That Voice is a Liar

that voice is a liar

We all have “that voice” in our head.  I have talked about it before.  It’s the voice that says you are not smart enough, or that no one cares what you think.  It’s a voice that we all have to overcome if we want to put ourselves out there and live our best life.

Trust me, when I say you can overcome it.  It can be done.  But even after you overcome the voice at one time, or in one area, it will come back.

When you put yourself out there again, or when you step into a new situation, or push yourself further than you are used to pushing yourself, “that voice” will come back…and be louder than ever.

This happened to me quite a few times with the release of my new book.  Let me give you an example.

During the week of the book launch, I wanted to make a big splash.  I am proud of the new book and wanted to get it into as many hands as I could.  I had even read a book called “Book Launch” so I could be extra prepared with strategies and tactics.  So I prepared a “launch date” of January 6th and worked hard to schedule posts, videos, podcasts and more to make sure the new book did a canon-ball in a small pool!

I felt like I was everywhere!

As a matter of fact, after the launch on Monday and a podcast with Commonsku on Tuesday, when Wednesday rolled around and I was posting ANOTHER podcast, “that voice” was screaming at me!

“You are getting over-exposed,” the voice was yelling.

“No one wants to see this much of you,” it continued.

“Who do you think you are?” it bellowed.

To be honest, I was a bit overwhelmed and was thinking of pulling back (3 days into a book launch).  Was this all too much?  Are people becoming annoyed?  Am I overexposed?

Then something funny happened.  On that Wednesday, Roger Burnett posted his “So You’re In Sales” podcast to the Promo Professionals Facebook group.  I really felt like everyone in this group was tired of me!  But in that comment stream a person who I know and respect commented “Oh…I had no idea Kirby had written a book!  Thanks for sharing…I will check that out!”

I was totally convinced I was “over-exposed” and a person I know, who knows me, is in the same profession and in the same Facebook group had no idea I had written a book!

That was when I got a powerful reminder.  “That voice” is a liar.

If you are on a path of creating something new or pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone, that voice will tell you to stop or that it’s not good enough.  Don’t listen to it.  Keep going.  That voice is a liar.

Thanks so much to everyone that has helped me with the launch of the new book.  I sincerely appreciate it.  You can find the paperback and kindle version here.

Says Who?

I saw a post recently from someone who was celebrating the fact that they had read over 230 books in the past year.  They were, understandably proud.  But the point of the post was not to be braggadocios, but to make book recommendations.  In the lead up to the book list they said, “I’ve been told that I have to say 14 were novellas and 3 were audiobooks and apparently those don’t count but rather then get into a whole discussion of literary snobbery and reading discrimination I’m just going to tell you my favourites.”

To that clarification I have one thing to say, “Says who?”

Who is this person or persons that have been elected the Grand Pubah of “what counts as reading?”  This sort of thing makes me crazy, and it is so counter-productive to developing yourself.

Audiobooks Don’t Count:  Why not?  Are you saying that you don’t learn and grow from listening to a book?  If that’s the case, then I can assume we should never attend a lecture again.  We should never watch a tech talk or watch a video.  There is simply no way we could learn anything, right?  That is absurd.

Novellas Don’t Count:  Great.  Where can I submit my books to make sure they are the proper length?  Who decides?

The point is, we need to stop worrying about these unwritten and made up rules.  If you are able to grow from an audiobook, do that.  If you enjoy reading a novella, go get it.  It’s this type of silly rule-making that (I think) hold people back from setting goals to grow.  Because of silly rules like this, people are afraid to write down their goals because they think they “will do it wrong.”  You will not do it wrong.  Your goals and your accomplishments are very personal.  They are your own.

So the next time you start down a path and someone brings up one of these rules, simply ask them.

“Says who?”

You can find all of our content in one place on our blog page here.  Oh, and if you want to check out my new book “The Give First Economy,” you can find that here.

He Said She Said Podcast Episode 31

It’s time for Episode 31 of the He Said/She Said Podcast with Hasseman Marketing!  This podcast is designed to give an inside look at being married and being entrepreneurs and the projects we are working on and the challenges we are facing!    We talk about business, family, community and more. So listen in and let us know what you think!

On this episode we talk about…

Trending Topic

This week Kirby and Amy talk about that post holiday time.  We jump in and learn whether they have the post holiday blues or if they are excited to tackle the new year.  Listen in to find out!

Weekly Whirlwind

This week in the Weekly Whirlwind Amy gives an update on the building and she is starting to see a bit of progress.  That is motivating her to keep rolling.  Kirby is gearing up for the PPAI Expo in Vegas and more travel.  In addition, he is working to promote his brand new book “The Give First Economy.”  You can find that book here.

Lesson In Life

This week in the “lesson in life” Kirby and Amy discuss the concept of “being brave.”  As Amy points out, every new venture can be scary.  But if you can be brave for a short period of time, you can really create some exciting things.  Listen in more here.

Shout Outs

Each week we want to give a shout out to an organization or an individual doing good work.  This week Kirby and Amy point out the Township Room, a new location in Roscoe Village that provides meeting space.  It’s a cool new venue that is garnering positive attention.  Learn more here.

So that’s a wrap!  Thanks for listening to Episode 31 of the He Said She Said Podcast!   Any feedback will be welcome as we try to provide you value!  If you want to subscribe you can do that where you normally get podcasts…or you can head here to follow on Soundcloud.

Thanks so much for listening!  If you have any topics you want Kirby and Amy to cover, please comment and let us know!  Oh…and if you like this content, check out this page where you can find all of the content we create!  

What Will Excite You This Year?

what excites you

It’s the beginning of a New Year and that is a great time to look at your goals.  This is not about New Year’s resolutions.  It’s about creating your life on purpose.  And I think one of the reasons I enjoy the process of goal-setting is I get to think about what excites me for the coming year.  What projects do I want to take on?  Where do I want to go?  What do I want to do?  To me, this is a fun exercise.

But it’s interesting to me that a lot of people don’t set goals at all.  Studies will tell you that most don’t.  I believe that is for one reason…fear.  They are afraid they are doing it wrong.  Some people are afraid they might fail.  Often they might be concerned that people might make fun of them.  Regardless of the reason, I would like to encourage you to take the time to consider your own goals.  But start with one simple question.

What will excite me this year?

Spend some time considering goals in the 5 F’s of your life.  Remember, if you want a well-rounded life, you should probably have well-rounded goals.  Most of us have goals that center around two areas; finance and fitness.  Though those are both important areas, they are not the only ones.   That’s why I talk about the 5 F’s of Goal Setting. Finance, Fitness, Family, Faith and Fun.  If you want a well-rounded set of goals (and a well-rounded year), this is a good list to start with.

Finance:  This time of goal might center around how much many you want to make, how much you want to save or the sales number you want to achieve.

Fitness:  Do you want to lose 10lbs?  Want to run a half marathon?  Maybe you just want to improve your diet.  These are all great and they fall here.

Family:  This is the place where I remind myself that I want to spend time with those that I love.  Do I want to have a date night with my bride?  Do I want to do something specific with my girls?

Faith:  Do you want to give more?  Do you want to get involved and volunteer?  How can you make an impact in this are?

Fun:  Yes…I think this area is important too.  And it’s great if a few of these might overlap.  For example, if you want to take a great family vacation, that might cover two of the five “f’s.”   This is not a comprehensive list.  But it’s a great start to getting you thinking about creating a year that you will be excited to live.  Now let’s get them on paper!

Make sure you never miss our content!  Check out the latest on our blog page here.  Want to dig deeper on creating a great year?  Check out my new book “The Give First Economy” here.

He Said She Said Podcast Episode 30

It’s time for Episode 30 of the He Said/She Said Podcast with Hasseman Marketing!  This podcast is designed to give an inside look at being married and being entrepreneurs and the projects we are working on and the challenges we are facing!    We talk about business, family, community and more. So listen in and let us know what you think!

On this episode we talk about…

Trending Topic

This week Kirby and Amy talk about a really cool moment in the Heisman Trophy presentation and the amazing fundraiser for Athens County Ohio that has come from it.  You can check out the fundraiser and donate here.

Weekly Whirlwind

This week in the Weekly Whirlwind Kirby talks about his content whirlwind this week and his preparations for his new book coming soon!  We will have more details on the book here soon.  Amy gives a quick update on the building and explains why it’s important for her to take a small break.

Lesson In Life

This week in the “lesson in life” Kirby and Amy discuss setting goals and why it matters.  Kirby also jumps into what he calls the “5 F’s of Goal-Setting.”  Listen and learn more about them here.

Shout Outs

Each week we want to give a shout out to an organization or an individual doing good work.  This week Amy leads the way.  She tells the story of the book “The Sparkle Box” and how you can have a true impact this time of year…and all year round.

So that’s a wrap!  Thanks for listening to Episode 30 of the He Said She Said Podcast!   Any feedback will be welcome as we try to provide you value!  If you want to subscribe you can do that where you normally get podcasts…or you can head here to follow on Soundcloud.

Thanks so much for listening!  If you have any topics you want Kirby and Amy to cover, please comment and let us know!  Oh…and if you like this content, check out this page where you can find all of the content we create!  

Why I Used To Hate Sundays

Years ago, when my wife and I were in college, we were living about 3 1/2 hours apart.  We were engaged, but we spent 3 years at different schools, and the only time we had to spend time together was on weekends.  So we lived for the weekends (like many college students) and struggled to head back to our respective colleges when the time came.  I hated Sundays.

The obvious reason I hated Sundays was it represented the time that I had leave Amy and head back to my school.  But the other reason I woke up on Sunday with a sense of dread in my stomach was that I always wanted to put off that 3 1/2 hour drive!  That drive not only represented the separation from Amy, but a long spell of total boredom.  This was before podcasts, Sirius radio, or even unlimited data.  For the most part, I just got in the car and drove…alone with my thoughts.

But once I finally got in the car, a funny thing happened.  Though the initial act of leaving was hard, once I got in the car and started driving, it wasn’t so bad.  It’s not that I didn’t miss Amy…I did.  It’s just that once I committed to the act of driving, I started focusing on that.  I had something to draw my attention, other than worry.  And while it was still a long drive, it was almost never as bad as I envisioned it.

The same is true for most of the things we are dreading in our life.

  • The sales calls, once we start them, are usually not as tough or embarrassing.
  • Facing the treadmill, once you get on it, is often just fine.
  • The phone call you have been putting off, is usually not as bad as we are making it out to be in our mind.

So please take a lesson from me, it won’t be as bad as you think.  Just start.  I spent my entire college career putting off the inevitable.  I hated Sundays.  It stole a whole day of the week from me.  When you have something you know you need to do, stop putting it off.  Lean into it and get it done. Most likely, it will not be nearly as bad as you think.

And if it is, at least it will be done.

Make sure you never miss our content.  We have blogs, podcasts and videos here.  And you can always become a VIP by signing up for our Weekly email newsletter here.  We send them out on Monday, so it will give you something to look forward to on Sunday!