Books to Check Out by Seth Godin

  Seth Godin was kind enough to join us in an earlier Delivering Marketing Joy, episode 100! (For the whole episode click here) Not only is Seth a Best Selling Author of 18 books, but these works have also been translated into 35 different languages. Hasseman Marketing wants to encourage people to take the time and read many of this relevant works to help them in business and other aspects of their lives.  These books seem to touch on every subject in the marketing world.  These works cover the end of the industrial economy, niches, the internet, websites, and most importantly, endless tips about marketing. All of Seth Godin’s books would be helpful for those needing to be guided in their business endeavors. Not only are the books helpful, they are inspiring too. For example The Dip, a book with an encouraging subject line, touches on quitting and finding ways of being the best in the world. Don’t hesitate to read The Dip because you assume it is just about marketing; this book was written from the standpoint of helping people in their personal lives as well. Seth’s literally works also touch on leadership. In his book, Tribes, Seth challenges his readers to create movements and connect with others. The entire book centers on leadership, allowing others to create ideas on how they could best lead in certain situations. You can find these great works on Seth Godin’s Website: Want to keep up all the time?  Make sure to join our VIP List!  Our VIP’s get an email with the latest content…and other special offers as well.  Join here.