DMJ 1 on 1: 5 Pieces of Advice That I Think Are Wrong

Each week on DMJ 1 on 1, Kirby Hasseman takes on a different topic to help provide value to those looking to grow a brand or organization.  This time Kirby talks about 5 pieces of advice that he thinks are wrong!  Watch now!

DMJ 1 on 1: 5 Pieces of Advice That I Think Are Wrong

There’s a lot of advice floating around out there, and while some of it can be helpful, some of it can also be misleading or even harmful. In this article, we’ll be discussing five pieces of advice that are often given, but that I believe are fundamentally flawed. These include the notions that finding your passion means you’ll never work another day in your life, that you should always go big or go home, that high school is the best time of your life, that work-life balance is attainable for everyone, and that you should always work smarter, not harder. I hope that by discussing these pieces of advice, I can help you think more critically about the advice you receive and inspire you to elevate your game.

Find Your Passion (And You’ll Never Work A Day In Your Life)

The first piece of advice we’ll be discussing is the idea that finding your passion means you’ll never work another day in your life. While it’s true that finding something you love can make work more enjoyable, it doesn’t mean that there won’t be difficult or unpleasant aspects of the job. In fact, telling kids that they’ll never work a day in their life if they find their passion can be harmful and set them up for failure. It’s important to acknowledge that there will be seasons of hard work and challenges, even in a job you love. Instead of seeking a passion that eliminates work, we should be encouraging the pursuit of a passion that makes the hard work worthwhile.

Go Big or Go Home

The second piece of advice is the concept of going big or go home. While it’s important to have big dreams and goals, the reality is that many big changes in the world are the result of consistent small changes over time. Setting unrealistic expectations of making a big impact right away can lead to unsustainable efforts and eventual burnout. Instead of going big or go home, it’s more effective to start small and keep going. This approach allows for steady progress and sustainable growth, which can ultimately lead to big changes.

High School as the Best Time of Your Life

The third piece of advice is that high school is the best time of one’s life. While high school can certainly be a fun and exciting time, telling struggling kids that high school is the best time of their life can be discouraging and prevent them from envisioning a better future. It’s important to live in the present and work towards a desired future, rather than dwelling on the past. There are many exciting opportunities and experiences beyond high school that can surpass it in terms of enjoyment and fulfillment.

Work-Life Balance

The fourth piece of advice is the notion of work-life balance. While it’s a worthy goal, the reality is that work-life balance is unattainable for most people. Striving for it can put unnecessary pressure on individuals and lead to feelings of guilt and inadequacy. There will be times when work takes precedence over personal life, and that’s okay as long as it’s temporary. It’s important to find a balance that works for each individual and to prioritize self-care and family when necessary.

Work Smarter, Not Harder

The fifth and final piece of advice we’ll be discussing is the idea to work smarter, not harder. While working smart is important, it shouldn’t be used as an excuse to avoid putting in effort. Successful people often work hard and put in the necessary time and dedication to achieve their goals. Working hard is within an individual’s control and can be a key component of success. So, while it’s important to work smart, it’s equally important to work hard.


In conclusion, while there’s a lot of advice out there, it’s important to think critically about what you’re being told and to consider whether it’s truly beneficial. Remember, what works for one person may not work for another, and it’s okay to forge your own path. I hope that by discussing these pieces of advice, I’ve helped you to think more critically and inspired you to elevate your game.

We hope you are getting lots of value out of these DMJ 1 on 1’s!  You can find all of the content we create on our blog page here.  And if you want to create a marketing campaign that truly Hits The TARGET, check our FREE TARGET Marketing Playbook here.

DMJ 1 on 1: How To Master The 3 R’s Of Business with Branded Merch

Each week on DMJ 1 on 1, Kirby Hasseman takes on a different topic to help provide value to those looking to grow a brand or organization.  This time Kirby talks about mastering the 3 R’s of business…and how branded merch can help.  Watch now!

How To Master The 3 R’s Of Business with Branded Merch

Mastering the three R’s of business – retention, repeat business, and referrals – is a crucial aspect of any successful enterprise. In this article, we delve into the importance of these three R’s and how branded merchandise can be leveraged to optimize these business aspects. We’ll explore how showing appreciation to your customers can significantly improve retention, how branded merchandise can boost repeat business, and how it can also incentivize referrals, thereby contributing to business growth.

Branded merchandise is not just a marketing tool; it’s a tangible representation of your brand that customers can appreciate and remember. It’s a way to make your business more top-of-mind for your customers, increasing the likelihood of repeat business and referrals. So, let’s dive into the details and learn how to master the three R’s of business with branded merch.


Customer retention is a vital aspect of any successful business. It’s often said that it’s cheaper to keep an existing customer than to acquire a new one. However, many businesses lose customers due to perceived indifference. This is where showing appreciation to your customers comes into play.

One effective way to show appreciation is through the use of branded merchandise. It’s a tangible way to express gratitude, making your customers feel valued and appreciated. Consider creating a quarterly appreciation program for your top customers, where you can distribute branded merchandise as tokens of your appreciation. This not only improves customer retention but also strengthens your brand’s relationship with its customers.

Repeat Business

Repeat business is the lifeblood of any successful enterprise. It’s a testament to your brand’s quality and reliability. Branded merchandise can play a significant role in increasing the frequency and size of customer orders. A study showed that customers who received branded merchandise ordered 18% faster and 18% more, highlighting the impact of branded merchandise on repeat business.

Offering customers something of value, like branded merchandise, helps them remember your brand when making a purchase. It’s also important to consider where your ideal customer is when they realize they need your brand’s service. By strategically placing your branded merchandise, you can ensure that your brand is top-of-mind when your customer needs your service.


Referrals are a powerful tool for business growth. A happy customer is the best brand ambassador, and with the right incentives, they can refer others to your business. Branded merchandise can be an effective incentive for customers to refer others.

Consider creating a referral program where customers are rewarded with branded merchandise for successful referrals. The key here is to utilize quality branded merchandise that represents your brand well. This not only incentivizes referrals but also ensures that your brand is represented positively in the eyes of potential customers.


In conclusion, branded merchandise is more than just a marketing piece; it’s a tool that can significantly improve customer retention, boost repeat business, and incentivize referrals. By strategically utilizing branded merchandise, businesses can ensure that they are always top-of-mind for their customers, leading to increased business growth and success.

We hope you are getting lots of value out of these DMJ 1 on 1’s!  You can find all of the content we create on our blog page here.  And if you want to create a marketing campaign that truly Hits The TARGET, check our FREE TARGET Marketing Playbook here.

Lessons from DMJ: Adam Callinan on why Every entrepreneur is struggling right now!

Delivering Marketing Joy is an award-winning interview show that helps marketers level up.  Each week, Kirby Hasseman interviews the best and brightest minds in marketing to help you level up.  This time on Lessons from DMJ, Kirby talks with Adam Callinan on profitability, Shark Tank, and why every entrepreneur is struggling right now.  Watch now.

In this insightful interview, we delve into the entrepreneurial journey of Adam Callinan, the founder of Pentan, an e-commerce-focused SAS company. Callinan, who previously co-founded BottleKeeper, a company that achieved a staggering $8 million in sales without a single employee, shares his experiences, challenges, and lessons learned. He emphasizes the importance of leveraging technology, software, and automation in building a business, as opposed to the traditional approach of hiring people.

Through his unique journey, Callinan provides a fresh perspective on entrepreneurship, highlighting the struggles that every entrepreneur faces, and the importance of creating structure and maintaining physical and mental well-being. He also discusses why many early-stage companies struggle with profitability, and shares his experience of appearing on Shark Tank, which significantly boosted his company’s revenue. Lastly, he offers a special deal for listeners to access Pentan for the first 30 days for just $1.

Building a Company with No Employees

Callinan’s journey with BottleKeeper is a testament to the power of technology and automation in business. With a foundation rooted in a previous medical device business, BottleKeeper was built with strict guardrails to avoid hiring employees. Instead, Callinan focused on using technology and automation to build platforms and manage operations.

This unconventional approach allowed him to maintain control over the business, reduce overhead costs, and achieve impressive sales figures. The success of BottleKeeper serves as a compelling case study for entrepreneurs exploring alternative business models.

Challenges of Building Bottlekeeper

Despite its success, the journey of building BottleKeeper was not without its challenges. Callinan faced difficulties with inventory management and the cyclical nature of the business, which resulted in swings in revenue throughout the year. These challenges, while difficult, provided invaluable lessons that shaped the growth and evolution of the company.

Moreover, Callinan also discusses the mental challenges of dealing with the highs and lows of the business. The entrepreneurial journey, while rewarding, can often be a rollercoaster of emotions, and Callinan’s experience underscores the importance of resilience and adaptability.

Struggles Faced by Entrepreneurs

Callinan highlights the struggles that every entrepreneur faces, emphasizing the need for entrepreneurs to create structure and take care of themselves physically and mentally. The entrepreneurial journey can be fraught with challenges and uncertainties, making it crucial for entrepreneurs to prioritize their well-being and avoid isolation.

Creating structure, setting boundaries, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance are essential for long-term success. Callinan’s insights underscore the importance of self-care in entrepreneurship, a topic that is often overlooked in the pursuit of business success.

Reasons for Early Stage Companies Not Being Profitable

Callinan discusses why many early-stage companies struggle with profitability. He points out that the default approach of raising capital can lead to frivolous spending, and the tendency to add fixed expenses without understanding the necessary revenue levels can hinder profitability.

Understanding financial metrics and marketing efficiency is crucial for profitability. Callinan’s insights provide a valuable perspective for early-stage entrepreneurs, highlighting the importance of financial literacy and strategic planning in achieving profitability.

Impact of Appearing on Shark Tank

Callinan shares his experience of appearing on Shark Tank, a platform that provided incredible free advertising for BottleKeeper. The company experienced a significant boost in revenue after the episode aired, demonstrating the power of strategic exposure and publicity.

The ongoing impact of the Shark Tank appearance on the company’s success is a testament to the importance of seizing opportunities and leveraging platforms for business growth. Callinan’s experience provides valuable insights for entrepreneurs seeking to maximize their visibility and reach.

Information on Pentan

Callinan provides information on Pentan, an e-commerce-focused SAS company that helps solve financial operation problems and improve profitability. In a special offer for listeners, he offers access to Pentan for the first 30 days for just $1.

This offer provides a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs to leverage the power of Pentan’s platform to streamline their operations and enhance their profitability. With its focus on solving financial operation problems, Pentan is poised to be a valuable resource for entrepreneurs navigating the complexities of e-commerce.

Thanks for learning from the latest “Lessons from DMJ” with Adam Callinan.  You can find all of the content we create on our blog page here.  And if you want to create a marketing campaign that truly Hits The TARGET, check our FREE TARGET Marketing Playbook here.

DMJ 1 on 1: 5 Must-Haves for a Health & Wellness Program

Each week on DMJ 1 on 1, Kirby Hasseman takes on a different topic to help provide value to those looking to grow a brand or organization.  Unveiling our latest video, DMJ 1 on 1: The 5 Must-Haves For a Health & Wellness Program. Submerge yourself into the critical components required to craft a triumphant health and wellness program within your organization.  Watch now…and dig in below.

The latest DMJ 1 on 1 brings to light five essential components for a health and wellness program to have a significant impact. Kirby shares this involvement in health and wellness programs through their work in communications and branded merch. They highlight the financial benefits of implementing a health and wellness program, such as lower medical costs and reduced absenteeism. This article will delve into these five must-haves and explain why they are critical for the success of any health and wellness program.

These five components are an enrollment plan, a design plan, a merch plan, a communication plan, and an exercise plan. Each of these plays a unique role in ensuring the effectiveness and success of a health and wellness program. They not only help in engaging the participants but also ensure that the program is aligned with the organization’s brand guidelines, thereby creating a unique identity for the program. Let’s explore each of these components in detail.

Enrollment Plan

The first must-have for a successful health and wellness program is an effective enrollment plan. This plan is crucial to ensure active participation and engagement in the program. It’s not enough to just have a program in place; it’s equally important to create excitement and engagement around it. This can be achieved through effective communication and marketing strategies.

One of the ways to generate interest and encourage sign-ups is by utilizing email scripts, videos, and CEO involvement. A multi-step enrollment process can also be implemented to increase engagement and commitment. This process can help in creating a sense of ownership among the participants, thereby increasing their commitment to the program.

Design Plan

Next up is the design plan. It’s recommended to have a design plan that aligns with the organization’s brand guidelines but is unique to the health and wellness program. This helps in creating a distinct identity for the program, which can encourage self-identification and accountability among participants.

It’s important to get buy-in from the marketing team to ensure the consistency and effectiveness of the design plan. A well-thought-out design plan can not only reflect the brand guidelines but also distinguish the health and wellness program from other initiatives of the organization.

Merch Plan

A merch plan is another essential component of a health and wellness program. It’s important to provide quality and appealing merchandise that aligns with the program’s goals and values. This can serve as a motivation for the participants and encourage them to actively participate in the program.

Consider having a strategic merch release plan to maintain participant engagement and motivation. Also, it’s advisable to pre-plan and order merchandise in advance to ensure timely delivery and avoid last-minute stress. This can help in keeping the participants excited and engaged throughout the program.

Communication Plan

A communication plan is crucial to regularly engage and inspire participants. This can include daily or weekly communication via email, text, or a company app. Consistent communication is key to motivate and educate participants about the program and its benefits.

Various communication channels can be utilized to reach participants effectively. It’s also important to incorporate mental health components into the communication plan to address holistic well-being. This can help in creating a comprehensive health and wellness program that caters to the physical as well as mental health of the participants.

Exercise Plan

Last but not least, an exercise plan is necessary for a successful health and wellness program. This plan should provide information and options for different types of exercise, including meditation and workouts at the workstation. Offering exercise resources and guidance can empower participants to take control of their fitness and mental health.

The exercise plan should include options for various exercise types, such as meditation, yoga, and workouts that can be done at the workstation. It’s important to ensure that the exercise plan is attainable and adaptable to accommodate participants’ different schedules and work environments. This can help in making the program more inclusive and effective.


The fact is, most health and wellness programs lack all five of these components. However, having them can significantly impact the program’s effectiveness. By incorporating these five must-haves, organizations can create a comprehensive and effective health and wellness program that not only benefits the participants but also contributes to the organization’s overall success.

Want to learn more about the Hasseman Marketing Total Wellness program?  You can find more information on how we can help with all 5 of these elements here.

4 Tips To Create A Successful 2024

In January, Kirby was asked to speak at PPAI Live about 4 Tips To Creating a Successful 2024.  In this DMJ 1 on 1, we go LIVE to the PPAI Expo from the show floor.  Watch now!

As we approach the new year, it’s time to start thinking about how we can make 2024 the most successful year yet. In this blog, we’ll be discussing four key tips that can help you achieve just that. These tips are not just about setting goals, but also about maintaining a positive mindset, continuously learning and growing, and prioritizing deep work. So, let’s dive right in and start planning for a successful 2024.

Be Intentional and Set Goals

The first tip for creating a successful 2024 is to be intentional and set goals. Setting goals is a crucial step toward success. It gives you a clear direction and helps you stay focused on your path. But remember, these goals should be deeply personal. They should resonate with your values and aspirations.

Consider setting goals in five key areas of your life: Finance, Fitness, Family, Faith, and Fun. By setting goals in these areas, you ensure a balanced approach to your life. You might also want to consider setting shorter time frame goals, such as 12-week year goals. This can help you stay motivated and see progress more quickly.

Be Positive and Practice Gratitude

The second tip for a successful 2024 is to maintain a positive attitude and practice gratitude. Positivity can significantly improve your performance, especially in stressful situations. It helps you stay calm, focused, and resilient. But how can you boost your positivity? One effective way is through gratitude exercises.

Gratitude exercises can help shift your mindset to a more positive state. They can help you focus on the good in your life, leading to more things to be grateful for. So, start your day by listing three things you’re grateful for, and see the difference it makes in your life.

Continuously Learn, Grow, and Change

The third tip for a successful 2024 is to continuously learn, grow, and change. Personal growth is a lifelong journey, and investing in your personal development can lead to significant improvements in your life. One way to do this is by reading books and investing in education.

Look for opportunities to learn and grow, such as online courses and certifications. Avoid living the same experiences over and over again. Instead, seek new experiences, learn new skills, and embrace change. This will not only make your life more interesting but also help you grow as a person.

Prioritize Deep Work and Avoid Multitasking

The fourth and final tip for a successful 2024 is to prioritize deep work and avoid multitasking. Despite popular belief, multitasking is a myth. It can hinder deep work and lead to decreased productivity and focus. Instead, focus on one task at a time for better results.

Batching activities can also improve your productivity and effectiveness. This involves grouping similar tasks together and doing them in one go. This can help you stay focused and reduce the time wasted on switching between tasks.


In conclusion, creating a successful 2024 involves being intentional and setting goals, maintaining a positive mindset and practicing gratitude, continuously learning and growing, and prioritizing deep work. By following these four tips, you can make 2024 your most successful year yet. So, start planning now and make the most of the coming year.

We hope you are getting lots of value out of these DMJ 1 on 1’s!  You can find all of the content we create on our blog page here.  And if you want to create a marketing campaign that truly Hits The TARGET, check our FREE TARGET Marketing Playbook here.

Lessons from DMJ: Liane Davey on Why Conflict At Work Is Healthy

Delivering Marketing Joy is an award-winning interview show that helps marketers level up.  Each week, Kirby Hasseman interviews the best and brightest minds in marketing to help you level up.  This time on Lessons from DMJ, Kirby talks with Liane Davey about why conflict can be healthy at work.  Watch now!

In this insightful discussion, Liane Davey, renowned author of “The Good Fight,” sheds light on the often misunderstood concept of conflict in the workplace. She argues that not only is conflict inevitable in any organization, but it can also be a healthy and productive force if managed correctly. Davey’s perspective challenges the conventional wisdom that conflict is inherently destructive and should be avoided at all costs. Instead, she presents a compelling case for embracing conflict as a catalyst for innovation, risk mitigation, and robust discussions about trade-offs.

Throughout the video, Davey provides practical advice on how to navigate conflict effectively, emphasizing the importance of feedback, the use of different managerial tools, and the art of handling difficult conversations. She also underscores the importance of reflection and follow-up after these conversations. This article delves into these key points, providing a comprehensive summary of Davey’s enlightening discussion.

Defining Conflict

At the heart of Davey’s discussion is a nuanced definition of conflict. She describes conflict as the struggle between incompatible needs and wishes, a natural occurrence in any environment where diverse individuals work together. Importantly, she clarifies that conflict does not necessarily involve negative behavior or bullying. Instead, it can lead to productive discussions about trade-offs, fostering a culture of open communication and mutual respect.

Moreover, Davey posits that conflict can be a potent source of innovation and risk mitigation. When employees feel comfortable expressing differing opinions and challenging the status quo, it can spark creative solutions and preempt potential problems. This perspective reframes conflict as a valuable resource for organizations, rather than a problem to be eradicated.

Giving Feedback

Another key theme in Davey’s discussion is the role of feedback in managing conflict. She defines feedback as providing novel information about the impact of behavior on others. This is crucial because most people lack self-awareness and may not realize how their actions affect their colleagues. By focusing on the impact of behavior, rather than passing judgment, feedback can be a powerful tool for personal growth and improved interpersonal dynamics.

According to Davey, feedback can be positive or negative, but it should always provide insight and value. It’s not about criticizing or praising for the sake of it, but about helping individuals understand the consequences of their actions and how they can improve. This approach to feedback fosters a culture of continuous learning and mutual respect, where employees feel valued and empowered to grow.

Different Managerial Tools

Davey also explores the use of different managerial tools in dealing with conflict and providing feedback. She emphasizes that feedback is subjective and suits situations with different choices. However, other tools like instruction, coaching, advice, and evaluation can also be effective, depending on the situation.

Instruction provides specific guidance on tasks or processes, while coaching helps individuals think differently and find new ways to achieve their goals. Advice draws from personal experiences to help others avoid mistakes, and evaluation assesses contributions relative to standards or objectives. By using these tools judiciously, managers can effectively navigate conflict and foster a positive work environment.

After Difficult Conversations

Finally, Davey discusses the importance of what happens after difficult conversations. She advises ending the conversation with a resolution or a thank you to tie a bow around it. This provides closure and reaffirms the value of the conversation, even if it was challenging.

She also emphasizes the importance of following up with any commitments made during the conversation. This demonstrates integrity and accountability, reinforcing trust within the team. Lastly, Davey encourages reflection on the conversation’s impact and expressing gratitude for the relationship. This helps to maintain a positive relationship, even in the face of conflict.


In conclusion, Liane Davey’s discussion provides a fresh perspective on conflict at work, arguing that it can be healthy and lead to productive outcomes. By giving effective feedback, using different managerial tools, and handling difficult conversations effectively, organizations can foster a positive work environment where conflict is seen not as a threat, but as an opportunity for growth and innovation.

You can find all of the content we create on our blog page here.  And if you want to create a marketing campaign that truly Hits The TARGET, check our FREE TARGET Marketing Playbook here.