Add Proven ZIP To Your Direct Mail

add zip to direct mail

 Gary Vaynerchuk said “Marketers ruin everything!”  Keep in mind that Vaynerchuk is a marketing guy.  But he points out that as soon as marketers find something that works, they (we) tend to use it to death until it becomes a nuisance.

Consider email.  We used to get excited each and every time we got an email.  We read every single one!  Now we can’t wait to hit the “delete” button so we can get rid of the nuisances.

The same can be true for many forms of Direct Mail.  Direct mail is historically a great marketing tool for small businesses.  It still can be.  The problem is, this is a case where some marketers have ruined it for the rest of us.  We know this as consumers.  Where do you open your mail?  Many of us answer that question, “Over the trash can.”  We are standing there (mentally) hitting the delete button on marketers.  Tell the truth, you are probably almost stunned these days when you get a real, sincere piece of mail!

So what can you and your company do?  You can stand out…that’s what.

One way you can stand out is to get noticed before you hit the “circular file.”  To do this, some marketers will create direct mail that looks like a real card.  Some will even go to the lengths of having someone hand write out the envelope.  This is a good news/bad news proposition.  The good news is, handwritten envelopes DO tend to get opened.  And if you have a small group you need to send a message to, this is a great way to make sure they see it.  The bad news with this tactic is if your customer opens mail thinking they are getting a personal piece of mail, and it’s just an ad, it can backfire.  You seem disingenuous, and the customer will likely (sometimes subconsciously) resent you and your company for it.

Another obvious way to get your message seen before it hits the trash pile is to scrap the envelope.  You can send a colorful postcard or a flyer without putting it in an envelope.  I actually like this tactic for some campaigns.  But this idea too, has shortcomings.  First, you are usually limited to what you can include on the space you have to imprint (especially with a postcard) AND you are never quite sure what condition your marketing pieces is going to arrive in!  Again, sometimes this is fine.  But sometimes these limitations are just too annoying.

One of the best ways to ensure a successful direct mail campaign is to incorporate promotional products WITH your direct mail.   The results of this math equation should really get your attention. Direct Mail + Promo = Marketing Gold! But why does this combination work so well?  Let’s get to it.

Getting It Open

First and foremost, using a promotional product can help you create what I call “bumpy mail!”  Bumpy mail (or dimensional mailers) are packages that are odd shaped or bumpy.  This unique shape calls to the customer or prospect “open me!”  Curiosity will help you “kill the cat” because your potential client will want to know what is in the package.

But don’t just take my word for it!  Let’s take a look at a study done in 1993.  This study, done by Baylor University, sent packages to 3000 school administrators.    They were divided into three groups.  The first group received an envelope with a sales letter, sales collateral and postage-paid business reply card   The second group received an envelope with similar contents plus a promotional product.  The third group received all of the contents listed above, delivered in a box with a die cut slot, instead of an envelope. The results (as you might expect) were impressive.

Those who received a promotional product in a dimensional package responded at a rate that was 57% higher than those who received the same promotional product in an envelope!• Response rates for the dimensional package recipients were 75% higher than for the group who received only a sales letter! In case you were skimming, you might want to read that last line again.  Response rates for the dimensional package recipients were 75% higher!  Wow!

Now I can hear those “Yeah-But” folks now.  “Yeah but the cost of shipping is going to be higher for that piece.”  Of course it will be!  But how much is a 75% increase in response rates worth to you?  Remember a key word here.  This is not a 75% increase in OPEN rates.  This is RESPONSE rates!  If you can’t increase your sales (and overcome in the increase in shipping) with that kind of response rate, you need to seriously reconsider your sales offer!

The Lasting Impact

Here’s the thing…if I ended the post with the above information it would be enough.  But the best part about adding a promotional product to your direct mail is I get to say “But that’s not all folks!” I have always wanted to say that! The fact is, when you add Promo to your Direct Mail, you get all of the other benefits of promotional products AFTER your customer opens the offer!

  1. Remember the Rule of Reciprocity: Customers feel good about you and your company when they receive something from you.  By adding something of value to the direct mail offer, you create a sense of value.  This creates a better opportunity to sell to this client long term.
  2. Totally Targeted: This promotional piece is still super targeted. You have reached directly into this prospects home or office…and are communicating to them there.
  3. Lasting Impression: You have now created a long term advertising message (if you chose the product correctly) long after the postcard, letter or flyer has been thrown away.

Find Your Watermelon

Years ago I was in a sales training seminar with a Promotional Products Industry expert, Cliff Quicksell Jr.  He told a story about a young industry professional that needed to get a message to only 6 people.  She needed to get it to them…and she needed to make sure they did NOT throw the letter away by mistake.  This young pro, as Cliff tells it, took a Sharpie and wrote the message on six watermelons…and sent them! “She had a tough time with the post office,” Cliff said.  “But she finally got them to take them. So I ask you.  You come in Monday morning and there is a watermelon on your desk.  Do you read it?”

I love that story!  The message is clear.  Find your watermelon! While you may not have to send giant fruit (though that would be awesome), you better stand out.  Promotional products can help you do that in a cost effective, results-based way!

This post is an excerpt from the book Delivering Marketing Joy. You can purchase that here on Amazon. 

6 Great Promo Items for Under $1!

 Let me guess.  You want to create a cool promotional campaign, but you don’t want to break the bank…right?  You want the most “bang for your buck!”  We get it.  We all do.  On the other hand, you don’t want to give away cheap crap.  You want good products, for a good price.  It’s called value…and we have it.  Here are 6 great promo items for under a buck! Magnetic Memo Clip:  If you want an item that is sure to have value and “stick around” then this is a great place to start.  These Magnetic Memo Clips can hold up the kids pictures or the latest schedule…and promote you the whole time!  Thick Foam File:  This is a great item to reach directly into a target market (think ladies, seniors or runners!).  This file is not only a nice size, but also includes a full color imprint.  This will allow you to really tell your story.  Check that out here. 4 x 3 Sticky Note Pad:  Let’s talk “cost per impression” on this great item.  These are used (and appreciated) by nearly everyone.  You can include a full color imprint, and you get 25 sheets to remind your clients why they need to call you…again!  Click here for more details. Press n Stick Calendars:  Anyone that tells you that people don’t use calendars anymore are full of malarky!  These handy, functional tools end up in offices, cars, lockers and more.  And with a full year to advertise, you get a ton of value.  Learn more here. Lip Balm:  What item is totally legal but has 40% of the population addicted to it?  That’s right…Lip Balm!  This is a perfect promotional item with a ton of value.  You can do a full color wrap and create a promotion that your customers will be begging for! RSVP RT Pen:  It’s always great to hand out a writing instrument…when it works.  And it’s even better when the pen actually writes well!  This is a great pen with a retail name and value.  This is a writing instrument that your customers will actually want to use! So these are 6 great low cost items to promote your organization.  Coincidentally, these are all featured in our latest flyer!  So please let us know if you need more information!    

A Wrist Award

The year was 2004 and my wife and I were on a fantastic sales incentive trip in Bermuda.  We had a great time (as you might expect).  But one of the unexpected highlights of the trip came when we were given the “Sales Leader” award by the company.  We were thrilled, to say the least.  Then, as one of the awards, we were given a watch. At the time I was excited about all of the recognition, and I put on the watch right away.  It became a symbol of that night for me.  I didn’t always think of that evening when I checked the time…but I often did!

A New Wrist Award

I am reminded of that because when I was recognized recently as a Rising Star in the Promotional Products industry, I was given a new watch!  The simple fact is, I was very excited.  I promptly took the old watch off (yes it was still the one from that night in Bermuda) and attached the new one to my wrist.

a Wrist Award

Maybe you think that some people don’t wear watches anymore.  “They have a phone for that!”  And maybe some people don’t.  But I don’t think watches are going away.  And more importantly, you should never pass up the opportunity to make your team feel this special.

If your organization would like to call out people or teams in a personal way, a watch might be the perfect award.  This might just be the award they wear on their wrist, every day.  I speak from experience when I say, “It is a powerful and positive reminder.”

If you want to say “thanks” for a job well done, then an everyday reminder is not a bad way to go.

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Why Your Organization Should Do a (Fun) Video!

Why you should do a fun video

I have worked with hundreds of organizations over the years that have (at one point or another) said, “We need a video.”  And in most of these instances, they are right!

The problem with the concept behind most of the videos is, well, they stink.  They are either too long, or too jargon-filled, or too salesy or too boring.  And did I mention too long? The problem with all of these video ideas is pretty simple.  The organization producing it makes the video for themselves.  I mean, they don’t mean to do that.  But they do.

Let’s face it, no one other than you wants to watch a 15 minute video about your company!

As a matter of fact, many people (raise your hand if you do this) actually choose NOT to watch videos if they see they are too long.  So that means the video could be absolutely awesome, and no one would watch it anyway.

So what do you do?  Make it fun.

Here are some reasons to make a video that is fun for your customers (and you)!

You Show Personality:  If your company is boring, then this is probably not your thing.  But most companies are not.  And even if many people in your company are boring, someone within the organization might be a hoot.  People like it when you show personality.  They like to know who they are dealing with…and it allows them to get to know you when are you not asking for money!  🙂  Here is a recent video from Hasseman Marketing that shows us let our hair down. 

You Can Sell (with less sales):  At the end of the day, most of us understand that companies need create sales.  But humans like to buy, they don’t like to be sold.  A fun video can help you showcase features and strengths without it seeming salesy.  In this video from Distributor Central, I learn a ton about their software.  I also learn that I want to party with Dave.

You Can Show Off Facilities:  When we moved into our new location a few years ago, we had some requests for tours of the place.  I am glad to do that, but it’s hard to at scale…unless we do a video tour worth watching!  To this day, this is one of my favorite videos we have created.  I dare you NOT to smile.

The fact is, a well done fun video can do a lot for your sales.  But in addition, I have found that our team has fun creating them.  Don’t get me wrong, we have plenty of grumbling about the process on the front end.  But once we get “rolling” we have a lot of fun goofing around and teasing each other.  It’s like a team building exercise that we don’t have to go off site for!

So if you think you need to create a video for your company, you are probably right.  But considering doing something outside the norm…and have some fun with .  You will be glad you did!

P.S.  If you think hard enough you can work in Ninjas.  And everyone loves Ninjas.

Want more great content like this?  We continue to post each day on our blog.  Check that out here.    Sign up for our VIP list!  Get access to our weekly content and special deals…by simply going here!  Sign up today!

Supercharge Your Marketing! Combine the Power of Social and Promo!

Smart marketers combine their advertising and marketing efforts all the time.  I talk with business owners and marketers that talk about making sure their “branding is consistent” across the platforms of TV, Radio, and Print.  That’s great!  The problem is, they often tend to leave out Social and Promo when they consider their marketing platforms.  This is getting better, but the problem still exists.

Another reason I like to combine the power of these two is they have another thing in common.  Both Social Media and Promotional Products are often discounted as advertising media that “doesn’t work.”  It’s ironic that these advertising venues are often discounted for the opposite reasons.  Social is too new (for some people) and Promo is too old.  As you might have guessed, I don’t subscribe to the theory that either of these advertising platforms “doesn’t work.”  They both do (quite well actually) if you know what you are doing.

As Social Media guru and superhero, Gary Vaynerchuk says, “Just because you can’t shoot a three-pointer doesn’t mean your basketball is broken.”

Some people who are marketing with Social and Promo are throwing stuff out there without “spending any time in the gym.”

Give First Strategies

One reason I think Social Media and Promotional Products are great allies is they are both most effective when utilized in a “give first” strategy.  As Gary points out in his book “Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook” a business that wants to be successful on Social Media needs to be willing to spend some time to develop credibility first.  They need to add value by sharing information, humor, insight, and engagement (Jabs) to their audience.  Only after doing this for a period of time does the business earn the right to effectively ask for the sale (Right Hook).  The same is often true with the very best promotional product campaigns!  The very best promotional campaigns are often built around branded products that are functional.  They are valued!  Although they are marketing tools for sure, when they are done right they are often perceived as gifts to the potential customer.  The business marketer “gives first” to provide value.  Then they have the chance to ask for the sale!

Targeted and Native

Successful marketers on Social Media are wise on telling their story in the native tongue of the Social Platform they are using.  Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and Pinterest (just to name a few) are different and distinct platforms.  You need to communicate on these platforms “natively” or you have the real opportunity to turn people off.  However, if you do speak “natively” and hit the mark with your message, you have the chance to make a big impact.  Similarly, you have the same challenge and opportunity with Promotional Products.  When done right, you can reach right into the homes, offices, and lives of your exact target market.  But if you don’t give real thought to where and when your promotional products will be used, you might miss the mark before you even have the chance to tell your story!

Pump Up Posts

So if both formats are “give first” formats, I suggest you get them to work together.  When working with your social format, you certainly provide value by sharing appropriate articles, funny pictures, and informational videos.  Those are great.  But what about simply sharing the opportunity for branded swag?  What about this on your next Facebook post?  Take a picture of a staff member holding a cold beverage in a branded Coolie.  Then post: “We will send a FREE Drink Coolie to the first 100 people to comment on this post!”  That is a great way to provide value AND it nearly ensures customer engagement!  Yes, you will incur some cost on a promotion like this.  But you create a great deal of buzz within your audience AND likely increase your audience for the next time you want to try to make a sale.  Oh, and you have created a great bond with the customer (or future customer) and given them a lasting token to remember you by. People still buy from people (and brands) that they like.  Don’t let anyone tell you differently.

Affecting Human Behavior

Marketing has been, and still is, about influencing human behavior, right?  That is where combing promotional and social really can create some magic.  Last year, at Hasseman Marketing, we stumbled across a strategy that helped us increase our social presence…nearly by accident.  In promoting “Promotional Products Work Week” we decided to increase awareness through our Facebook page.  We wanted to promote the idea of how Promotional Products can help in business (sound familiar?) AND increase our presence.  So we quite simply (and crudely) posted a picture of a staff member (Dustin) in our office holding a cute stuffed puppy (with a branded handkerchief around its neck).  We said “We are having a contest today!  For a chance to win this puppy you need to do three things:  1) Like our page, 2) Share this picture, and 3) like or comment on the picture.

Wow.  The results were amazing.  That one post is still one of the largest number of impressions we have ever received on Facebook (with no ad bucks spent) AND we increased the number of likes on our page by 40%.  No, you can’t do this sort of thing all of the time.  Yes, it could be obnoxious.  But the results were incredible.  It just goes to show you, promo affects human behavior!  So work to provide value to your clients in both the Social Media world and the Promotional realm.  It will pay off!  But if you can combine them, you can Super Charge the effect!

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