He Said She Said Podcast Episode 41

It’s time for Episode 41 of the He Said She Said Podcast with Hasseman Marketing!  This podcast is designed to give an inside look at being married and being entrepreneurs and the projects we are working on and the challenges we are facing!    We talk about business, family, community and more. So listen in and let us know what you think!

On this episode we talk about…

Trending Topic

This week Kirby and Amy talk about the importance of getting away.  During this different time, Kirby and Amy discuss their struggle with the idea of needing some time away to recharge…and how to do it.

Weekly Whirlwind

This week in the Weekly Whirlwind we talk more updates on the building at 539.  Progress is really happening as the 2nd floor nears completion and destruction on the 3rd floor starts.  Kirby talks about an uptick in print business during this time and the new Hasseman U.  You can learn more about that here.  

Lesson In Life

This week in the “lesson in life” Kirby and Amy talk about the importance of showing up and doing a little each and every day.  You can read a short blog about that here.  So many people succeed because they just don’t stop!

Shout Outs

Each week we want to give a shout out to an organization or an individual doing good work.  This week we talk about two couples in Coshocton County that drove around Coshocton in an RV, playing patriotic music on the 4th of July and handing out hot dogs and popsicles.  So cool.  Learn more!

So that’s a wrap!  Thanks for listening to Episode 41 of the He Said She Said Podcast!   Any feedback will be welcome as we try to provide you value!  If you want to subscribe you can do that where you normally get podcasts…or you can head here to follow on Soundcloud.

Thanks so much for listening!  If you have any topics you want Kirby and Amy to cover, please comment and let us know!  Oh…and if you like this content, check out this page where you can find all of the content we create!  

One final thing…we have created a 5 Day Marketing Course you can take for FREE.  There is no catch.  Learn more about it here.

He Said She Said Podcast Episode 40

It’s time for Episode 40 of the He Said She Said Podcast with Hasseman Marketing!  This podcast is designed to give an inside look at being married and being entrepreneurs and the projects we are working on and the challenges we are facing!    We talk about business, family, community and more. So listen in and let us know what you think!

On this episode we talk about…

Trending Topic

This week Kirby and Amy talk about working from home.  Most people were forced into working from home during the quarantine.  Some people say it’s here to stay.  Kirby and Amy discuss their thoughts on what is next on “working from home.”.

Weekly Whirlwind

This week in the Weekly Whirlwind we talk more updates on the building at 539.  The 2nd floor is really coming together and Amy talks about that.  If you are interested in being on the waiting list you can find that here.  Oh…and we are trying to think of a name, feel free to weigh in with your ideas.

Lesson In Life

This week in the “lesson in life” Kirby and Amy talk about the difference between being “interested” versus being “committed.”  What is the difference?  They talk about it here!

Shout Outs

Each week we want to give a shout out to an organization or an individual doing good work.  This week Amy shines a light on the group of people that organized the Black Lives Matter rally in Coshocton County.  Well done!  Kirby talks about the OPPA group that is working to keep some events going on during 2020 to help keep the wheels of the economy moving.

So that’s a wrap!  Thanks for listening to Episode 40 of the He Said She Said Podcast!   Any feedback will be welcome as we try to provide you value!  If you want to subscribe you can do that where you normally get podcasts…or you can head here to follow on Soundcloud.

Thanks so much for listening!  If you have any topics you want Kirby and Amy to cover, please comment and let us know!  Oh…and if you like this content, check out this page where you can find all of the content we create!  

One final thing…we have created a 5 Day Marketing Course you can take for FREE.  There is no catch.  Learn more about it here.

I Am A Part of the Problem

Like many Americans, I am struggling right now.  I don’t know what to say.  The words don’t seem to match my feelings.  I am frustrated, and scared, and sickened.  And when these feelings bubble up, my initial reaction is to find someone to blame.  That might be natural, but I don’t know that I can sit here and tell anyone else what they should do, say or feel.  So I will focus on me.  Let me start with an acknowledgement.

I am a part of the problem.

Like nearly every person, I have my own biases.  I have opinions about people based on my past experiences.  I judge people based on their appearances.  I make snap judgements based on my feelings rather than logic.  My decisions are often motivated by my own insecurities, fears and ignorance.  I want to be better than that.  But I am human.

I am a part of the problem…but acknowledging it is the first step.

The video of the George Floyd incident is one of the more disturbing things I have seen in quite some time.  It sickened my soul.  And while every person I know said it was terrible, I struggled with the idea of commenting on it.  My silence was certainly not intended to condone anything.  I was just hesitant of what I could possibly say to add to the discussion in a meaningful way.  Let’s face it, as a white male in a predominantly white region, how could I possibly understand?

I can’t..  But I can understand right and wrong.  And if that happened to a person I cared about, I too would be hungry for justice.

As I mentioned, I have my own personal biases.  To be candid, I think we all do.  These biases are natural.  But they do not help with the current dialogue if they are left alone.  If left unchecked and unchallenged, these biases become stronger.

I can certainly tell you I am not a racist.  But I don’t know anyone that would say they are (at least out loud) so what good does that do?

What I do think is important for me to do is to take out these biases and talk about them. I need to inspect them.  By authentically, honestly and openly discussing these opinions and fears (and make no mistake, many of them are based in fear) we take away some of their power.  In between sensational video clips of riots, we are seeing some of that dialogue now, and it provides me hope.

So what can I do?  I think acknowledging my bias is an important first step.  Then I need to enter the conversation with an open mind and an open heart.

How can we make this better?  I am not sure…but I want to help find an answer because I think our children (and their children) deserve better than this.

I am a part of the problem…but I am committed to making it better.

For more content, please head to our blog page here.  And if you want to join our VIP list to get our content delivered to your email box once a week, sign up here.

Americans Are Acting Like Spoiled Teenagers

We are all struggling in some way during this pandemic.  Some more than others.  As my buddy Bill Petrie said in a great blog he wrote “We are all in the same storm.  But we are not in the same boat.”  Some of us are honestly sick.  Many are working on the front lines, tired and stressed.  But many more Americans are fine…and just bored.

And so, it’s been a little troubling to me that many of us have responded like we are teenagers who have been grounded.  But not like teenagers who are REALLY being punished.  We still have our phones, our television and our password to Netflix!

As far as I can tell, many Americans, (who have clearly never REALLY had to struggle) are reverting to their spoiled teenage years.  You can tell by what they say.  See if you can recognize a few things you are seeing on social media.

“I don’t care what you say.  I do what I want!”

When leaders in the government came out and alerted the public that this virus was a real threat, the message was pretty clear (at least from states).  This virus can be deadly.  In order to slow the spread, we need to stay at least 6 feet apart from one another.  We also needed to stay at home so we could “flatten the curve.”

Everyone was frustrated by this.  I know I was.  It affected our social lives, our plans and even the economy.  So naturally, a percentage of people gathered in a large group, closely together, in a public place (with rifles).  Awesome.

When you understand how the spread of any virus works, most reasonable people can agree this is not the best strategy.  But as spoiled teenagers would do, we snuck out our bedroom window to do it anyway.  Well done.

“I don’t believe what my teachers and parents…no matter what they say!”

I remember this clearly in high school.  No matter what the Vice Principal said, it was dumb.  My parents did not know what they were talking about.  And because I was SO unique, no adults seemed to understand me!  I see this clearly on social media right now.  Every day, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine comes out to address the public with new updates and mandates.  DeWine has widely been regarded as a leader in handling the crisis, and is respected nationwide.  But that does not stop armchair quarterbacks from questioning his every move.

In addition to this lack of faith in leadership, we seem to want to argue with everything.  (Do you have a natural reaction to say “No we don’t?”)

A friend of mine recently posted an article where he said that it “changed his thinking on masks.”  I know he was reticent about sharing it for fear it would cause an argument, but he thought it would be informative for those willing to read it.  But one commenter said “I did not read the article, but I don’t agree.”  Oh, for crying out loud!  That leads nicely to…

“I don’t want to do my homework!”

In the interest of self-disclosure, I struggled with this as a student.  I did not always want to do the work.  A lot of teenagers were like that.  But I hope that I have evolved as an adult.  That does not seem to be the case with many Americans.  We freely share and post memes and vides that we have done nothing to verify.

Then we get all bent out of shape when they are removed.  I see people all over social media complaining that their posts have been taken down and claiming that Facebook, or the Government (or the Man) is violating Free Speech.  Jeesh.

First, if you have ever posted something and it has been taken down because it has been determined as “completely false,” please take a moment and pause.  This is not “the man” bringing you down.  If anything, they are doing you a favor.  You not only look silly, but you are, quite literally, spreading lies.  Simple as that.

You do have the right to Free Speech in this country.  But as you may recall, you do not have the right to yell “Fire!” in a crowded movie theater.  That is a crime.  You might remember that from your civics lesson.  Or maybe you don’t…if you did not do your homework.

You know what I heard? 

This is closely related to the gossip and conspiracy theories that we are seeing all over social media.  Like needy teenagers that want the approval of their peers, we are very willing to share any crazy theory that comes our way.  Back to the last point, it would be great if we would all push “pause” and do some research.

But if you don’t have time to research every theory (and you don’t) then just refrain from sharing!  I think Facebook should have one more step that you need to complete when you hit the share button that says “Really?  Are you sure you want to leverage your reputation on this?”

If you don’t have time to research, or like me, you are just not an expert in the area of healthcare, viruses, pandemics, and the like, you could say “I don’t know.”  You could rely on the expertise of those that have dedicated their lives to studying these things.

Admitting that you don’t know is not a sign of weakness.  It’s a sign of strength and maturity.

So, before you spread gossip, you might consider asking an expert in the field.  But that might be a challenge if you struggle with Number 2.

I don’t really care about anyone else.

Sorry to offend any teenagers reading this, but most of us were more selfish back in our teens.  I know I was.  But I would like to think that I have grown a bit since then.  I have more life experience and understand better that my actions have consequences outside of my own life.  So, it troubles me that I see what appears to be a real lack of consideration for anyone else from a percentage of the population.  Have we really gone this far backwards?

I am not a scientist or a doctor.  But science suggests that wearing a mask can help you from spreading your germs to others.  This article says that though masks might not help you protect yourself as much, doing so would help others.

It begs the question, if you can do something that is a minor annoyance to you but can help the rest of the country, would you do it?

Please understand that I say this with love.  Just like a proud parent, I see our potential.  During this pandemic, I have struggled with most of these as well…that is probably why I see them.

One final note of clarification:  I know I said we need to listen to our leaders.  I believe we do.  But that does not mean blind following of orders.  We still do need to maintain critical thinking.  I have never agreed with everything from any leader.  If you agree with EVERYTHING a leader says, you might not have a leader.  You might be in a cult.  But despite that healthy skepticism, I often understand that they have more information than me at the time.

Regardless of your stance on masks, or leadership, or health experts, I would love to see us all get back to the basics.  Let’s work to help one another.  Let’s make others safety a priority.  And let’s fight off the urge to be angry all of the time…and be kind.

Thanks for reading this!  If you want to stay up on all of our content, please check out our blog page here.

5 Techniques For Curing the Quarantine Blahs

I don’t know about your, but I have good days and bad days.  Sometimes during the past few weeks, I have been calm and grateful for the opportunity to stay at home, safe with my family.  Then on other days, I run as fast as I can through the front door of my house (leaving a Kirby-sized hole in it).

Some days I am the voice of reason saying ” We are doing great!  There is a light at the end of the tunnel.”  And then other times, I am the one that is near tears saying “Oh my God!  When will this end?  I miss eating out!”

During the times of stress and internal turmoil, I have come up with a few techniques that have helped get my mind right.  They are not fool proof.  But I do find they help me.  So here are 5 techniques for curing the Quarantine blahs.

Create A Revised Routine

Despite the fact that many of us are either working from home, or not working at all, I think routines are still incredibly important.  During normal times, I have a very specific routine to help keep me productive (I talk about that here).  Now that things are different, I still have my routine, but I have modified it so I can have a bit more freedom…but still stay on track.  On many days, I get up a bit later.  I watch a different morning show while I am on the treadmill.  Little things, sure.  But if you get rid of your routine completely, it can hijack your sense of purpose.

Have A Purpose Each Day

That leads nicely to, have a small purpose each day.  This does not have to equate to your purpose in life.  It can be small.  Your purpose for today might be simple.  But it gives you something to do for the day.  I think we often think we want “nothing” to do all day.  But this is what (I think) is creating the blah we are trying to escape.  Create a little goal each day.  You can spend an hour working to learn a language, write a blog, create a video, or choreograph a family dance.  Whatever your purpose or goal is, it can help you stay up and look forward to the new day.


Keep this simple my friends.  This does not mean you need to start a new Beachbody workout.  Just take the time to get your blood flowing.  Exercise helps to reduce stress, increase brain function, and makes you feel better.  It can be as simple as a short run or a walk.  Don’t overthink this.  Get your blood pumping each day.  You will thank me.

BE A Friend

During times of stress, we often look for people to be good friends to us.  It’s great when that happens, but it’s not in our control.  Instead, take a bit of time to BE a good friend to someone.  It might not get returned.  Not everyone will be a good friend back.  It’s okay.  Make a phone call to check in.  Send a text or an email.  Do something nice for your neighbor.  Most people will appreciate it…and the world will be better for it.

Meditate or Prayer

One of the tough things about times like this is, our mind seems to be running around looking for reasons to stress and panic.  When I feel overwhelmed, this is when I know it’s time to control my thoughts.  For me, this comes in the form of some meditation.  I am hardly an expert.  But this act of controlling my thoughts and quieting my mind can have a profound effect on my day and my mental state.

As I mentioned at the beginning, I am hardly an expert in dealing with a pandemic in isolation.  These are just a few techniques that are helping me deal with the quarantine blahs.  I hope they help you in some way!

If you want to make reading more of our content as a part of your routine, check out our blog here.  And, if you are part of an organization and want to sharpen your Marketing Skills, check out our FREE 5 Day Marketing Course here. 

Random Thoughts From Quarantine

As I work to put thoughts into this blog, some days I have an idea I want to cover.  But other days, I just have lots of random thoughts running through my head.  Today is one of those days.  So here are a bunch of “quick hit” random thoughts from quarantine.

Stop The Predictions

Each morning, I spend a bit of time on my treadmill in the basement.  During that time I watch and listen to ESPN or other sports shows to pass the time.  Now that there are not sports to report, I am fascinated by how much time is spent predicting when sports will restart.  I am most often amused by the predictions about Football.  I love the sport and would love to have it back.  But it’s a fall sport, and while leaders in those leagues should be thinking about it, predictions are just silly.

None of these prognosticators were able to predict the situation we are in TWO months ago.  So why would they have ANY insight into what is going to have FIVE months from now?

Listening and Reading Less

When this shutdown started I thought I would be able to read more and learn more.  That has not been the case at all for me.  I listen to a lot of books and with drive time and long run time gone, so has a LOT of my book time.  I miss drive time.

I Will Take A Small Town

When this pandemic really started to become a reality, I was struck by how excited I was to get home to Coshocton, Ohio.  Sure, it’s home.  It’s where I am comfortable.  But at a time when “Social Distancing” was one of the real ways to help slow the spread of the disease, I wanted to get to a place where people were not all over me.  I live in a rural area for a reason.  We have more room to breath.  While cities have lots that small towns don’t have, I have never been more excited to live outside of those confines.

Pass The Judgement

With the build up of anxiety, fear and time, I have seen way too much snap judgement of others.  To be candid, I have done it myself.  We always seem to be able to justify our behavior and vilify others.  I am always amused by the comments that say “I went to the grocery store and there were way too many people out and about.”  Well, how would you know?  Oh that’s right, you were out and about too.  If you are an essential worker, great.  You get a pass.  But for the rest of us, take a breath before we decide everyone else is just being a selfish jerk.

Now More Than Ever…Be Kind

Which leads nicely to “be kind.”  This is a bell we have been ringing for a long time.  But when you can, and most of the time you can, take a minute to do something for someone else.  When you feel helpless, be helpful.  You won’t feel so helpless anymore.

Like I said, random thoughts.  Thanks for reading.  If you want to dig into more content, please head to our blog page here.  We have new content nearly every day.

And in the interest of kindness, we have also created a Free 5 Day Marketing Course you can check out here.