How To Create A Virtual Event That Rocks

Creating and hosting a “slam dunk” event for your company or organization can have a huge impact on your success.  This has been a foundational concept for years.  But now 2020 has happened, events can look very different.  So how can you create a virtual event that rocks?  Let’s dig into some ways to create an event that is one to remember.

Let’s start with a note.  When creating a virtual event, you need to understand that it’s not the same as an in person event.  That’s okay, but it’s really important to understand.  The more you try to “recreate” the in person event, the more you will struggle.  It’s a different animal.  So as you imagine what your event will be, and what you want it to accomplish, remember that your attendees will not be “with you” in the physical sense.  So creating an experience that meets them where they actually are is critical.

With that being said, whether it’s a fundraiser, an educational event or an thank you party, a well-run event can help increase loyalty and
create revenue.   
But just like anything else in business, if you want to have an exceptional event, the devil is in the details.  Let’s talk about a few of these details on how to create a virtual event that hits the mark.

Create Your Theme

Most successful events (whether in person or virtual) have some sort of theme to build around. The more fun and creative the theme, the more you can build it up. So spend some time around the brainstorm table and come up with a theme that really moves the needle for your audience.  And because this event is virtual, I love the idea of building around that.  

After you have created the theme, you can take it to the next level by creating an event logo. You don’t have to do this, but it helps to brand everything at the event and make it feel “first class.” And you don’t need to spend big bucks on this. Have a staff contest and come up with something fun and simple! It will help to improve the overall impression of the entire event.

hasseman marketing masterclass

Each year, our company hosts a Customer Appreciation Show. The event has evolved from a strictly “thank you” event for our customers, into a real business event complete with Trade Show set up and a speaker.  But this year, 2020 happened.  So we decided not to host the in person event.  Instead we decided to create an virtual event we called the Hasseman Marketing MasterClass.  The event featured amazing speakers, some really cool break out session, and even a vendor area.  As you can see, we created a theme and a logo to kick off this inaugural event with a bang.

Staff Uniform

The theme also allows you to start thinking about what the staff will wear.  Now you might be thinking “If we are not in person, why do we need to do this?”  Fair.  But I think by creating a “uniform” that stands out, your attendees can really see your team unity here.  It’s great that we have been able to be more casual in working from home, but I don’t think your organization’s event is the one where every one should be wearing sweatpants.  It does not have to be fancy, but it’s just a small detail that can make it look sharp.

Pre-Event SWAG Box

One of the reasons to create an event logo is to create a pre-event swag bag (or box).  With a virtual event, I think this is more important than ever.  We have all been invited to an infinite number of Zoom meetings.  While this technology has been a Godsend, we are all tired of them.  This box of branded goodness can help to not only increase your organizations brand awareness, but also improve excitement for the event..

Another reason to create this swag box in advance of the event is the promotion you will get on Social Medial.  Obviously, you want to promote the items you will be giving away.  But if you create a box of branded merchandise that delights, then you will get your attendees and customers to tell the story for you!  Help them.  Create a card to include in the box to explain the items and to ask them to post their goodies.  My suggestion, create a hashtag for the event and ask them to use that when posting!  This allows you to track the content and helps to build excitement in advance of the event.

Choosing The Platform

At an in person event, the venue is really important right?  Well for a virtual event, the platform is your venue.  A platform that is easy to use is really important.  And having technology that has the details thought through can really help you shape the flow of the event.  We used the platform Hopin and I really liked it.  More than just a zoom meeting, Hopin allowed us to mimic the flow of a normal event in order to keep the pace of the event moving.  With a virtual event, I think pace really matters.  When people can simply get up and walk away from their computer, you better keep them engaged.

At The Event…First Impressions

I know I am dating myself, but I remember a scene from the original Karate Kid movie. Mr. Myagi was teaching Daniel-san to shape the Bonsai trees. He told Daniel-san to close his eyes and imagine what the tree should look like. He told him to see it like a picture. Then he told him to open his eyes and “make the picture.”

That’s a little like planning any event. Close your eyes and imagine all the details of the event. Now go make the picture.

Here are some quick questions to ask yourself:

What do I want people to see first when they “enter” the event?

What do I want them to hear? 

How do I want them to interact?  

A virtual event is different, so it’s really important to be intentional.  We felt it was important for them to be greeted into the event.  It was going to be the first time many of them used the platform, so we wanted to explain it to them.  How was the day going to go?  What could they expect?  During a virtual event, some people are going to struggle with the technology, so you need to over communicate.

Preaching Patience

One piece of advice I got when planning the event was to “preach patience.”  This advice came from some of the early adopters of virtual events…my friends at Commonsku.  These folks were some of the first to create really great virtual events…and they continue to up their game in this area.  As they told me, there will be technology glitches.  You are dealing with hundreds of different people, with different computers, and individual internet connections.  Things will go wrong.  From the very beginning of our event, we tried to explain that.  We told them to refresh if things locked up…and where to reach out if they struggled.  It was not perfect, of course.  But overall, the event went off well.  Oh…and if you want to hear their take on virtual events from them, check out this podcast.

Follow Up After The Event

In almost the entire business world, most people fall on their faces in the follow up. So make sure you have an actual plan in place to thank your attendees for coming. Often this can be done with a simple email campaign to recognize that you actually did notice the participants were there. But if you have a few select clients, this might be the place to take it to the next level.

Create a quick mailer with one last premium (with the theme) that goes to your “target list” or your “top clients” or whatever. Just one last touch like this will not only make your event (and your organization) stand out, but it will also provide one more “lasting impact” piece for their desk, office or home.

As much as we would love to imagine that all of these COVID restrictions are going away, I think that is naive.  We need to be prepared to keep being creative when it comes to business.  I hope this helps you think about how you can go to market and create a virtual event that rocks!

If you want to discuss how to create an event for your organization, we would love to help.  Head to our Let’s Talk page to set up a time to discuss.

The Nightmare on Merch Street

Twas the 4th Quarter of 2020, and like the rest of the year,

The time was filled with uncertainty, frustration, and fear.

Some people were masked up and trying to stay safe

But we all want to get back to life before riding the COVD wave.

And OH the election, the division it creates!

It seems both parties are selling division and hate.

In the midst of this madness, our businesses have a great chance

To show our customers and team members, a grateful stance.

Sending Branded Merch, through the years, has been a part of the map

That help companies all over bridge the appreciation gap.

But there’s a catch in 2020 all you leaders and friends.

It’s going to be harder this year, for branded merchandise to send.

More people than ever are working from home.

So each box of goodness, you will need to send to them, and them alone.

In addition, the Post office, UPS and Fed Ex

Are saying they are running out of delivery muscles to flex.

So what does this mean, and the question is “How?”

Can we show our appreciation in a world that is so crazy now?

While Santa won’t fly in with reindeers to save the proverbial day

We are working very hard to help you find a real way.

So if you want a simple solution, where are the charges are “all in,”

Then you can click on this shop to find options, or simply call in.

But one simple truth (or advice) from this friend.

If you want to order gifts, don’t wait for this year to end.

So click an email, send a text, pick up the phone, or go online to shop.

But let’s take care of our customers and teams and hope this madness will stop!

This little poem I am calling “The Nightmare on Merch Street” is just a light hearted attempt to share some important information.  As we said in this blog, this year has been a tough one.  We need to show our appreciation more than ever.  But it’s a tough time to do it…that’s for sure.  So if you are planning to order your appreciation gifts, this is NOT the year to wait to the last minute.  Otherwise, you might be facing your own Nightmare on Merch Street!

3 Facts About Corporate Giving In 2020

It’s important for our lives to be based in truth.  If we want to be effective, productive and happy, it’s important for us to operate as things are…not how we want them to be.  That’s why I wrote this blog discussing “now that we are here.”  With that in mind, I want to give you 3 Facts about Corporate Gift Giving in 2020.

It’s More Important Than Ever

We are unapologetic fans of showing appreciation.  Of course we are.  It’s the business we are in.  But we also believe there is an appreciation gap in business today.  We talk about that here.  But this year, we are asking employees to work more with less.  Some team members have been laid off.  Others have taken on more responsibilities.  It’s what we have had to do to survive.  At the very least, we are all working in an incredibly uncertain and stressful time.  We need to show them how much that means to us.  And for customers that is doubly true.  These are our truest supporters that have continued to do business with us…and we need to make sure they know how much we appreciate it.

It’s Harder Than Ever

But here’s the thing, while it’s more important than ever, the fact is it’s harder.  Many people are still working from home.  We can’t do the traditional holiday events or parties.  Even if we can, these events will look small or different to say the least.  If we want to give our team a gift, we have to create new ways to deliver them and make them fun.  It’s a real challenge.  There is no getting around it.  (With this challenge in mind, we created this site to help).

It’s Important To Order Early

While we are always a fan of planning in advance, this year it’s a must.  As an industry, we are starting to see challenges with delivery times for many orders.  Because we HAVE to ship to more and different locations, it’s become a challenge for delivery.  As a matter of fact, UPS and Fed Ex have already acknowledged it’s going to be an issue.

In addition, the stock of many items across our industry has been a huge challenge as well.  Why?  Because when the pandemic began, all business in many (if not most) industries stopped.  The promotional products industry was no different.  So suppliers shut off orders from overseas to manage space and cash flow.  When the economy started to open back up, many suppliers took conservative bets on what to order in.  It’s a smart move.  But it has created stock challenges on some items.  What does that mean to you?  It means the item you are in love with for you team might be out of stock.  You either need to order before it is…or get ready to change to a new item quickly so you can still show that appreciation that is more important than ever!

So those are 3 Facts about Corporate Giving in 2020.  They are realities we all need to deal with.  Please be patient as we help you try and navigate these strange waters with you.  Again, if you are interested in seeing a solution to delivering the gifts, check out this site we have created.  Everything on the site is “all in.”  It includes the price of the items, imprinting, setup fees, and shipping to your team member or customers door…all in.

The Most Powerful Word In Marketing

I was sitting at my desk, with the feet up, listening to Mike Michalowicz speaking at a recent Commonsku at Home event.  Mike is one of my favorite speakers, thought leaders and authors in the business space.  He has written several must read business books including The Pumpkin Plan and Profit First.  When he said he is working on a new book about marketing, he had my attention.  It was then that he told us about the most powerful word in marketing.

Mike’s new book (still in production) will be called Different is Better.  The concept is simple.  When there are thousands of options in nearly every business space, how do you stand out?  It’s not just about being better (though that is great).  It’s about being different.  You must do something to differentiate in the customers mind.

Simple right?  As we know, simple is not the same as easy.

While I am excited to dig into the book and try many of the tactics Mike discussed, there was one thing that caught my attention.  One way to stand out in a sea of competitors is to use the most powerful word in marketing.  What is that magic word?  What simple word can you put on a piece of marketing that will wildly increase the likelihood that your customer will not only read the piece, but maybe also KEEP it?  Let me give you the word…

It’s your customer’s name.

As Mike suggested, we are all attracted to our own name.  If we are in a conversation with someone in a crowded room, and someone mentions our name, it will break through the noise.  We will hear it.  Our name is special to us.  It gets our attention.  It makes our customer feel important…because they are!  If you want a simple way to make your marketing more effective, personalize it.  It’s the marketing equivalent of listening to Beyonce and “putting a ring on it.”

The implications of this are simple and powerful.  If you are going to create a direct mail piece, you are more likely to get it opened if it actually says the customer or prospect’s name rather than “current resident.”  And if you are created a piece of branded merchandise to say thank you to your customers (and you should), what if you personalized that as well?  If you create a vacuum tumbler with your logo on it, how much more would it mean if each customer, team member and board member had their own name on it?  The effect will be powerful.

And as a side note during this pandemic, it’s safer.  If each person has their own tumbler (or other branded piece), then there is a much lower chance of someone drinking out of the wrong tumbler and getting sick.

So now that we are in appreciation season, consider using the most powerful word in marketing to increase the value of your branded gift.  Use your customer’s name and personalize your gift for even more affect!

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How To Use Promotional Products To Grow With Target Accounts

If you read this blog on the regular, you might be thinking something like this.  “Okay I get that you need to retain customers (we talk about that here). I understand you need to grow within your current client base. But at some point you need to get new customers to grow as well!”  

You’re right.  Now more than ever…we need to find new ways to create new revenue.

So let’s focus on that now…with Target Accounts. I think this is one of the most powerful ways to grow your business.

Promotional products are most effectively used when they are targeted.

That is why this concept works so well. Let’s start with the concept.

First, you want to create your “target” list. I have also heard this referred to as the Dream list, Bullseye List, and Bucket List. Regardless of the name, you want to create the list of 100 perfect prospects for your company. These are the exact kinds of clients you want to do business with. I base this list on a number of factors. They include proximity, kinds of businesses, reputation for payment, culture and more. You are going to know the factors that are important for your ideal customer. This is the kind of customer where successfully getting just one of them, will quickly affect your sales numbers!  If you want to dig into this more, check out our free 5 day marketing course.

This is a powerful step for a couple of reasons.

First, as I just said, this Target Customer is the kind who can REALLY impact your sales. They have the wherewithal to purchase what you are selling…in big numbers. Second, it is MUCH more cost effective to market to 100 people than it is 10,000! You can be much more personal, targeted, and relentless!

Now, DO take the time to get them on paper (or in your CRM if you use one). When getting them recorded, make sure to include all the pertinent contact information. This will keep you from “creating reasons” not to follow up. You will have all the information at your fingertips…so no reason not to call!

By the way, this first step is a huge one. Take some time and don’t skimp on the information. You will be glad you have it right in the long run.

Now that you have your list it’s time to create your plan.

I recommend breaking your Target list of 100 into more manageable numbers, like 5 or ten at a time. This does a couple things. First, by breaking the numbers down, you make the list more reasonable to follow up with. In addition, once you have gone through the first 5 (all the way through the process) you have your next 5 all ready to go. You will be glad you did. On more than one occasion I have made the list of only 5, and then when I got through it, got stalled because I had to start the “target list” all over.

Once you have the Target List created, it’s time to make the impact with these great potential customers with promotional products! Now it’s time to have some fun.

If you have chosen wisely (and in this case, I mean big!) you will need to understand that these are clients that most people would want! So they probably have “everyone” marketing and selling to them. That’s the bad news. The good news is, most people are being lazy when reaching out. They are sending letters, or cold calling or some other “shot in the dark” sales technique.

Since you don’t want to blend in with the other wannabes, you need to create a creative campaign that will stand out. I recommend a “three tier” campaign for that. This means you will send 3 creative mailers—one after another—until the follow up.

You really need to stand out here. Don’t just send a letter. If you want fantastic results, you need to set out to make a fantastic impact.

Let’s go through a fictitious example:

Let’s say my friend Bill has a Home Improvement store that focuses on carpet and paint. Though he certainly wants every “do it your-selfer” to think of him, he can make larger sales AND repeat sales if he focuses his marketing efforts on contractors. They are in the market for his products over and over. So Bill might make his Target List starting with contractors he wants to do business with.

This is when the project can really be fun. Here are some ideas for mailers that he might send:

Mailer 1

He sends a box with a nice measuring tape with his stores logo and phone number on it. It would need to be a nice one if he is sending it to a contractor. They won’t appreciate junk on something like that! With the measuring tape he might include a letter asking if their current supplier is “measuring up” on service and price. He might include other verbiage about having “room for growth,” and their specialty being the “height of service.” You get the idea. Have some fun to tie the letter to the item.

Mailer 2

In the second mailer, Bill might send a Giant Pencil. This is really designed to get his attention and make them smile. The letter might include something about “penciling him in for a meeting” or “having trouble finding time to source carpet.” You really want to get the clients raising eyebrows here.

Mailer 3

Finally he might send a nice travel mug with an offer to buy him a cup of coffee. In the letter, explain how you know they are “on the go” and you respect their time. Bill might also promise to keep the business relationship “hot” by giving leads back to the contractor. Then it’s time to let the prospect know that Bill will be following up (if they haven’t called already).  Tell them your intention here.  Don’t beat around the bush.

Now you might be thinking, “Wow! This is a lot of money to throw at one prospect.” And you are right. This is probably $40 to $50 per prospect here. But you also need to remember that these are clients that can spend thousands and thousands each and every year. So their impact can be well worth it. It’s also worth noting that you are not going to spend this much chasing each customer…just the Target list!

Now the procedure becomes simple.

First, choose your 3 to 5 first Target Accounts. (Make it a number you KNOW you can follow up with). I tend to choose them based on the ones I am most excited about working with the soonest. This will give me the most motivation to get this process rolling.

Second, once you have chosen the Targets, send out the mailers. I tend to space them out a week apart. This is a bit of a long sales cycle. But it ensures that they will have time to digest the message, even if they are out on vacation, business travel, etc.

Third, just like any business process, the fortune is in the follow up! You must work the phones now to get your appointments with the Target List. If you have done these mailers right (and been creative) you will have a great deal of success.

Be bull-headed in your follow up though.

You have invested a lot of money on these prospects! Work hard to get some time in front them now!

If you have chosen wisely on your promotional items and your themes, you will not only have made an immediate impact with your Target list, but you will also have the chance to have long term advertising with them as well!

If you want more information on how you can use Promotional Products To Grow With Target Accounts, please head here to learn more about us.  Or just skip that step and head here to schedule a time to chat.

4 Things We Are Thankful For

Happy Thanksgiving!  The holidays are officially upon us.  And as the Black Friday Sales start (on Thursday, no less) it is extremely easy to get sucked into the stress of the holiday season.  We can get too focused on the gifts and less on the meaning.  We get focused on the tasks on the to-do list and less on the point of the exercise. I know I am guilty of it. So on this day of Thanksgiving, I wanted to take just a moment to outline a few of the things I am thankful for here at Hasseman Marketing.

The Team

I really am excited and thankful for the team I get to work with every day.  From different backgrounds and different parts of the country, the inside employees and the outside sales team are what make us go. They are who “Deliver Marketing Joy.”  Thanks to the Hasseman Marketing Team!

Our Customers

Nothing happens until there is a sale.  That is true of any business, and certainly ours.  We so appreciate the faith and trust our customers place in us every day.  Thanks to each and every one of you!

Our Communities

Our Corporate headquarters is in Coshocton, Ohio and we love that area.  We #ChooseCoshocton.  We are proud of it.  We want to have an impact.  But with the nature of our business, we have team members in other communities too.  Yes, we have people in Ohio.  But we also represent communities in Virginia, North Carolina, and California as well.  We are thankful for the opportunity to make a difference in each.

Our Suppliers and Partners

As with most any business, we are not in it alone.  We have a host of fantastic suppliers and partners that help us do what we do.  These suppliers are manufacturers, printers, designers and software developers…and more.  We are thankful for the opportunity to work with each. So thank you!  If you are reading this, you are likely in one of these camps.

All of us at Hasseman Marketing would like to take this chance to give Thanksgiving…for you!