Turning on the Light…in Sales

It was early in the morning and I just needed to grab one thing in my closet.  The thing is, I had everything ready to go.  The bag was packed to head into the office.  The lights were off.  But I just needed to grab a sweatshirt.   I knew basically where it was because I just saw it when I picked out my shirt.  So I headed back into my closet to “quickly grab” this last piece of clothing.

In the dark, I felt around for the piece where I thought I remembered it.  It was a full zip, so I felt for the zipper.  Found it!  I began to unzip the sweatshirt in order to take it off the hanger…and it stopped.  This was only a quarter zip!  Damn…this was the wrong piece!

And there are I stood…in the dark.

Finally, I took two steps and turned on the light.  It’s amazing how fast I was able to find the sweatshirt I wanted!  I was just too consumed with doing it “really quick” so I was not using the tools that were right in front of me.

It’s absurd.  It’s stupid.  And those of us in the sales profession do it all the time.

We thrash around in a world where time is literally money.  We try to do it “our way” or the “old way” for entirely too long.  Meanwhile, our organizations arm us with CRM’s, blogs, websites, order management, email systems, and more.  They spend endless time and dollars to help us increase our efficiency and, ultimately, our sales.

And much like me, looking for my sweatshirt in the dark, we stubbornly keep thrashing.  We believe we are right.  We think it “will take too long to learn” and keep trying “one more time.” Folks…turn on the light.  Use the tools.  Take the time on the front to save the time on the back.  The tools are there to shine a light on your business.  All you have to do is flip the switch.

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3 Tips to De-Stress Your Morning

There is something completely satisfying with getting things accomplished.  We are biologically wired for it.

When you scratch something off of your “To Do list” you actually get a boost of the chemical dopamine in your body.  That’s why it feels good to mark something done.   We are wired to take action. That’s why I know what to do when I wake up stressed.

You know the feeling.  It’s the one where you wake up in the “worry mindset.”  You have been stewing much of the night over the things that needed to be done.  Then you wake up in that “panic” mindset and it can totally frame the rest of your day.

Don’t let it.

When I wake up feeling like that there are a couple of things that help to get my mind back on track.  Maybe they will help you.  Here are 3 tips to de-stress your morning.

Make a List

A human brain is a great place for coming up with ideas.  It’s not a great place to store them.  When you try to use your brain for long-term storage it is exhausting and inefficient.  When you take some time to plan out your day and make a list of things you need to get done (even if the list will take a week), it can free up your mind to come up with solutions.  It can be very freeing.

Re-connect to the Mission

The list-making exercise also helps to remind me what I am working toward.  What is the bigger goal?  What do I hope to accomplish today?  Is there any project I am excited about working on?  These things (if you have thought them out) are usually bigger than the problems that are stressing you.

Do Just One Thing

Doing something proactive. Just taking action can help to re-set my mindset.  For me, it might be writing this blog.  But taking action on just one item (especially if I have a plan to do more) helps me get my attitude back on track.

Let’s face it…stress is a real thing.  These are just a few ideas that help me get back on track.  But if you want to dig deeper on how to decrease stress in your home, check out this article on how to have a “calm home.” 

Make sure you never miss an update.  Sign up for our VIP newsletter here.  Oh…and if one of your things to do is to shop for cool Promo ideas, you can shop online here to cross that off your list.

What Kind Words Can Do

kind words

I was struggling.

We all have days like that.  We have those days that make us wonder why we do what we do.  Does it really matter?  Does anyone really care?  I don’t think it’s just me. So that day I was having “one of those days.”  And then I got this message posted on my Facebook wall.

“Like a lot of people, I’m sure, I listen to podcasts while I’m driving. Yours is one that I listen to. Bailey (my 6 year old) generally hates when I “just listen to people talk”, but, the last few times she’s gotten in the car she’s asked if we can listen to Kirby. When I told her you are a friend of mine that I’ve known for a long time, she instantly declared “I want to be friends with him too”. I’m not sure that 6 year olds are the audience you are aiming for, but we are all fans of yours. ?”  Sarah

I can’t tell you how much this brightened my day!   But it’s not about me…it’s about you.

Though Sara and her 6 year old Bailey boosted my day, that’s not the point.  The point is, we all have the ability to spread that piece of joy.

My rule is simple.  If I catch myself saying something nice about someone behind their back…I tell them.

That’s an easy rule that we can all take a moment to follow.  So give some thought to that person that helped you this week (or this month).

Make a list.  Then take a minute to reach out to them on Facebook, or via text or pick up the phone.  It’s very likely that you will lift someone’s day (like Sarah and Bailey did for me).   And what’s even cooler is that you will likely lift your own spirits as well!

Make sure you never miss an update. You can see all of our content here on our blog page.  In addition, you can become a VIP!  Just sign up here for one email a week with all of our content in one place.

Living In the “IS”

Whenever I find myself stressed and overwhelmed, worried and afraid, the chances are I am not “living in the IS.”

I was reminded of this today when I woke up before the alarm with my head filled with the huge projects on my “to do” list.  I need to live in the “is.”  Let me explain.

Living in the WAS

Have you ever heard a person that is constantly bemoaning the fact that things are changing?  They constantly tell you how good things “used to be.”  They can only see the bad in what is coming…and never the progress.  These people are living in the WAS. This glorification of the past makes me sad for these folks.  As Billy Joel said “The good old days weren’t always good, and tomorrow ain’t as bad as it seems.”  Living in the WAS will create frustration and anger.  It also fills your heart with regret.  As much as you want to, you can’t turn back time.  So stop trying.

Living in the WILL BE 

The other source of stress comes from living in the “WILL BE.”  As you know, I am a big believer in goals.  As Jeff Haden says, when it comes to goals you need to “set it and forget it.”  Many of us are constantly worried about what our clients will say, what our friends will think, what society will do.  But all of those worries are complete fabrications!  You (and I) are debilitated by stress and worry about an event that has not (and might not ever) happened.

Living in the IS

Living in the IS reminds you to be centered and present in this present moment.  You only get this moment (and this life) once.  What are you doing with it…right now?  Are you working on projects that matter to you?  What are you doing to create memories?  Are you being intentional? In addition, living in the IS gives you perspective and happiness.  It is the only “real world” we have.  The past is a memory.  The future is a fabrication.  Living in the IS gives you a chance to “be here.”  Right now. Take a deep breath.  Live in the IS.

Make sure you never miss an update here on the blog.  We have new content all of the time here.  In addition, you never have to worry if you sign up to be a VIP.  Each week we send an email with all of the content in one place.  You can sign up here for that.

3 Reasons I Love Friday

You probably hear it from someone every week. “TGIF!  Thank God It’s Friday.”

It seems we have an entire culture full of people that are “living for the weekend.”  And though I understand that every one needs leisure time, for the most part this is nuts.  As Gary Vaynerchuk says, “If you are living for the weekend, your shit is broken.”

Why?  Because my whole goal in life is to be chasing something that excites me.  If that’s the case, I need (and want) to be doing it all the time.  I am not upset on Monday.  I am excited to get after it.

That being said, I love Fridays too!  Here are my reasons I say “TGIF.”

1.  Everyone Else Is In A Good Mood 

That’s right.  One of the reasons I love Fridays is because you love Fridays.  It means that you (and most of the people I know) are in a better mood.  This makes every interaction more fun and productive.  I am just like everyone else.  If everyone around me is lighter, then I will be too!  (Oh, and happy people are more successful, I talk about that here).

2.  People Make Decisions

I find that a lot of work gets done before you go on vacation.  Why?  Because there is a deadline.  The same is true, in my experience, on Fridays.  The decision they have been putting off all week gets made on Friday.  It’s like a mental deadline.  They want to get it off their desk so they can leave the office with a clear conscience.  That means Fridays are a great day to pick up the phone in sales.

3.  Measuring the Weeks Results

In a sales and entrepreneurial world, we are chasing results, right?  Much of the time, we measure those based on what happens Monday through Friday.  So how have I done?  How far have I come?  What did I accomplish?  I measure these on Friday.  I love that.  Either I have done what I had hoped…or not.  Then that provides me the carrot or the stick to start again next week.

So there you have it.  These are 3 reasons that I say “TGIF.”  How about you?  What is your favorite thing about Friday?

I know you are busy…so make sure you never miss an update.  Sign up for our VIP newsletter here.  We will send you an update with all of the content once a week.  Oh…and you can check out more content on our blog page here.

The Real Lesson of the ACT

Jade Hasseman and the ACT test

My youngest daughter Jade is getting ready to start her Senior Year.  As a parent, this is an exciting, bittersweet, scary, fun and surreal time.

Yes.  All of those. As many of you know, it’s also the time when you have to start talking about “what’s next.”  With that in mind, there are the obligatory college visits, discussions about the future, and the ACT test.  This is the test, of course, that helps colleges and universities decide whether your kid is good enough to pay for the opportunity to attend their school.  If you think you detect a hint of negativity about the process, you are right.

Unfortunately, on the first time out, Jade felt the same way.

She was not sure what she wanted to do.  She did NOT want to take this test.  She did not want to get up early.  She was pretty much “all out” on the whole process.   Her results showed it.  She did not do well on the test.  But as is nearly always the case, the failure is not nearly as important as the response to it. Jade went back to work.

First, she adopted a better attitude about the whole process.  That is SO important.  Studies tell you that when you have a positive attitude, your brain functions better.  So that alone might have helped.  But that was not all.   She also started working with a coach.  Elaine Smith worked with her over 5 sessions.  Not only did she give Jade tips and tricks for attacking the test, but (maybe more importantly) she gave her the confidence that she could do well.

She studied.  She worked on it .  She had a better attitude.   Her results showed it.

I am very proud to report that Jade’s overall score went up quite a bit.  Several sections of the test went up even more.  It’s great news.  But to me, this is not the best part of the story. The reality (as I see it) is that this is just one standardized test.  It’s one of those things that seems important in the moment.  But it’s not.  Not really.

What IS important is that Jade learned how life works.  When you try something new, you might do poorly.  You almost certainly will do poorly if your attitude sucks.  But if you learn from it.  You readjust your attitude.  You work on it.  You get a coach.  You will get better.   Now THAT is a lesson I can get behind.

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