while that is certainly still an option, there are plenty of styles and options around a ceramic piece.  Why use ceramic?  For many people, it comes down to flavor.  Why? Because ceramic is a solid and neutral material, it neither absorbs nor imparts flavors, leaving the coffee to taste just as it should.


To me, the reason to choose a plastic coffee mug or tumbler is simple…price.  Price is an important consideration in any branding campaign.  But it should not be the only consideration.  If you are going to use a plastic coffee tumbler, make sure the piece is BPA-free (here’s why).  The safety of your customers, employees, and team members need to be at the top of your priority list…so please consider that when choosing your option!  As a positive, there are some great BPA-free options and some are actually Made In The USA.

Stainless or Metal

Stainless or metal coffee mugs have become more and more popular over the past 10 years.  I love my stainless travel mugs…especially when I am on the road.  In addition, stainless has a very high perceived value with your clients.  This adds power to the “gift” when you provide it to your recipients.  Any time your client thinks you spent $20 on an item you spent $15 on…you are on the right side of that equation!  In addition, a stainless coffee mug or tumbler often offers some cool and creative decoration techniques (more on that later).

Finally, in recent years, the technology around stainless has evolved to keep your hot drinks hot and your cold drinks cold for hours (think Yeti).  This leads nicely to…

Single Versus Double Wall

For years, having a double-walled drinkware piece simply meant the mug would not “sweat.”  But over the past 10 years, the technology of the Double-wall Vacuum Sealed Coffee Mugs has totally evolved.  How does it work?

The key to this high-performance that keeps drinks cold (or hot) longer than traditional double-wall drinkware is a vacuum seal. This process essentially removes all air and other matter from between the interior and exterior walls of the tumbler. Creating a vacuum chamber in the middle of the tumbler stops all heat transfer by either conduction, convection, or radiation.

As you might expect, the double-walled vacuum sealed coffee mug is more expensive.  But if you are looking for someone to connect with your brand for an extended period of time…it well might be worth it!

How Is It Being Decorated?

As you may or may not know, there are lots of ways to decorate a coffee mug.  And depending on what way you go, it can have a huge impact on the cost of your project.  I will go over a few of them here.

Silk Screening

I like to consider this the most standard decoration technique for coffee mugs.  Silkscreen is a sophisticated stenciling technique for surface printing, in which a design is cut out of paper or another thin, strong material and then printed by rubbing, rolling, or spraying paint or ink through the cut-out areas.  Most of your one or two color imprinting options can be well managed with this technique.  This can be a very cost-effective way to imprint your coffee mugs, assuming you have enough quantity.

Pad Print

Pad printing can be a good technique for imprinting mugs when you only need a small quantity.  It’s essentially the act of creating a die and “stamping” that imprint onto an item.  It’s usually a process used to imprint items that are difficult to decorate using other techniques and is often done one at a time.


Using sublimation, you can create beautiful, full-color designs on a coffee mug.  What is sublimation?  Sublimation printing uses heat to essentially bring ink and fabric together as one. The process allows the ink to go from a solid to a gas without turning to liquid, a bit like dry ice. The conversion is initiated by heat and controlled by pressure.  The upside is that, when done right, the images are beautiful and they are not going to come off.  There is a downside though…most often, this can be a time-consuming and costly process.

Laser Etching

Laser etching can be a really cool-looking and elegant way to imprint a coffee mug or tumbler.  Laser engraving is a process that vaporizes materials into fumes to engrave permanent, deep marks. The laser beam acts as a chisel, incising marks by removing layers from the surface of the material.  What is created is a light imprint or a tone-on-tone look that can look sharp without being completely “in your face” from a branding perspective.

Other Factors To Consider

Okay…so we have talked about the kind of coffee mug or tumbler and the way it might be decorated.  But there are a few more things you want to consider (or questions you might want to ask) before you order your organization’s coffee mugs.  Here are a few!

How Many Do You Need?

In nearly every area of life we understand that when we order more, we can often get a better price.  That is true with coffee mugs as well.  On the other hand, if you only need them for a small team, you might consider your decoration options above so you can get the number you actually need.  For example, some people can pad print or sublimate just a few coffee mugs, while you usually need to silkscreen more.


We have long known that personalization is a powerful tool.  It’s simple.  If you put my name on something (maybe in addition to your logo), then I am much more likely to keep it!  That puts my name with your brand on a branded piece that I use all of the time.  As I said…powerful.  But recently the technology to personalize has improved.  More and more branded items are allowing you to personalize your customer’s name on them.  Combine that with a time (during the pandemic) when it was more important than ever that we do NOT get our coffee mugs mixed up…and the number of orders that include personalization has increased a ton.  It’s a powerful tool to use when creating a branding campaign (especially for current customers), but it does usually add cost.

Where Are They Shipping From?

One factor that is often forgotten is shipping.  When it comes to branded drinkware, the location the items are shipping from is very important.  Coffee mugs are expensive to ship, so I highly recommend that you ask where the FOB point is.  If you are in Ohio, and you need an order quickly, shipping 288 coffee mugs from California can become cost-prohibitive.

But How Much Do They Cost?

Yes.  I realize that after all of that I have still not given you an answer.  I think you may now know why!   It’s even harder as I write this because current issues with the supply chain are wreaking havoc on pricing!  But because I want to give you an idea, I will define the parameters and give you an idea of what you should be paying…regardless of who you buy custom coffee mugs from.  Below I will define the parameters for each of the options below.  It will not be a hard and fast quote (you can reach out and request that here), but it can at least give you an idea of where to start.

Traditional Coffee Mug with One Color Imprint

This is basic and cost-effective.  You can do something like this for anywhere between $2.15 and $4.00 (depending on quantity).  And as I mentioned above, there are plenty of other ceramic styles and options to choose from.

Basic White Coffee Mug with Full-Color Imprint

  This is the basic mug option that allows you to provide full-color graphics.  With an item like this, you will be looking at anywhere from $4.25 to $7.50.

Plastic Travel Coffee Mug with One Color Imprint

Above I mentioned some of the concerns with plastic coffee mugs, but there are plenty of great BPA-free options.  When considering this option you might be looking at anywhere from $3.50 to $7.50.

Stainless Double-Walled Travel Mug with Full-Color Imprint

This is the most expensive option, but it’s also the one with the highest perceived value.  The range is wide depending on the brand specificity.  For this option, you can spend anywhere from $10.00 to $30.00.  This is the reason I have said that you should never buy a Yeti-branded coffee mug.  There are some amazing options for this style.  If you need help selecting one, feel free to reach out and we can help.

As you can see, there is a lot to consider.  My hope is this arms you with information on how to get the right coffee mug for the right budget for your brand.  Good luck!

If you need help with your next promotion, please reach out to us.  You can learn more about how we help with branded merchandise here.

And if you want to make sure you never miss an update, sign up for our VIP newsletter here.