He Said She Said Podcast Episode 35

It’s time for Episode 35 of the He Said/She Said Podcast with Hasseman Marketing!  This podcast is designed to give an inside look at being married and being entrepreneurs and the projects we are working on and the challenges we are facing!    We talk about business, family, community and more. So listen in and let us know what you think!

On this episode we talk about…

Trending Topic

This week Kirby and Amy talk about some real and positive momentum in Coshocton County.  This not only is showing up in the good work people are doing, but the way that citizens are speaking out against negativity online.  It’s refreshing and exciting to see!

Weekly Whirlwind

This week in the Weekly Whirlwind Amy spends some time talking about slow and steady progress at the building at 539.  Kirby talks about trying to keep up when things are going well.

Lesson In Life

This week in the “lesson in life” Kirby and Amy talk about the need to focus on their own areas of control.  Amy discusses that sometimes when you focus on other people’s decisions and choices, it can be incredibly frustrating.  It’s important to stay in your own circle of influence…but it’s not easy!

Shout Outs

Each week we want to give a shout out to an organization or an individual doing good work.  This week Kirby and Amy give a shout out to Coshocton County Prosecutor Jason Given.  Jason and his team work hard to keep the community safe.  It’s an often under appreciated job…but oh so important!

So that’s a wrap!  Thanks for listening to Episode 33 of the He Said She Said Podcast!   Any feedback will be welcome as we try to provide you value!  If you want to subscribe you can do that where you normally get podcasts…or you can head here to follow on Soundcloud.

Thanks so much for listening!  If you have any topics you want Kirby and Amy to cover, please comment and let us know!  Oh…and if you like this content, check out this page where you can find all of the content we create!  

He Said She Said Podcast Episode 34

It’s time for Episode 34 of the He Said/She Said Podcast with Hasseman Marketing!  This podcast is designed to give an inside look at being married and being entrepreneurs and the projects we are working on and the challenges we are facing!    We talk about business, family, community and more. So listen in and let us know what you think!

On this episode we talk about…

Trending Topic

This week Kirby and Amy talk about the political season that is upon us.  We are in the primary season but this whole year will be filled with this.  Can we maintain a level of civility?  If so, it’s up to us.  Listen to Kirby and Amy’s take!

Weekly Whirlwind

This week in the Weekly Whirlwind Kirby talks about an uptick in video activity and the idea of working through a short week.  Amy talks about being the “Diva of Drywall” and progress at the 539 Property!

Lesson In Life

This week in the “lesson in life” Kirby and Amy talk the challenge of accepting compliments.  We often talk about the idea of giving praise and compliments, but it’s important to accept them gracefully as well.  Why is that so hard?

Shout Outs

Each week we want to give a shout out to an organization or an individual doing good work.  This week Amy leads the charge on complimenting everyone that is “all in” on a week of kindness.  Listen in to hear more!

So that’s a wrap!  Thanks for listening to Episode 33 of the He Said She Said Podcast!   Any feedback will be welcome as we try to provide you value!  If you want to subscribe you can do that where you normally get podcasts…or you can head here to follow on Soundcloud.

Thanks so much for listening!  If you have any topics you want Kirby and Amy to cover, please comment and let us know!  Oh…and if you like this content, check out this page where you can find all of the content we create!  

Adopting An Attitude of Yes

an attitude of yes

My social media feed is probably a lot like yours.  There are people that I really like.  They are my true friends.  I love keeping up with them.  There are also people that I enjoy “following.”  They might be funny, or interesting, or kind or a train-wreck.  Either way, they are there for my entertainment.  Unfortunately, there are others.  These are the folks that are “friends” with me on social, but I don’t really care for.  Most of the things they post make me roll my eyes or get annoyed.  As a matter of fact, some days, this final group is all I seem to see!

The other day I was mindlessly scrolling on Facebook when one of the people from the final group had a post.  They were complaining about something (as this group seems to do incessantly) and they had a suggestion to fix it.  As usual, it was a totally absurd suggestion and I began my eye roll sequence.  And then I paused and had a thought.

What if the answer was “yes?”

Stay with me on this.  So many times, when we hear ideas or suggestions from people we don’t love or respect, our automatic response is to discredit it. We assume that whatever they are going to suggest is destined to be stupid, expensive, short sighted, or worse yet, evil.  We don’t agree on most things, so how could they possibly have an idea that is good?  Often we discredit the idea because of the person bringing it to the table.

But what if we looked at ideas (for real problems) with an “attitude of yes” regardless of where they came from?

The thought process would be a different one.  Our brains would automatically start to think through the logistics of how it COULD work, instead of how it was dumb.  For me, as I worked through the logistics of this Facebook idea, I found that it was not as “eye rolling” as I first believed.  There is a pathway that might make it work. Maybe.

The magic behind this is we start to judge the idea independent of the person (or personality) behind it.  When we do that, in business, politics, family and life, we get access to more perspectives, ideas and solutions.  It’s easier said than done.  But it’s powerful.

So the next time you see a crazy idea from “the other side” or a wild suggestion from that crazy Facebook friend, ask yourself a question.

What if I looked at this with “an attitude of yes?”

Thanks for reading!  If you want to see all of our content, you can find most of it in one place here on our blog.  In addition, you can check out my new book “The Give First Economy” on Amazon here.

He Said She Said Podcast Episode 33

It’s time for Episode 33 of the He Said/She Said Podcast with Hasseman Marketing!  This podcast is designed to give an inside look at being married and being entrepreneurs and the projects we are working on and the challenges we are facing!    We talk about business, family, community and more. So listen in and let us know what you think!

On this episode we talk about…

Trending Topic

This week Kirby and Amy talk about the “new season” they are in.  As they discuss, they went from full house to empty nest and back.  How is that going?  Listen in to find out!

Weekly Whirlwind

This week in the Weekly Whirlwind Amy talks about some progress at the building.  She updates us on the good news she shared last week…and what that means now.  Kirby talks about the work to catch up after time on the road while trying to be pro-active too.  It’s a challenge right now!

Lesson In Life

This week in the “lesson in life” Kirby and Amy talk about the complaining and how it is taking over our culture.  Kirby even “tells on himself” about a thing he was complaining about that he wasn’t even aware of…and how he has changed it!

Shout Outs

Each week we want to give a shout out to an organization or an individual doing good work.  This week Kirby and Amy talk about the Coshocton County Transportation improvements that were recently announced in Coshocton.  In addition, Kirby talks about Brad Fuller’s new podcast called “A Fuller Life.”  You can find that here!

So that’s a wrap!  Thanks for listening to Episode 33 of the He Said She Said Podcast!   Any feedback will be welcome as we try to provide you value!  If you want to subscribe you can do that where you normally get podcasts…or you can head here to follow on Soundcloud.

Thanks so much for listening!  If you have any topics you want Kirby and Amy to cover, please comment and let us know!  Oh…and if you like this content, check out this page where you can find all of the content we create!  

3 Podcasts About “Giving First”

podcast about giving first

With the launch of my new book “The Give First Economy,” I reached out to several of my friends and peers that do podcasting and content to see if they could help me out.  It’s always a vulnerable email to send out that says “please help me.”  So I was humbled and honored that several people were kind enough to take me up on the offer.  What was really cool was that each of these conversations, while they covered similar topics, were very different in tone and content.

That’s what happens when you are interviewed by professionals.  They all have their own view, tone and vision for interviewing.  Here are a few podcasts that were kind enough to have me.

Skucast with Bobby Lehew

Bobby Lehew is one of the most cerebral people in the Promotional Industry.  He is an extremely well-read and thoughtful interviewer.  Bobby wanted to dig into part 2 of the book first, and then chat about “giving first.”  He even shared his own experience with getting too caught up in the chaos and the need to incorporate some meditation as a practice in your life.  Listen to that conversation here.

So You’re In Sales with Roger Burnett

Roger is a believer in the “give first” philosophy and has created a business model around it.  Roger dug right in on the concept of the book and wanted to unpack the idea that we have an “Appreciation Gap” in most organizations.  Listen in to Roger and I here.

Clone Yourself with Sam Kabert

Sam Kabert is another friend of mine in the Promo Industry and is known for his SWAG Sam personality.  But Sam has also become an expert in getting more done through the use of Virtual Assistants and speaks about that all over (he has even written a book about it).  Sam and I have a pretty soulful conversation about the ins and outs of getting more done…but being more fulfilled and happy.  Sam wants to go deep in his interviews and he does a great job drawing that out.  Listen to that conversation here.

There are some more great conversations coming up soon and I will share those as well.  But the book has done well (so far), in no small part to these amazing and gracious people that have been willing to have me on their podcasts…and lead a conversation.  I so appreciate them “giving first” in this way.

If you want to keep up with all of the content on our site, please check out our blog page.  We keep nearly all of the content we create in that one place.


He Said She Said Podcast Episode 32

It’s time for Episode 32 of the He Said/She Said Podcast with Hasseman Marketing!  This podcast is designed to give an inside look at being married and being entrepreneurs and the projects we are working on and the challenges we are facing!    We talk about business, family, community and more. So listen in and let us know what you think!

On this episode we talk about…

Trending Topic

This week Kirby and Amy decided that they would be tone deaf if they did not talk about the tragic death of Kobe Bryant and the crash that took nine lives.  They discuss what they took away from the tragedy and how to move forward.

Weekly Whirlwind

This week in the Weekly Whirlwind Amy give some GOOD news at the building.  We have been waiting for this one.  Listen in as she talks about a big step forward.  Kirby talks about a month of travel, a quick update about his new book and how he is getting back in the swing of things at the office.

Lesson In Life

This week in the “lesson in life” Kirby and Amy make it simple.  Life is short.  We don’t know what is next.  Reach out.  Say the nice thing.  Live for today.

Shout Outs

Each week we want to give a shout out to an organization or an individual doing good work.  This week Kirby and Amy talk about the Hometown Takeover with HGTV and the work the Coshocton Port Authority and others are doing to work in the community.  How can you take part?  Listen in!

So that’s a wrap!  Thanks for listening to Episode 32 of the He Said She Said Podcast!   Any feedback will be welcome as we try to provide you value!  If you want to subscribe you can do that where you normally get podcasts…or you can head here to follow on Soundcloud.

Thanks so much for listening!  If you have any topics you want Kirby and Amy to cover, please comment and let us know!  Oh…and if you like this content, check out this page where you can find all of the content we create!