Working on The Scary Project

work on the scary project

I am working on a project right now that scares me.

Don’t get me wrong.  It’s not a bad project.  On the contrary, it’s (potentially) big and exciting. It has generous upside.  But it has downside too.  In addition, it has lots of moving parts.  It is going to make me do things that are new to me.  It’s going to stretch the team…and me.  It scares me because it’s (just a bit) outside of the norm for us.

But here’s the thing…outside of the norm is where growth comes from.

If you want to grow yourself, your sales or your business, this is the dilemma.  You can’t grow (much) by doing the same things you have done in the past.  Oh, sure, you can get just a little bit better at the things you already do.  But you will never take the big leap that you want to by doing running the same plays from the same playbook.  At some point, you need to try something new.  You have to try something bigger.

And that’s when the voice kicks in.

The voice kicks in because you are uncomfortable and a little scared.  The voice starts telling you all of the things that could go wrong.  It fills your brain with worst case scenarios of doom.  That voice is fear masquerading as your friend, pretending to keep you safe.

When we hear that voice, we are often convinced to stay where we are.

Here is what I am learning about “the voice.”

The voice shows up precisely when you are doing something cool and new and different.  We most often see the voice or the struggle as a sign we are on the wrong path.  We have it backwards.  The voice shows up when you are onto something!  It’s a sign you should keep going…not stop.  The thing that has been stopping us is often actually a hint that we are on the right track.

It’s just how we interpret the signals.

As I write this, I am up early on a project that scares me…and I am excited about it.

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The Cold Dark Morning

It was a cold, dark morning.

This morning, when I heard the puppy whimpering, it was early and it was dark.  It was about 10 minutes before the alarm was set to go off, so I turned the alarm off and walked out to let the dog outside.  I wiped the sleep from my eyes as I tried to attach the leash to Fin’s collar.  I would just let him out, but he cannot be trusted.  So I hooked him up and walked outside…and wow!

It was cold!

The cold burst of air hit me and I realized I should have put on more than a t-shirt.  Then as I stepped off the porch and felt the cold, wet drops on my neck.  It was more snow than rain, but either way, it woke me up in a hurry.  I was cold.  I had no coffee.  I was getting wet and standing in the dark.  Ah…the glory of owning a puppy!

That’s not what you think of when you make the decision to get a dog is it?  You think of taking walks with your new buddy.  You envision cuddling up and taking naps together!  And don’t forget playing catch.  It will be SO much fun!  And here’s the thing, you do have those moments.  But they are not the ONLY moments.  You have to do the cold, wet mornings in the dark too.

Building a Business Is The Same

The same is true for for building a sales career or a business.  We often spend a lot of time envisioning how great it’s going to be.  We think about the freedom.  We consider being our own boss.  We run the numbers and think about the big money you are going to make!  But we don’t always consider the after hours work.   We don’t think about the stress or the number of people that are depending on you.  We don’t always think through what happens when the numbers don’t look good.

In those moments, it can feel like you are alone, in the dark with a cold rain on your neck. It’s not always as glorious as people make it out on the internet.  Being an entrepreneur can be hard and lonely.

But there’s good news within this dark cloud.

There is Good AND Bad

I am not working to be a downer.  In everything there is good and bad.  It’s just better to understand that.  It’s important to know that there will be times that are tough in any endeavor…and that’s okay!  Don’t get down that there are tough times.  Just know that better times will come if you keep after it.  Which leads nicely into…

Most People Are Not Willing To Deal With The Bad

The fact of the matter is, most people want the puppy but not all of the headaches that come with it.  The same is true with building a business.  They see the outer success and would love that.  But most people are not willing to do what it takes.  They are not willing to put themselves out there.  So if you are, you are 100% ahead of the game.

Accept that there will be tough times.  When you do, they don’t surprise and overwhelm you.  Then you have the energy to put in the work that others are not willing to do.

Make sure you never miss a piece of content.  You can find them all in one place here on the site.  And…aach week we send one email with all of the content in one place.  Just join our VIP list here.

Stop Blaming “They.” It’s Up To You.

stop blaming they
It was several years ago and I had just come from a community meeting.  I walked into a local retailer and started talking to the nice woman behind the counter.  The topic changed to the local “First Fridays” event that was hosted on Main Street.
The idea of the event was simple.  The First Friday of each month, retailers would stay open later, there would be food, and entertainment on Main Street and (hopefully) people would come down and enjoy.  I loved the concept of the event and was involved with helping to plan it.
The woman started to make suggestions about the event.  It went something like this…
“They need to have it earlier in the day.”
“They need to start it sooner in the year.”
“They need to have more food.”
They.  They.  They.  They.
Having just come from a meeting about First Fridays, I stopped her.

“Here’s the thing.  I am a part of “they.”  We are starting a new group called “we.”  You are welcome to be a part of it.”

She had a confused look on her face, so I explained.  “It’s not an exclusive group.  We don’t get paid.  Frankly, we don’t often even get invited!  It’s just a group of people willing to do something.”
The conversation ended there.
That’s how it happens so often.  There is a long list of people willing to bitch, moan and complain about things.  This group does not like how things are and are willing to tell everyone about it.  But when asked to help, they get quiet or disappear.
Don’t be that guy or gal.
If you see something that you are frustrated with in your community, start considering what YOU can do about it.  Sure, it might be calling “the authorities.”  But it might be something you can do on your own.
Are they weeds too high downtown?  You could pull them.
Does one of your neighbors let their grass grow too high?  You could help them mow it.
Is there trash along the side of the road?  You could pick it up.
You may not want to.  You may even be thinking “that’s not my job.”  Maybe not.  But you COULD do it.  So if you could do it, and you don’t do it…it’s a choice.
The same is true for any area of your life.  If you want something to change, you could wait around for someone to change it for you.  Or, you could figure out what needs to change, and take action yourself.
It’s your choice.  Choose wisely.
Make sure you never miss an update. Head to our blog here.  We update content all of the time!  Or you can sign up to get an email each week.    Sign up for our VIP newsletter here.  

The Best Are Constantly Learning

I was on the phone with our web designer, Eric Dingler, the other day and I realized something.  Eric just finished a new web design for a client and we were talking about re-designing our own site as well.  He was listening to my ideas on things I wanted to include and making suggestions.   Then he spent some time telling me about website podcasts he listens to, and their advice on the matter.  He excitedly told me about a new “tricks and tips” he could work into our site.  That was when it hit me.

The best people to work with are the ones that are constantly learning and honing their craft.

Always.  It never stops.

Then I looked around my office and noticed the same thing with our designer Josh.  He is always looking at design.  Sure, he went to school for design and he has the background and the chops.  But he follows designers, he studies their work, he enjoys the conversation.  He is honing his craft.

The question is…what are you working on?  What do you want to become great at?  If you will or if you won’t can be answered by whether or not you are continually learning or studying your craft. Want to be a fitness expert?  Yes, of course you have to put in the work.  You have to work on your own diet and your own fitness.  But are you reading the latest blogs?  Are you up on the latest workouts?

Want to stand out in Content Marketing?  It’s not just about creating content (though that is super important).  It’s also about studying other masters to see what is working and what is not? Want to lead in sales?  It’s not just about making the sales calls (though that is where it starts).  You need to continually be reading articles, books, and blogs on the topic.  You have to get re-inspired and re-imagined to continue to be the best.

Do you want to be great at something or are you just saying it?  A simple self-audit will tell you the truth if you let it.  You are passionate about what you work at and study.  Look at your calendar and study your time.  That will tell you the truth. Make sure you never miss an update!  It’s a great time to become a VIP!  Sign up here for our weekly email with all of our content.

Compassion is NOT A Feeling

There is a powerful story from 7 Habits of Highly Effective People where Steven Covey was speaking to a group.  After the talk, a man came up to Mr. Covey and said “My wife and I are close to a divorce.  We just don’t love each other anymore.  What should I do?”

Covey told the man, “You need to LOVE her.”

The man was confused.  “But you don’t understand,” he said.  “We just don’t FEEL that way anymore.”

Covey explained, “That’s the problem.  Love is not a feeling.  Love is an action.” Covey went onto explain that the husband needed to get back to taking action in consistent with love.  He needed to do things for her.  He needed to serve her.  He needed to LOVE her.  It’s an action.

I was reminded about this at a church service recently when our pastor declared that “Compassion is NOT a feeling.  It’s an action!” I agree.  Way too many times in life, we feel things and hope that is enough.  It almost never is.  It is imperative, in nearly every area of our lives, to take more action. The thing that is holding most people back in their work, dreams, relationships, fitness and more…is action.  Most of us dream about what we want.  We think a lot about what others have that we don’t.  We might even take the extra step and write down the sincere wishes we have in our life.  Heck, we might even meditate or pray in hopes the universe will bring them to us!

What we don’t do is take action.

If we are not seeing enough change, we are not taking enough action.

So if you want your spouse to know that you love them…LOVE them. If you want your team to know you have compassion for them…SHOW them. If you want your community to know you care about it…GIVE something. It’s not about thoughts.  It’s not about dreams.  It’s about action.   Take some.

Want to make sure you never miss an update?   There are a couple of ways.  Check out our blog page here.  We are always adding new content.   Now is a great time to become a VIP.  Sign up here.  

5 Steps To Take Back Monday

hasseman marketing monday

It’s Monday.  Many people start off the week with a feeling of dread.  But it doesn’t have to be that way!  How can you get your Monday (and ultimately your week) off on the right foot?  Here are a few simple tips that will help you start to love Monday!

Own the First 60 Seconds:  The fact is, most of us start our day living in the past.  We wake up and are immediately worried about the actions of yesterday or the problems coming up.  That’s no formula for happiness or success.  Take a deep breath and bring yourself into the now.   Read more about this here.

Have a Good Routine:  We all have routines that govern our life.  Studies will tell you that between 60% and 70% of the decisions you make each day are on auto-pilot.  So spend some time to create routines that serve you.  Drink water.  Exercise.  Read.  Whatever feeds your brain and your soul.  Make that a part of your every day. Put IN Some Good:  Which leads you to get some sources of inspiration that help to feed that brain first thing in the morning.  My sources include Gary Vaynerchuck, Seth Godin, Ed Mylett and more.  But if you need another, check out my Youtube Channel and subscribe.  Our goal is to provide some education and inspiration as well!

Push Out Some Good:  Another great way to get your mindset kicked off in the right direction is to simply do some good first thing.  For me, it might be writing a blog post.  My creative juices get flowing and I hope to affect some positive change.  It might be sending a thank you card or email or text.  Push out some good…it will make you feel great!

Chart a Course For Action:  Now it’s time to be intentional.  Don’t just let the day happen to you.  Spend some time and chart a few things you want to get done today.  Creating a short list of “must do’s” can help keep you on track when the whirlwind of the day hits!   It’s time to take Monday back!  Try a few of these simple steps to get you off on the right foot to attack your week!  Now…let’s go do this!

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