A Season of Transition

hasseman marketing transition The week between Christmas and New Years is always tough for me.   Why?  Because it’a s transition week.  I am not completely “off work.”  I don’t go on vacation, so I go to the office on days we are open.  There are usually some things that need attending to.  There are calls that need returned.  On the other hand, I am not really “on” either.  Many, if not most, of my clients are off.  The HMC team is mostly taking the time off.  So even if I wanted to be working “full speed ahead,” it would be tough to do that.  So while I get some things done, I am never working at a pace that feels productive or satisfying.   It’s a transition week.  Most of us are just waiting for the New Year to put the hammer down. Seasons of transition can be challenging in life.  We spend a big portion of our life working to create one reality.  Then when it goes away, it come be tough to adjust.  You hear about it a lot from people that retire.  Studies show this can be one of the most challenging transitions in life (believe it or not).  Frank goes to work for 30 years to the same job.  He reports to the same area and makes the same widget.  He has a purpose.  That is who he is.  When retirement comes, and no one is telling him where to be and what to do, he loses his meaning.  Though I have heard many people say “that will never happen to me,” it happens more than you think. Transitions are tough.   Parents understand this all too well.  You work to raise the child (or children) so they can become independent.  Then they become teenagers.  That is a season all it’s own.  Then they grow out of that…and enter a new season of their own.   If you are in a season of transition (as I am in a few areas), I think a few things help. Be Patient:  These times are challenging.  But remind yourself that it’s only a season.  Sometimes these seasons last longer than others, but on the other side of this week comes the New Year. Be Grateful:  Times of transition give me a great deal of stress.  I am a person that wants things “yesterday.”  So when I find myself waking up in the morning with that anxiety, I take a deep breath and mentally list the things in my life I am thankful for.  It sounds simple.  But it helps me reconnect my day. Be Joyful in the Process:  If you are in a season of transition, then you have the chance to create the next season.  Be intentional about creating it.  Spend some time thinking about the life you want to create.  Take the time to make it something you are excited about.  In a sense, it’s like creating goals for the year.  Do it on purpose. If you are living through one of these seasons, understand that you are not alone.  Many of us go through them at different times and in different areas of your life.  But get ready, the next season is coming.   Thanks so much for reading!  Make sure you never miss an update.  Sign up for our VIP list here.  

Hasseman Marketing Welcomes Bree McAndrews To the Sales Team

 (Coshocton, OH)—Coshocton based marketing firm and promotional products distributor Hasseman Marketing & Communications is growing again.  Hasseman Marketing is excited to welcome Bree McAndrews to their team.  McAndrews joins Hasseman Marketing bringing 5 years of experience with J.D. Power and Associates along with a year in the Promotional industry. “We are so excited to welcome Bree to the team,” says owner Kirby Hasseman.  “She has a wonderful energy and passion for the business.  Her willingness to learn is exciting and her energy is infectious.” Bree lives in the Detroit Metro area with her husband, daughter and dog. “I am excited for the opportunity to join the Hasseman Marketing team.  They are an industry creative and content leader.  I can’t wait to start working with clients to develop effective marketing campaigns through promotional premiums, and spreading the Hasseman “Marketing Joy” throughout Michigan,” says McAndrews. Bree will be working in the Greater Detroit area and has already started reaching out to new clients.  If you are interested in working with Bree or learning more about what she can offer your organization, please contact her at bree@hassemanmarketing.com or call her at 248-692-4094. Hasseman Marketing headquarters is located at 432 Main Street in Coshocton, Ohio.  They can be found online at www.HassemanMarketing.com.  In addition, you can follow them on Facebook at  https://www.facebook.com/hassemanmarketing. And of course, make sure you never miss an update!  Sign up for our VIP newsletter here for the latest content and news from Hasseman Marketing.

More VLOGS Coming

 As 2018 comes to an end, it’s an interesting time to be introspective about goals…and content.   Though I am extremely pleased with the response to this daily blog, I am looking into 2019 with the idea that I might look at doing more and more video blogs…or vlogs.  I have done this in the past, and response has been really good.  So I am planning to up my game on the vlog in 2019.   One way I am going to do this is with some new camera equipment.  I talk about that in today’s vlog.  You can watch that here. In addition, I want to increase my number of subscribers on Youtube.  If you are interested in helping me, you can subscribe here. Oh…the other place I often put the “Day in the Life” videos are on my Facebook page.  You can follow that here. So whether you like videos, podcasts, blogs or pictures…content is here to stay.  My goal in 2019 is to continue to up my game…and the game of Hasseman Marketing.   What is your content goal?   Make sure you never miss an update.  Sign up for our VIP newsletter here.

Thanks To You

 For me, Christmas day is a day of thankfulness.   Not only am I thankful for the time with family, but I am also thankful for you.  Those of you that take the time to read this (occasionally or regularly), I really do appreciate it.  It’s a noisy world out there today.  So if any of my content breaks through and provides you value…that brings me a great amount of joy. So Happy Holidays.  Merry Christmas. And thank you.   Make sure you never miss an update.  You can ensure you get each update by signing up to be a part of the VIP list here.

Today Is a Great Day

 Today is Christmas Eve.   So many people are busy with last minute plans, heading to parties, going to church, making food, and running to the store to buy that one last minute gift.  It’s a busy day. But remember this.  Today is a great day. Today is a great day to Be Kind.  Today is a great day start something new. Today is a great day to Spread Joy. Today is a great day to make someone smile. Today is a great day to give generously. Today is a great day to give a hug. Today is a great day to be better than you have been. Remember, the best day to plant an Apple Tree is 40 years ago.  The next best day is today. Today is a great day.  Make it so. Thanks for reading and engaging.  If you want to make sure you never miss an update, sign up for the VIP list here.

There Will Always Be Haters

 No matter who you are.  No matter what your idea is.  It doesn’t matter how nice you are (I mean it helps, but it won’t stop it). When you are working to create something new, or push the boundaries of anything, there will be haters. This can be an extremely difficult concept to get when you are a people pleaser.  It’s taken me a long time to understand (I talk about that here, when I came to the conclusion that I am NOT for everybody).  And here’s the thing, even though I understand it, I still struggle with it in reality. When I am passionate about an idea or a concept, I want everyone else to be as well.  But not everyone will be. I was reminded of this concept when I saw this video today from Casey Niestat.  Casey got an invite to the Boring Tunnel.  What is that?  It’s a tunnel that the Boring Company, owned by Elon Musk, created.  During his trip, Casey overheard grumblings that this “is just a big hole,” or “Musk didn’t invent the tunnel.”   Okay.  So if the guy that created the Electric car (that most of us want) and who has launched rockets into space can’t escape the haters…how can we? The short answers is…we can’t.  If you are pushing the boundaries (on anything) there will always be haters.   Oh, and here’s another cool thing.  According to another hero of mine, Seth Godin, that might be a good thing.  Once, when I asked him about how he deals with haters he told me, “If the haters have not shown up, you are not pushing hard enough.”   Love that. So if you are: starting a business, creating content, writing a book, creating art, starting to meditate, reading books, working out, starting a new career, or creating anything new in  your life, there will be haters.   While you probably won’t like it, consider it a signal you are on the right track.   Keep pushing. Make sure you never miss an update.  Sign up for the VIP list here.